* New translations volumio.properties (French)
* New translations astro.properties (Finnish)
* New translations chromecast.properties (Finnish)
* New translations icloud.properties (Finnish)
* New translations tradfri.properties (Finnish)
* New translations icalendar.properties (Finnish)
* New translations dali.properties (Finnish)
* New translations fmiweather.properties (Finnish)
* New translations modbus.properties (Finnish)
* New translations mybmw.properties (Finnish)
* New translations netatmo.properties (Finnish)
* New translations rollershutter.properties (Finnish)
* New translations vat.properties (Finnish)
* New translations avmfritz.properties (Italian)
* New translations enigma2.properties (Italian)
* New translations astro.properties (Dutch)
* New translations openweathermap.properties (Dutch)
* New translations dsmr.properties (Dutch)
* New translations systeminfo.properties (Dutch)
* New translations unifi.properties (Dutch)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (Dutch)
* New translations inmemory.properties (Dutch)
* New translations mapdb.properties (Dutch)
* New translations rrd4j.properties (Dutch)
* New translations smhi.properties (Swedish)
* New translations plex.properties (Italian)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* New translations solarforecast.properties (Finnish)
* New translations nikohomecontrol.properties (Dutch)
* New translations emotiva.properties (Italian)
* New translations volumio.properties (Italian)
* New translations siemenshvac.properties (Italian)
* [openwebnet] added new channels: targetTemperature, heating and cooling to bus_thermo_zone
* [openwebnet] cleaner code in updateModeAndFunction() to handle *4*1*w## messages
* [openwebnet] Updated README. Added new device images
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
* [openwebnet] added vacationDays channel
* [openwebnet] Added support for HOLIDAY/VACATION Thermo CU modes.
Refactored Thermo mode handling using updated OWN lib.
Bump openwebnet lib to 0.13.0.
* [openwebnet] added checks for some corner cases
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (Danish)
* New translations hdpowerview.properties (Danish)
* feat(energy): get current day and current month totalizers
* fixed unit (Power:Energy), refreshPeriod config and scheduler
Signed-off-by: Giovanni Fabiani <fabiani.giovanni@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Conte Andrea <andrea@conte.com>
* [openwebnet] Fixes changing and startup value for Weekly/Scenario modes
* [openwebnet] Thermo: Fixed CU setpointTemp not restored
* [openwebnet] fix update of atLeastOneProbeX channels for CU Fixes#15103
Bumped lib openwebnet4j to 0.10.1
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
Updated: README, `where` parameter description for Things and channels descriptions.
Added `AUTO` option for mode channel-type.
Added `OFF` option for speedFanCoil channel-type.
Updated default translations.
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
* New translations mail.properties (French)
* New translations renault.properties (French)
* New translations netatmo.properties (French)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (French)
* New translations anthem.properties (French)
* New translations plex.properties (French)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* New translations energidataservice.properties (Italian)
* New translations androidtv.properties (Italian)
* New translations netatmo.properties (French)
* [openwebnet] Backward support for CU configurations with where="0"
* [openwebnet] fix send in handleSetProgramNumber()
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
* [openwebnet] support for thermo cu discovery
* [openwebnet] fixed discovery for 4-zones CU and support in ThermoHandler
* [openwebnet] updated openwebnet.properties#cu.where.description
* [openwebnet] updated OwnIdTest with CU-4 test
* [openwebnet] Fix ownId for CU 4-zone case. Update README
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
* [openwebnet] improved shutterRun calibration and README
* [openwebnet] added Thing status detail when bridge is offline
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
* New translations jruby.properties (German)
* New translations knx.properties (German)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* New translations anthem.properties (Italian)
* New translations deconz.properties (German)
* New translations netatmo.properties (Italian)
* New translations avmfritz.properties (German)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* [openwebnet] reset zones alarm channel when system is armed and added NONE state
* [openwebnet] added Technical reset alarm. Changes after 1st review
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
* [openwebnet] first changes for Alarm support
* [openwebnet] added first version Alarm handler
* [openwebnet] added ownIdTest for Alarm
* [openwebnet] added things def for Alarm and discovery for alarm zone
* [openwebnet] refreshDevice
* [openwebnet] fix text formatting
* [openwebnet] fixes
* [openwebnet] added other alarm channels
* [openwebnet] Alarm: codestyle and null checks
* [openwebnet] updated Alarm examples in README and some cleanup
* [openwebnet] changed zone channel from armed to state, cleaned README
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>
* New translations ambientweather.properties (Italian)
* New translations amazonechocontrol.properties (Italian)
* New translations jpa.properties (Italian)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* [openwebnet] added first support for WHO=0 scenarios
* [openwebnet] channels indent
* [openwebnet] formatting
* [openwebnet] set WHO=0 thing online automatically. Update to openwebnet4j 0.9.0
Signed-off-by: Massimo Valla <mvcode00@gmail.com>