Kai Kreuzer bbf1a7fd29 Codebase as of c53e4aed26 as an initial commit for the shrunk repo
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <>
2020-09-20 23:57:58 +02:00

24 lines
2.1 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suppressions PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Suppressions 1.1//EN" "">
<!-- These suppressions define which files to be suppressed for which checks. -->
<suppress files=".+[\\/]internal[\\/].+\.java" checks="JavadocType|JavadocVariable|JavadocMethod|MissingJavadocFilterCheck"/>
<suppress files=".+DTO\.java" checks="JavadocType|JavadocVariable|JavadocMethod|MissingJavadocFilterCheck|NullAnnotationsCheck" />
<suppress files=".+Impl\.java" checks="JavadocType|JavadocVariable|JavadocMethod|MissingJavadocFilterCheck"/>
<!-- Homematic and Tellstick bindings are creating and configuring things dynamically, they will log false positives for unused configuration -->
<!-- IO and Voice bundles have specific use cases - they use only the config .xml files and will log false positives as well -->
<suppress files=".+org.openhab.binding.homematic.+|.+org.openhab.binding.tellstick.+||.+org.openhab.voice.+" checks="EshInfXmlCheck"/>
<!-- Some checks will be supressed for test bundles -->
<suppress files=".+.test[\\/].+" checks="RequireBundleCheck"/>
<!-- There is a single class inside org.openhab.voice.voicerss.tool, which is meant to be called from the command line.
Moving it to "internal" is also not ideal as it is a documented tool. -->
<suppress files=".+org.openhab.voice.voicerss.+" checks="PackageExportsNameCheck"/>
<!-- Allow the usage of scheduleAtFixedRate in FadingWiFiLEDDriver class -->
<suppress files="" checks="AvoidScheduleAtFixedRateCheck"/>
<suppress files=".+[\\/]pom\.xml" checks="OnlyTabIndentationCheck|OnlyTabIndentationInXmlFilesCheck"/>
<suppress files=".+org.openhab.binding.yeelight.+" checks="OutsideOfLibExternalLibrariesCheck" />
<!-- suppress header checks for imported and patched apache commons-io files in logreader binding -->
<suppress files=".+org.openhab.binding.logreader.internal.thirdparty.commonsio.+" checks="ParameterizedRegexpHeaderCheck|AuthorTagCheck" />