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synced 2025-02-04 11:24:10 +01:00
* [kermi] Initial working state Signed-off-by: Kai Neuhaus <code@kaineuhaus.com>
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# Kermi Heat pump
Integrates the X-Center Device (X-Center Pro) of Kermi Heat pump.
Kermi X-Center & other attached devices (in progress) are integrated into the Modbus Binding.
This binding was tested and developed with Kermi x-change dynamic pro heat pump (build 2023).
Hint: This binding _may_ also work with devices from "Bösch" in Austria, which is a sub-brand of Kermi, they are nearly identically.
## Prerequisite
Requirement is contacting Kermi Support to activate Modbus-TCP which can be connected directly by network.
Older devices (non-Pro ?) were connected by Modbus-RCP - maybe you can try to connect them here using a Modbus-TCP modulator (e.x. from waveshare or similar).
## Supported Things
First you need a "Modbus TCP-Bridge" which establishes the basic connection towards your X-Center device.
| Name | Thing Type ID | Description |
| Kermi Heat Pump X-Center | kermi-xcenter | Provides (electric) Power values, Flow-information, PV-States, Temperatures and general Information of your Kermi Heat Pump |
## Discovery
This binding does not support autodiscovery.
## Device IDs
| Device | Device ID | Comment |
| X-Center | 40 | on cascade-circuits: slave1: 41, slave2: 42, ...|
## Thing Configuration
The needed Bridge can be found in the **Modbus Binding** and have to be added manually without Discovery.
1. Create _Modbus TCP Slave (Bridge)_ with matching Settings of your Kermi Device:
- **IP Address** - IP Address or hostname of your heatpump
- **Port** - Port of modbus on your heatpump (normally 502)
- **Device ID** - ID on modbus, 40 is default for Kermi (see [Device IDs](#device-ids))
1. Create _Kermi Heat Pump X-Center_ and attach it to the previous installed _Modbus TCP Slave (Bridge)_.
Configuration requires an appropriate Data Refresh Interval with more than 2000 Milliseconds, default is 5000.
If it's too fast, you may experience errors in openHAB or your X-Center!
Reboot if X-Center stops responding on network access.
You can enable "PV Modulation" if you want to read the values (default: disabled)
Details on Configurations explained below.
### Modbus TCP Slave
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| host | text | IP Address or reachable hostname of your device |
| port | integer | TCP Port of your Kermi device Modbus Settings. Default is 502 |
| deviceId | integer | Modbus ID of your Kermi device Modbus Settings. Default is 40 |
### Kermi Heat Pump X-Center
Select as Bridge your previously created Modbus TCP Slave.
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| refresh | integer | Refresh Rate of X-Center values in Milliseconds (default:5000) |
| pvEnabled | boolean | Read PV-Modulation (default:false) |
### Kermi StorageSystemModule (support planned in future releases)
Select as Bridge a separate (second) Modbus TCP Slave.
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| host | text | IP Address or reachable hostname of your device (same as X-Center) |
| port | integer | TCP Port of your Kermi device Modbus Settings. Default is 502 |
| deviceId | integer | Modbus ID of your Kermi device Modbus Settings. Default is 50 |
### Channel-Groups
The X-Center / StorageSystemModule device offers quite an amount of channels.
They are grouped into 7 channel-groups:
- State
- EnergySource
- Charging Circuit
- Power & Efficiency
- Workhours
- Alarm
- PV Modulation
### Channels
#### Status
| Channel Id | Channel | Type | Description |
| global-state-id | Global State ID | Number | State of heat pump as Number, displayed as readable State-Text in UI |
Possible states:
- Standby
- Alarm
- DrinkingWater
- Heating
- Defrost
- Preparing
- Blocked
- EVU Blocktime
- Unavailable
#### Energy-Source
| Channel Id | Channel Label | Channnel Id | Type | Description |
| exit-temperature | Exit temperature | | Number<Temperature> | in °C - Air temperature exiting heat pump |
| incoming-temperature | Incoming temperature | | Number<Temperature> | in °C - Air temperature incoming into heat pump |
| temperature-sensor-outside | Temperature Outside | | Number<Temperature> | in °C - Outside Air Temperature (if connected) |
#### Charging Circuit
| Channel Id | Channel Label | Type | Description |
| flow-temperature | Flow temperature | Number<Temperature> | in °C - Water temperature **from** heat pump to drinking water or heating circuit |
| return-temperature | Return temperature | Number<Temperature> | in °C - Water temperature returning back **to** heat pump |
| flow-speed | Flow speed | Number<VolumetricFlowRate> | in l/min - Flow speed of the water |
#### Power and efficiency
| Channel Id | Channel Label | Type | Description |
| cop | Current COP | Number | current cop overall (Coefficient Of Performance) |
| cop-heating | Current COP heating | Number | cop for heating |
| cop-drinkingwater | Current COP drinking water | Number | cop for drinking water |
| cop-cooling | Current COP cooling | Number | cop for cooling |
| | | | |
| power | Current power | Number<Power> | in W (Watt) - Power overall |
| power-heating | Current power heating | Number<Power> | in W (Watt) - Power for heating |
| power-drinkingwater | Current power drinking water | Number<Power> | in W (Watt) - Power for drinking water |
| power-cooling | Current power cooling | Number<Power> | in W (Watt) - Power for cooling |
| | | | |
| electrical-power | Current electric power | Number<Power> | in W (Watt) - electric Power overall |
| electrical-power-heating | Current electric power heating | Number<Power> | in W (Watt) - electric Power for heating |
| electrical-power-drinkingwater | Current electric power drinking water | Number<Power> | in W (Watt) - electric Power for drinking water |
| electrical-power-cooling | Current electric power cooling | Number<Power> | in W (Watt) - electric Power for cooling |
#### Workhours
| Channel Id | Channel Label | Type | Description |
| workhours-fan | Fan workhours | Number<Time> | in h (hour) - worked hours of the fan |
| workhours-storage-loading-pump | Storage Loading Pump workhours | Number<Time> | in h (hour) - worked hours of the storage loading pump |
| workhours-compressor | Compressor workhours | Number<Time> | in h (hour) - worked hours of the compressor |
#### Alarm
| Channel Id | Channel Label | Type | Description |
| alarm-state | Alarm state | Switch | On / true if an alarm is raised |
#### PV Modulation
| Channel Id | Channel Label | Type | Description |
| pv-state | PV Modulation Active | Switch | On / true if PV Modulation is currently active |
| pv-power | PV Power | Numbery<Power> | in W (Watt) - Power of PV Modulation |
| pv-target-temperature-heating | Target temperature heating | Number<Temperature> | in °C - target Temperature in PV Mode of heating (storage) |
| pv-target-temperature-drinkingwater | Target temperature drinking water | Number<Temperature> | in °C - target Temperature in PV Mode of drinking water (storage) |
## Full Example
Attention: Configuration by file is not recommended. You can configure everything in the main UI.
