Wouter Born 4d67ef2a6b
Apply Spotless on disabled add-ons (#8568)
This should make it easier to fix these broken add-ons and the PRs that fix them will then not contain all these changes which make them easier to review.

Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <>
2020-09-24 15:02:38 +02:00
doc/conf added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
src/main Apply Spotless on disabled add-ons (#8568) 2020-09-24 15:02:38 +02:00
NOTICE added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00
pom.xml added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00 added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00

Velux Binding

This binding integrates the Velux devices with help of a gateway, the Velux Bridge KLF200, which is able to control 200 actuators. The Velux Binding interacts via the Velux Bridge with any io-homecontrol-based devices like window openers, shutters and others.

Based on the VELUX API this binding integrates Velux and other io-homecontrol devices directly into the openHAB, avoiding the necessity of any cloud-based mediation infrastructures. The complete home-automation will work even without any Internet connectivity.

For details about the features, see the following websites:


As the API is widely open, there are several use cases which are supported by the Bridge: From the complete configuration of a set of io-homecontrol devices including registration, naming, grouping, crypto key setup and exchange, the definition of intended settings, so called scenes, up to the control of single devices, i.e. open window of bathroom up to 45%.

The following areas are covered:

Topic Details
General bridge commands SW version(*), Gateway state(*), Learn state, Clock, Reboot, FactoryReset, Network Setup(+)
Configuration Services Node Discovery, Node Removal, Controller Copy, Crypto Key Generation, Crypto Key Exchange, Actuator config
Information Services House Monitoring Service(*), Node information(+), Group information
Activation Logging
Command Handling Command activation(*), Command interruption(*), Status Request(*), Actuator Identification(*), Limitations
Scene Handling Scene definition, Scene execution(*), Scene deletion, Scene renaming, Scene Overview(*)
Physical I/O Handling I/O Port setup

Items marked with (*) are fully implemented. Items marked with (+) have only partial support.

Binding Configuration

To simplify the initial provisioning, the binding provides one thing which can be found by autodiscovery: This thing named Velux Binding Information establishes one channel named information describing the current binding state in a (hopefully) human understandable fashion. Additionally it will give three properties with the version number of the bundle, the number of registered bridges and number of overall things attached to the bridge(s).

The Velux KLF200 bridge has to be configured with some parameters, at least with the IP address of the bridge.

Property Default Required Description
ipAddress Yes Hostname or address for accessing the Velux Bridge.
protocol slip No Underlying communication protocol (http/https/slip).
tcpPort 51200 No TCP port (80 or 51200) for accessing the Velux Bridge.
password velux123 No Password for authentication against the Velux Bridge.(**)
timeoutMsecs 1000 No Initial Connection timeout in milliseconds.
retries 5 No Number of retries during I/O.
refreshMsecs 10000 No Refresh interval in milliseconds.
isBulkRetrievalEnabled yes No Load all scenes and actuators in one step.
isSequentialEnforced no No Enforce Sequential Actuator Control even for long operations.
isProtocolTraceEnabled no No Show any protocol interaction (loglevel INFO).

(**) Note: This password is the API password that is printed on the back of the unit. Normally it differs from the password of the web frontend.

Advise: if you see a significant number of messages per day like

 communicate(): socket I/O failed continuously (x times).

please increase the parameters retries or/and timeoutMsecs.

For your convenience you'll see a log entry for the recognized configuration within the log file i.e.

2018-07-23 20:40:24.746 [INFO ] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - veluxConfig[ipAddress=,tcpPort=80,password=********,timeoutMsecs=2000,retries=10]

The Velux Things (beside the mentioned bridge) are Velux Window, Velux Rollershutter, and a generic Velux Actuator and Velux Scene. The 1st three Things have to be configured with an identification by their serial number.

Property Default Required Description
serial Yes Serial number of the io-homecontrol device.
name No (Optional) name of the io-homecontrol device.
inverted false No Inverts any device values.

The fourth Thing, the Velux Scene, has to be configured with an identification by their scenename.

