* New translations googletts.properties (French)
* New translations googlestt.properties (French)
* New translations voskstt.properties (French)
* New translations watsonstt.properties (French)
* New translations pollytts.properties (French)
* New translations mqtt.properties (French)
* New translations mqtt.properties (French)
* New translations porcupineks.properties (French)
* [googlestt|voskstt] change default maxSilenceSeconds to 3
* [watsonstt] add singleUtterance mode, rename inativityTimeout to maxSilenceSeconds and minor improvements
* [watsonstt] trim transcription
Signed-off-by: Miguel Álvarez Díez <miguelwork92@gmail.com>
* New translations deconz.properties (Italian)
* New translations dynamodb.properties (Finnish)
* New translations guntamatic.properties (Italian)
* New translations ipp.properties (German)
* New translations luxtronikheatpump.properties (German)
* New translations mqtt.properties (Italian)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (German)
* New translations voskstt.properties (Italian)
* New translations watsonstt.properties (Italian)