### `kermi.things` Example
Bridge modbus:tcp:device "Kermi X-Center Modbus TCP" [ host="xcenter", port=502, id=40 ] {
Bridge kermi-xcenter heatpump "Kermi X-Center Heat Pump" [ refresh=5000, pvEnabled=false ]
### Items
Number XCenter_Global_State_Id "X-Center Global State ID" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:state#global-state-id" }
Number:Temperature Heatpump_FlowTemperature "Flow Temperature" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:charging-circuit#flow-temperature" }
Number:Temperature Heatpump_ReturnTemperature "Return Temperature" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:charging-circuit#return-temperature" }
Number:VolumetricFlowRate Heatpump_FlowSpeed "Flow Speed" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:charging-circuit#flow-speed" }
Number:Temperature Heatpump_ExitTemperature "Exit Temperature" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:energy-source#exit-temperature" }
Number:Temperature Heatpump_Incomingtemperature "Incoming temperature" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:energy-source#incoming-temperature" }
Number:Temperature Heatpump_TemperatureOutside "Temperature Outside" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:energy-source#temperature-sensor-outside" }
Number Heatpump_CurrentCOP "Current COP" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#cop" }
Number Heatpump_CurrentCOPHeating "Current COP Heating" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#cop-heating" }
Number Heatpump_CurrentCOPdrinkingwater "Current COP drinking water" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#cop-drinkingwater" }
Number Heatpump_CurrentCOPCooling "Current COP Cooling" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#cop-cooling" }
Number:Power Heatpump_CurrentPower "Current Power" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#power" }
Number:Power Heatpump_Currentpowerheating "Current power heating" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#power-heating" }
Number:Power Heatpump_CurrentPowerDrinkingWater "Current Power Drinking Water" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#power-drinkingwater" }
Number:Power Heatpump_Currentpowercooling "Current power cooling" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#power-cooling" }
Number:Power Heatpump_CurrentElectricPower "Current Electric Power" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#electric-power" }
Number:Power Heatpump_CurrentElectricPowerHeating "Current Electric Power Heating" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#electric-power-heating" }
Number:Power Heatpump_Currentelectricpowerdrinkingwater "Current electric power drinking water" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#electric-power-drinkingwater" }
Number:Power Heatpump_CurrentElectricPowerCooling "Current Electric Power Cooling" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#electric-power-cooling" }
Switch Heatpump_PVModulationActive "PV Modulation Active" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:pv-modulation#pv-state" }
Number:Power Heatpump_PVPower "PV Power" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:pv-modulation#pv-power" }
Number:Temperature Heatpump_PVTempHeating "PV Temp Heating" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:pv-modulation#pv-target-temperature-heating" }
Number:Temperature Heatpump_PVTempDrinkingwater "PV Temp Drinkingwater" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:pv-modulation#pv-target-temperature-drinkingwater" }
Number:Time Heatpump_FanWorkhours "Fan Workhours" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:workhours#workhours-fan" }
Number:Time Heatpump_StorageLoadingPumpWorkhours "StorageLoadingPump Workhours" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:workhours#workhours-storage-loading-pump" }
Number:Time Heatpump_CompressorWorkhours "Compressor Workhours" (kermi) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:workhours#workhours-compressor" }
## Persistence
You can / should persist some items you want to track, maybe you track your power consumption with another device (PV-System or 'smart' electricity meter), so you can compare these values.
Suggestion / Optional:
As these (power & temperature) values are long-running ones, maybe you should invest a little amount of time using influxDB as persistence (additionally to your existing default persistence in openHAB).
InfluxDB is a good storage-solution for long terms and uses very small space for its data. Please read the documentation for better understanding how it works.
### Visualization
As many other users I like and use the Grafana approach (in combination with influxdb).
See here for more information [InfluxDB & Grafana Tutorial](https://community.openhab.org/t/influxdb-grafana-persistence-and-graphing/13761)
### Credits
Credits goes to Bernd Weymann (Author of E3DC-Modbus-Binding).
I used its basic structure / code and handling of Modbus Messages for this binding. Thanks.