2024-12-30 17:05:15 +00:00
pom.xml [unleash-maven-plugin] Preparation for next development cycle. 2024-12-30 17:05:15 +00:00

Kermi Heat pump

Integrates the X-Center Device (X-Center Pro) of Kermi Heat pump. Kermi X-Center & other attached devices (in progress) are integrated into the Modbus Binding.

This binding was tested and developed with Kermi x-change dynamic pro heat pump (build 2023).

Hint: This binding may also work with devices from "Bösch" in Austria, which is a sub-brand of Kermi, they are nearly identically.


Requirement is contacting Kermi Support to activate Modbus-TCP which can be connected directly by network. Older devices (non-Pro ?) were connected by Modbus-RCP - maybe you can try to connect them here using a Modbus-TCP modulator (e.x. from waveshare or similar).

Supported Things

First you need a "Modbus TCP-Bridge" which establishes the basic connection towards your X-Center device.

Name Thing Type ID Description
Kermi Heat Pump X-Center kermi-xcenter Provides (electric) Power values, Flow-information, PV-States, Temperatures and general Information of your Kermi Heat Pump


This binding does not support autodiscovery.

Device IDs

Device Device ID Comment
X-Center 40 on cascade-circuits: slave1: 41, slave2: 42, ...

Thing Configuration

The needed Bridge can be found in the Modbus Binding and have to be added manually without Discovery.

  1. Create Modbus TCP Slave (Bridge) with matching Settings of your Kermi Device:
  • IP Address - IP Address or hostname of your heatpump
  • Port - Port of modbus on your heatpump (normally 502)
  • Device ID - ID on modbus, 40 is default for Kermi (see Device IDs)
  1. Create Kermi Heat Pump X-Center and attach it to the previous installed Modbus TCP Slave (Bridge). Configuration requires an appropriate Data Refresh Interval with more than 2000 Milliseconds, default is 5000. If it's too fast, you may experience errors in openHAB or your X-Center! Reboot if X-Center stops responding on network access. You can enable "PV Modulation" if you want to read the values (default: disabled)

Details on Configurations explained below.

Modbus TCP Slave

Parameter Type Description
host text IP Address or reachable hostname of your device
port integer TCP Port of your Kermi device Modbus Settings. Default is 502
deviceId integer Modbus ID of your Kermi device Modbus Settings. Default is 40

Kermi Heat Pump X-Center

Select as Bridge your previously created Modbus TCP Slave.

Parameter Type Description
refresh integer Refresh Rate of X-Center values in Milliseconds (default:5000)
pvEnabled boolean Read PV-Modulation (default:false)

Kermi StorageSystemModule (support planned in future releases)

Select as Bridge a separate (second) Modbus TCP Slave.

Parameter Type Description
host text IP Address or reachable hostname of your device (same as X-Center)
port integer TCP Port of your Kermi device Modbus Settings. Default is 502
deviceId integer Modbus ID of your Kermi device Modbus Settings. Default is 50


The X-Center / StorageSystemModule device offers quite an amount of channels. They are grouped into 7 channel-groups:

  • State
  • EnergySource
  • Charging Circuit
  • Power & Efficiency
  • Workhours
  • Alarm
  • PV Modulation



Channel Id Channel Type Description
global-state-id Global State ID Number State of heat pump as Number, displayed as readable State-Text in UI

Possible states:

  • Standby
  • Alarm
  • DrinkingWater
  • Heating
  • Defrost
  • Preparing
  • Blocked
  • EVU Blocktime
  • Unavailable


Channel Id Channel Label Channnel Id Type Description
exit-temperature Exit temperature Number in °C - Air temperature exiting heat pump
incoming-temperature Incoming temperature Number in °C - Air temperature incoming into heat pump
temperature-sensor-outside Temperature Outside Number in °C - Outside Air Temperature (if connected)

Charging Circuit

Channel Id Channel Label Type Description
flow-temperature Flow temperature Number in °C - Water temperature from heat pump to drinking water or heating circuit
return-temperature Return temperature Number in °C - Water temperature returning back to heat pump
flow-speed Flow speed Number in l/min - Flow speed of the water

Power and efficiency

Channel Id Channel Label Type Description
cop Current COP Number current cop overall (Coefficient Of Performance)
cop-heating Current COP heating Number cop for heating
cop-drinkingwater Current COP drinking water Number cop for drinking water
cop-cooling Current COP cooling Number cop for cooling
power Current power Number in W (Watt) - Power overall
power-heating Current power heating Number in W (Watt) - Power for heating
power-drinkingwater Current power drinking water Number in W (Watt) - Power for drinking water
power-cooling Current power cooling Number in W (Watt) - Power for cooling
electrical-power Current electric power Number in W (Watt) - electric Power overall
electrical-power-heating Current electric power heating Number in W (Watt) - electric Power for heating
electrical-power-drinkingwater Current electric power drinking water Number in W (Watt) - electric Power for drinking water
electrical-power-cooling Current electric power cooling Number in W (Watt) - electric Power for cooling


