Kai Kreuzer 4be0e341d8 Codebase as of f11ddbc2a3 as an initial commit for the shrunk repo
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <>
2020-09-20 23:52:13 +02:00

3.3 KiB

YIOremote Binding

This binding will control a YIO Dock/Remote combination. YIO Remote/Dock is a smart home solution that includes an IP based remote. More information can be found at yio-remote or in the forums at yio-remote.

This binding has been designed to compliment the YIO websocket Transport Protocol.

Since this binding allows actual you to trigger IR send/receive actions on YIO Dock, this allows you to use the YIO Dock as an IR solution to openHAB and even learn new IR codes from your remotes. In other words, if the IR code is known then openHAB can use the YIO Dock to control that Device regardless if there is an openHAB binding for it or not.

Supported Things

  • Thing Type ID: yioremotedock

The following are the configurations available to each of the bridges/things:

YIO Dock

Name Type Required Default Description
host string Yes (None) Host/IP Address or host name of the YIO Dock
accesstoken string Yes 0 The authentication token for the access currently 0


YIO Dock

The YIO Dock has the following channels:

Channel Input/Output Item Type Description
receiverswitch Input Switch The switch to enable disable the IR receiving diode/function
status Output String The status of the YIO Dock. If the reciever is on than the recognized IR code will be displayed otherwise the IR send status is displayed of the last IR code send.


With the YIO remote action, you can send IR Codes via the YIO Remote Dock.


rule "yioremote Action Example"
	val actions = getActions("yioremote", "yioremote:yioremotedock:livingroom")
	if (actions === null)

Full Example


yioremote:yioremotedock:livingroom [ 	host="",	accesstoken="0"  ]


String 	sendircode		"IR CODE [%s]" 			{channel="yioremote:yioremotedock:livingroom:input#	sendircode"}
Switch 	receiverswitch	"IR recieving switch"	{channel="yioremote:yioremotedock:livingroom:input#	receiverswitch"}
String 	status			"YIO Dock status[%s]" 	{channel="yioremote:yioremotedock:livingroom:output#	status"}


sitemap Basic label="YIO Dock" {
        Text item=	sendircode
        Switch item=	receiverswitch
        Text item=	status