Property Default Required Description
sceneName Yes Name of the io-homecontrol configuration.

The fifth Thing, the Velux Virtual Shutter, has to be configured with pairs of level combined with the appropriate scenenames.

Property Default Required Description
sceneLevels Yes ,,,,....
currentLevel 0 No Inverts any device values.


Unfortunately there is no way to discover the Velux bridge itself within the local network. But after configuring the Velux Bridge, it is possible to discover all scenes and actuators like windows and rollershutters by the binding.

Item Configuration

The Items of a Velux Bridge consists in general of a pair of mastertype and subtype definition. In the appropriate items file, i.e. velux.items, this looks like

{ velux="thing=<Mastertype>;channel=<Subtype>" }

Optionally the subtype is enhanced with parameters like the appropriate name of the scene.

{ velux="thing=<Mastertype>;channel=<Subtype>#<Parameter>" }
Mastertype Description
binding Provides informations for easier configuration of this binding.
bridge The Velux KLF200 represents a gateway to all Velux devices.
scene Named ordered set of product states which can be activated for execution.
actuator Generic IO-home controlled device which can be maintained by parameter settings.
window IO-home controlled device of type window.
rollershutter IO-home controlled device of type rollershutter.
vshutter IO-home controlled device of type rollershutter.


Subtype Item Type Description Mastertype Parameter
information String Describes the current state of the binding binding N/A
status String Current Bridge State (***) bridge N/A
reload Switch Reload information from bridge into binding bridge N/A
timestamp Number Timestamp of last successful device interaction bridge N/A
doDetection Switch Start of the product detection mode bridge N/A
firmware String Software version of the Bridge bridge N/A
ipAddress String IP address of the Bridge bridge N/A
subnetMask String IP subnetmask of the Bridge bridge N/A
defaultGW String IP address of the Default Gateway of the Bridge bridge N/A
DHCP Switch Flag whether automatic IP configuration is enabled bridge N/A
WLANSSID String Name of the wireless network bridge N/A
WLANPassword String WLAN Authentication Password bridge N/A
products String List of all recognized products bridge N/A
scenes String List of all defined scenes bridge N/A
check String Result of the check of current item configuration bridge N/A
shutter Rollershutter Virtual rollershutter as combination of different scenes bridge required
-------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -----------
serial String IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) (*****) actuator required
position Rollershutter Position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) actuator optional
state Switch State of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device actuator optional
limitMinimum Rollershutter Minimum position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) actuator optional
limitMaximum Rollershutter Maximum position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) actuator optional
-------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -----------
serial String IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) (*****) window required
position Rollershutter Position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) window optional
limitMinimum Rollershutter Minimum position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) window optional
limitMaximum Rollershutter Maximum position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) window optional
-------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -----------
serial String IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) (*****) rollershutter required
position Rollershutter Position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) rollershutter optional
limitMinimum Rollershutter Minimum position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) rollershutter optional
limitMaximum Rollershutter Maximum position of the IO-Homecontrol'ed device (****) rollershutter optional
-------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -----------
sceneName String Defines the scene by name according to registration in KLF200 scene required
action Switch Activates a set of predefined product settings scene optional
silentMode Switch Modification of the silent mode of the defined product settings scene optional

Notes: (***) The existence of this item triggers the continuous realtime status updates of any Velux item like shutters even if they are manually controlled by other controllers.

(****) To enable a complete invertion of all parameter values (i.e. for Velux windows), use the property inverted or add a trailing star to the eight-byte serial number. For an example, see below at item Velux DG Window Bathroom.

(*****) Somfy devices does not provides a valid serial number to the Velux KLF200 gateway: The bridge reports a registration of the serial number 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00. Therefore the binding implements a fallback to allow an item specification with a actuator name instead of actuator serial number whenever such an invalid serial number occurs. For an example, see below at item Velux OG Somfy Shutter.

