* New translations googletts.properties (French)
* New translations googlestt.properties (French)
* New translations voskstt.properties (French)
* New translations watsonstt.properties (French)
* New translations pollytts.properties (French)
* New translations mqtt.properties (French)
* New translations mqtt.properties (French)
* New translations porcupineks.properties (French)
* New translations openweathermap.properties (Italian)
* New translations openweathermap.properties (German)
* New translations icalendar.properties (Italian)
* New translations network.properties (German)
* New translations atlona.properties (Italian)
* New translations yeelight.properties (Italian)
* New translations yioremote.properties (Italian)
* New translations astro.properties (German)
* New translations deconz.properties (German)
* New translations deconz.properties (Italian)
* New translations pollytts.properties (German)
* New translations mqtt.properties (Italian)
* New translations publictransportswitzerland.properties (Italian)
* New translations mqtt.properties (Italian)
* New translations mqtt.properties (Italian)
* New translations ipp.properties (German)
* Adds a jackson.version property to simplify managing the version
* Make sure the specified version is used as add-on dependency by excluding Jackson from transitive dependencies
* Use openhab.tp-jackson feature with dynamodb
* Remove jackson-dataformat-cbor dependency from features which is now also provided by the openhab.tp-jackson feature
Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <github@maindrain.net>