* Add i18n-maven-plugin to make internationalization easier
This plugin simplifies generating the default translation .properties files from the add-on XML information files.
It reuses the same XStream parsing classes that are used by openhab-core for parsing the binding/config/thing XML files.
It will also keep any existing default translations already present in property files for translations using `@text/`.
Furthermore it will nicely group and sort the translations.
After building this Maven plugin you can use it on add-ons using:
`mvn org.openhab.core.tools:i18n-maven-plugin:3.2.0-SNAPSHOT:generate-default-translations`
Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <github@maindrain.net>
This archetype generates bindings for the new bnd based build system.
It also updates specific bundle files that need information about the new binding.
This doesn't yet include generation of test projects.
Signed-off-by: Hilbrand Bouwkamp <hilbrand@h72.nl>