Subtype Parameters

In case of the scene-related subtypes, action and silentMode, the specification of the related scene as parameters is necessary;

{ velux="thing=scene;channel=<Subtype>#<Parameter>" }

The subtype shutter requires an even pair of parameters, each defining the shutter level and the related scene:

{ velux="thing=brigde;channel=shutter#<Level1>,<Scene1>,<Level2>,<Scene2>" }

Rain Sensor

Unfortunately Velux has decided to closely integrate the rain sensor into the window device. The rain sensor is therefore not displayed in the device list. On the other hand, the 'limitMinimum' channel of a roof window now provides information about rainy weather: if it is set internally by the Velux control unit to a value other than zero, it rains.

Virtual shutter

As the bridge with firmware version one does not support a real rollershutter interaction, this binding provides a virtual rollershutter consisting of different scenes which set a specific shutter level. Therefore the item definition contains multiple pairs of rollershutter levels each followed by a scene name, which leads to this setting.


Sample items file for textual configuration


Sample sitemaps file for textual configuration


Sample rules file for textual configuration


Sample things file for textual configuration

More automation samples

At this point some interesting automation rules are included to demonstrate the power of this gateway to the io-homecontrol world.

Closing windows after a period of time

Especially in the colder months, it is advisable to close the window after adequate ventilation. Therefore, automatic closing after one minute is good to save on heating costs. However, to allow the case of intentional prolonged opening, an automatic closure is made only with the window fully open.

 * Start of imports

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*

 * Start of rules

rule "V_WINDOW_changed"
	Item V_WINDOW changed
	logInfo("rules.V_WINDOW",	"V_WINDOW_changes() called.")
	// Get the sensor value
	val Number windowState = V_WINDOW.state as DecimalType
	logWarn("rules.V_WINDOW", "Window state is "+windowState+".")
	if (windowState < 80) {
		if (windowState == 0) {
			logWarn("rules.V_WINDOW", "V-WINDOW changed to fully open.")

			var int interval = 1
        		createTimer(now.plusMinutes(interval)) [|
				logWarn("rules.V_WINDOW:event", "event-V_WINDOW(): setting V-WINDOW to 100.")
    				logWarn("rules.V_WINDOW:event", "event-V_WINDOW done.")
    		} else {
			logWarn("rules.V_WINDOW", "V-WINDOW changed to partially open.")
	// Check type of item
	logDebug("rules.V_WINDOW",	"V_WINDOW_changes finished.")

 * end-of-rules/V_WINDOW.rules


For those who are interested in more detailed insight of the processing of this binding, a deeper look can be achieved by increased loglevel.

With Karaf you can use the following command sequence:

log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.velux

This, of course, is possible on command line with the commands:

% openhab-cli console log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.velux 
% openhab-cli console log:tail org.openhab.binding.velux

On the other hand, if you prefer a textual configuration, you can append the logging definition with:

	<logger name="org.openhab.binding.velux" level="TRACE">
		<appender-ref ref="FILE" />

During startup of normal operations, there should be only some few messages within the logfile, like:

[INFO ] [nal.VeluxValidatedBridgeConfiguration] - veluxConfig[protocol=slip,ipAddress=,tcpPort=51200,password=********,timeoutMsecs=1000,retries=5,refreshMsecs=15000,isBulkRetrievalEnabled=true]
[INFO ] [] - Starting velux bridge connection.
[INFO ] [hab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - velux bridge connection successfully established (login succeeded).
[INFO ] [ding.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - Found velux scenes:
        Scene "V_Shutter_West_100" (index 5) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Shutter_West_000" (index 4) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Shutter_Ost_090" (index 10) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Window_Mitte_005" (index 3) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Window_Mitte_000" (index 1) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Window_Mitte_100" (index 2) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Shutter_West_090" (index 7) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Window_Mitte_010" (index 0) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Shutter_Ost_000" (index 8) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
        Scene "V_Shutter_Ost_100" (index 9) with non-silent mode and 0 actions       .
[INFO ] [ding.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - Found velux actuators:
        Product "M_Rollershutter" / ROLLER_SHUTTER (bridgeIndex=4,serial=43:12:14:5A:12:1C:05:5F,position=0010)
        Product "O_Rollershutter" / ROLLER_SHUTTER (bridgeIndex=3,serial=43:12:40:5A:0C:23:0A:6E,position=0000)
        Product "M_Window" / WINDOW_OPENER (bridgeIndex=0,serial=43:12:3E:26:0C:1B:00:10,position=C800)
        Product "W-Rollershutter" / ROLLER_SHUTTER (bridgeIndex=1,serial=43:12:40:5A:0C:2A:05:64,position=0000)      .
[INFO ] [ding.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - velux Bridge is online with 10 scenes and 4 actuators, now.

