# Vosk Speech-to-Text Vosk STT Service uses [vosk-api](https://github.com/alphacep/vosk-api) to perform offline speech-to-text in openHAB. [Vosk](https://alphacephei.com/vosk/) is an offline open source speech recognition toolkit. It enables speech recognition for 20+ languages and dialects - English, Indian English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Italian, Dutch, Catalan, Arabic, Greek, Farsi, Filipino, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Swedish, Japanese, Esperanto. More to come. ## Supported platforms This add-on uses an underling binary to work. The following platforms are supported: - linux-aarch64 - linux-armv7l - linux-x86_64 - osx - win64 **On Linux this binary requires the package libatomic to be installed (apt install libatomic1).** ## Configuring the model Before you can use this service you should configure your language model. You can download it from [here](https://alphacephei.com/vosk/models). You should unzip the contained folder into '\/vosk/' and rename it to model for the add-on to work. ## Configuration ### Speech to Text Configuration Use your favorite configuration UI to edit **Settings / Other Services - Vosk Speech-to-Text**: - **Preload Model** - Keep language model loaded. - **Single Utterance Mode** - When enabled recognition stops listening after a single utterance. - **Max Transcription Seconds** - Max seconds to wait to force stop the transcription. - **Max Silence Seconds** - Only works when singleUtteranceMode is disabled, max seconds without getting new transcriptions to stop listening. ### Messages Configuration Use your favorite configuration UI to edit **Settings / Other Services - Vosk Speech-to-Text**: - **No Results Message** - Message to be told when no results. - **Error Message** - Message to be told when an error has happened. ### Configuration via a text file In case you would like to setup the service via a text file, create a new file in `$OPENHAB_ROOT/conf/services` named `voskstt.cfg` Its contents should look similar to: ```ini org.openhab.voice.voskstt:preloadModel=false org.openhab.voice.voskstt:singleUtteranceMode=true org.openhab.voice.voskstt:maxTranscriptionSeconds=60 org.openhab.voice.voskstt:maxSilenceSeconds=5 org.openhab.voice.voskstt:noResultsMessage="Sorry, I didn't understand you" org.openhab.voice.voskstt:errorMessage="Sorry, something went wrong" ``` ### Default Speech-to-Text Configuration You can setup your preferred default Speech-to-Text in the UI: - Go to **Settings**. - Edit **System Services - Voice**. - Set **Vosk** as **Speech-to-Text**. In case you would like to setup these settings via a text file, you can edit the file `runtime.cfg` in `$OPENHAB_ROOT/conf/services` and set the following entries: ```ini org.openhab.voice:defaultSTT=voskstt ```