Channel Id Channel Label Type Description
workhours-fan Fan workhours Number in h (hour) - worked hours of the fan
workhours-storage-loading-pump Storage Loading Pump workhours Number in h (hour) - worked hours of the storage loading pump
workhours-compressor Compressor workhours Number in h (hour) - worked hours of the compressor


Channel Id Channel Label Type Description
alarm-state Alarm state Switch On / true if an alarm is raised

PV Modulation

Channel Id Channel Label Type Description
pv-state PV Modulation Active Switch On / true if PV Modulation is currently active
pv-power PV Power Numbery in W (Watt) - Power of PV Modulation
pv-target-temperature-heating Target temperature heating Number in °C - target Temperature in PV Mode of heating (storage)
pv-target-temperature-drinkingwater Target temperature drinking water Number in °C - target Temperature in PV Mode of drinking water (storage)

Full Example

Attention: Configuration by file is not recommended. You can configure everything in the main UI.

kermi.things Example

Bridge modbus:tcp:device "Kermi X-Center Modbus TCP" [ host="xcenter", port=502, id=40 ] {
  Bridge kermi-xcenter heatpump "Kermi X-Center Heat Pump" [ refresh=5000, pvEnabled=false ]


Number    XCenter_Global_State_Id                 "X-Center Global State ID"            (kermi)      { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:state#global-state-id" }

Number:Temperature        Heatpump_FlowTemperature       "Flow Temperature" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:charging-circuit#flow-temperature" }
Number:Temperature        Heatpump_ReturnTemperature     "Return Temperature" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:charging-circuit#return-temperature" }
Number:VolumetricFlowRate Heatpump_FlowSpeed             "Flow Speed" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:charging-circuit#flow-speed" }

Number:Temperature        Heatpump_ExitTemperature       "Exit Temperature" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:energy-source#exit-temperature" }
Number:Temperature        Heatpump_Incomingtemperature   "Incoming temperature" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:energy-source#incoming-temperature" }
Number:Temperature        Heatpump_TemperatureOutside    "Temperature Outside" (kermi,persist) { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:energy-source#temperature-sensor-outside" }

Number                    Heatpump_CurrentCOP                                "Current COP"                             (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#cop" }
Number                    Heatpump_CurrentCOPHeating                         "Current COP Heating"                     (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#cop-heating" }
Number                    Heatpump_CurrentCOPdrinkingwater                   "Current COP drinking water"              (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#cop-drinkingwater" }
Number                    Heatpump_CurrentCOPCooling                         "Current COP Cooling"                     (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#cop-cooling" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_CurrentPower                              "Current Power"                           (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#power" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_Currentpowerheating                       "Current power heating"                   (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#power-heating" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_CurrentPowerDrinkingWater                 "Current Power Drinking Water"            (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#power-drinkingwater" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_Currentpowercooling                       "Current power cooling"                   (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#power-cooling" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_CurrentElectricPower                      "Current Electric Power"                  (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#electric-power" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_CurrentElectricPowerHeating               "Current Electric Power Heating"          (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#electric-power-heating" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_Currentelectricpowerdrinkingwater         "Current electric power drinking water"   (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#electric-power-drinkingwater" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_CurrentElectricPowerCooling               "Current Electric Power Cooling"          (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:power-channel#electric-power-cooling" }

Switch                    Heatpump_PVModulationActive                        "PV Modulation Active"                    (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:pv-modulation#pv-state" }
Number:Power              Heatpump_PVPower                                   "PV Power"                                (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:pv-modulation#pv-power" }
Number:Temperature        Heatpump_PVTempHeating                             "PV Temp Heating"                         (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:pv-modulation#pv-target-temperature-heating" }
Number:Temperature        Heatpump_PVTempDrinkingwater                       "PV Temp Drinkingwater"                   (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:pv-modulation#pv-target-temperature-drinkingwater" }

Number:Time               Heatpump_FanWorkhours                              "Fan Workhours"                           (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:workhours#workhours-fan" }
Number:Time               Heatpump_StorageLoadingPumpWorkhours               "StorageLoadingPump Workhours"            (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:workhours#workhours-storage-loading-pump" }
Number:Time               Heatpump_CompressorWorkhours                       "Compressor Workhours"                    (kermi)         { channel="modbus:tcp:device:heatpump:workhours#workhours-compressor" }


You can / should persist some items you want to track, maybe you track your power consumption with another device (PV-System or 'smart' electricity meter), so you can compare these values.

Suggestion / Optional:
As these (power & temperature) values are long-running ones, maybe you should invest a little amount of time using influxDB as persistence (additionally to your existing default persistence in openHAB). InfluxDB is a good storage-solution for long terms and uses very small space for its data. Please read the documentation for better understanding how it works.


As many other users I like and use the Grafana approach (in combination with influxdb). See here for more information InfluxDB & Grafana Tutorial


Credits goes to Bernd Weymann (Author of E3DC-Modbus-Binding). I used its basic structure / code and handling of Modbus Messages for this binding. Thanks.