However if you have set the configuration parameter isProtocolTraceEnabled to true, you'll see the complete sequence of exchanged messages:

[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Sending command GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ.
[INFO ] [] - Starting velux bridge connection.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM.
[INFO ] [g.velux.internal.bridge.slip.SClogin] - velux bridge connection successfully established (login succeeded).
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Sending command GW_COMMAND_SEND_REQ.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_COMMAND_SEND_CFM.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Sending command GW_GET_LIMITATION_STATUS_REQ.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_NODE_STATE_POSITION_CHANGED_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_COMMAND_RUN_STATUS_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_COMMAND_RUN_STATUS_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_SESSION_FINISHED_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_NODE_STATE_POSITION_CHANGED_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_LIMITATION_STATUS_CFM.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_LIMITATION_STATUS_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Sending command GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_REQ.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_COMMAND_RUN_STATUS_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_SESSION_FINISHED_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_CFM.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Sending command GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_REQ.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_CFM.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Sending command GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_REQ.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_CFM.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Sending command GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_REQ.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_CFM.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Received answer GW_GET_NODE_INFORMATION_NTF.
[INFO ] [internal.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - Sending command GW_GET_LIMITATION_STATUS_REQ.

Supported/Tested Firmware Revisions

The Velux Bridge in API version one (firmware version 0.1.1.*) allows activating a set of predefined actions, so called scenes. Therefore beside the bridge, only one main thing exists, the scene element. The next-generation firmware version two is not backward compatible, and does not provide a public web frontend, but version two does provide full access to any IO-Home compatible devices not limited to Velux and includes many different features.

Firmware revision Release date Description 2016-06-01 Default factory shipping revision. 2017-07-01 Public Web Frontend w/ JSON-API. 2017-12-14 Public Web Frontend w/ JSON-API. 2018-09-27 Public SLIP-API w/ private-only WLAN-based Web Frontend w/ JSON-API.


  • Velux bridges cannot be returned to version one of the firmware after being upgraded to version two.
  • Firmware updates are currently provided at Velux download area.

Is it possible to run the both communication methods in parallel?

For environments with the firmware version 0.1.* on the gateway, the interaction with the bridge is limited to the HTTP/JSON based communication, of course. On the other hand, after upgrading the gateway firmware to version 2, it is possible to run the binding either using HTTP/JSON if there is a permanent connectivity towards the WLAN interface of the KLF200 or using SLIP towards the LAN interface of the gateway. For example the Raspberry PI can directly be connected via WLAN to the Velux gateway and providing the other services via the LAN interface (but not vice versa).

Known Limitations

The communication based on HTTP/JSON is limited to one connection: If the binding is operational, you won't get access to the Web Frontend in parallel.

The SLIP communication is limited to two connections in parallel, i.e. two different openHAB bindings - or - one openHAB binding and another platform connection.

Both interfacing methods, HTTP/JSON and SLIP, can be run in parallel. Therefore, on the one hand you can use the Web Frontend for manual control and on the other hand a binding can do all automatic jobs.

Unknown Velux devices

All known Velux devices can be handled by this binding. However, there might be some new ones which will be reported within the logfiles. Therefore, error messages like the one below should be reported to the maintainers so that the new Velux device type can be incorporated."

[ERROR] [g.velux.things.VeluxProductReference] - PLEASE REPORT THIS TO MAINTAINER: VeluxProductReference(3) has found an unregistered ProductTypeId.