* New translations lgwebos.properties (French)
* New translations openuv.properties (French)
* New translations exec.properties (French)
* New translations electroluxair.properties (French)
* New translations rollershutter.properties (French)
* New translations vat.properties (French)
* New translations chatgpt.properties (French)
* Declare missing connection attribute
* change mactts, marytts, and picotts to none for consistency
Signed-off-by: Holger Friedrich <mail@holger-friedrich.de>
* New translations fineoffsetweatherstation.properties (German)
* New translations tr064.properties (German)
* New translations rollershutter.properties (German)
* New translations vat.properties (German)
* New translations mielecloud.properties (German)
* New translations speedtest.properties (Italian)