# Growatt Binding This binding supports the integration of Growatt solar inverters. It depends on the independent [Grott](https://github.com/johanmeijer/grott#the-growatt-inverter-monitor) proxy server application. This intercepts the logging data that the Growatt inverter data logger normally sends directly to the Growatt cloud server. It sends the original (encoded) data onwards to the cloud server (so the cloud server will not notice anything different). But it also sends a (decoded) copy to openHAB as well. ## Supported Things The binding supports two types of things: - `bridge`: The bridge is the interface to the Grott application; it receives the data from all inverters. - `inverter`: The inverter thing contains channels which are updated with solor production and consumption data. ## Discovery There is no automatic discovery of the bridge. However if a bridge exists and it receives inverter data, then a matching inverter thing is created in the Inbox. ## Thing Configuration The `bridge` thing allows configuration of the user credentials, which are only required if you want to send inverter commands via the Growatt cloud server: | Name | Type | Description | Advanced |Required | |-----------|---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|---------| | userName | text | User name for the Growatt Shine app. Only needed if using [Rule Actions](#rule-actions) | yes | no | | password | text | Password for the Growatt Shine app. Only needed if using [Rule Actions](#rule-actions) | yes | no | The `inverter` thing requires configuration of its serial number resp. `deviceId`: | Name | Type | Description | Required | |-----------|---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | deviceId | text | Device serial number or id as configured in the Growatt cloud and the Grott application. | yes | ## Channels The `bridge` thing has no channels. The `inverter` thing supports many possible channels relating to solar generation and consumption. All channels are read-only. Depending on the inverter model, and its configuration, not all of the channels will be present. The list of all possible channels is as follows: | Channel | Type | Description | Advanced | |-------------------------------|---------------------------|------------------------------------------------------|----------| | system-status | Number:Dimensionless | Inverter status code. | | | pv1-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | DC voltage from solar panel string #1. | yes | | pv2-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | DC voltage from solar panel string #2. | yes | | pv1-current | Number:ElectricCurrent | DC current from solar panel string #1. | yes | | pv2-current | Number:ElectricCurrent | DC current from solar panel string #2. | yes | | pv-power | Number:Power | Total DC solar input power. | | | pv1-power | Number:Power | DC power from solar panel string #1. | yes | | pv2-power | Number:Power | DC power from solar panel string #2. | yes | | grid-frequency | Number:Frequency | Frequency of the grid. | yes | | grid-voltage-r | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage of the grid (phase #R). | | | grid-voltage-s | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage of the grid phase #S. | yes | | grid-voltage-t | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage of the grid phase #T. | yes | | grid-voltage-rs | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage of the grid phases #RS. | yes | | grid-voltage-st | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage of the grid phases #ST. | yes | | grid-voltage-tr | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage of the grid phases #TR. | yes | | inverter-current-r | Number:ElectricCurrent | AC current from inverter (phase #R). | yes | | inverter-current-s | Number:ElectricCurrent | AC current from inverter phase #S. | yes | | inverter-current-t | Number:ElectricCurrent | AC current from inverter phase #T. | yes | | inverter-power | Number:Power | Total AC output power from inverter. | | | inverter-power-r | Number:Power | AC power from inverter (phase #R). | | | inverter-power-s | Number:Power | AC power from inverter phase #S. | yes | | inverter-power-t | Number:Power | AC power from inverter phase #T. | yes | | inverter-va | Number:Power | AC VA from inverter. | yes | | export-power | Number:Power | Power exported to grid. | | | export-power-r | Number:Power | Power exported to grid phase #R. | yes | | export-power-s | Number:Power | Power exported to grid phase #S. | yes | | export-power-t | Number:Power | Power exported to grid phase #T. | yes | | import-power | Number:Power | Power imported from grid. | | | import-power-r | Number:Power | Power imported from grid phase #R. | yes | | import-power-s | Number:Power | Power imported from grid phase #S. | yes | | import-power-t | Number:Power | Power imported from grid phase #T. | yes | | load-power | Number:Power | Power supplied to load. | | | load-power-r | Number:Power | Power supplied to load phase #R. | yes | | load-power-s | Number:Power | Power supplied to load phase #S. | yes | | load-power-t | Number:Power | Power supplied to load phase #T. | yes | | charge-power | Number:Power | Battery charge power. | | | charge-current | Number:ElectricCurrent | Battery charge current. | yes | | discharge-power | Number:Power | Battery discharge power. | | | discharge-va | Number:Power | Battery discharge VA. | yes | | pv-energy-today | Number:Energy | DC energy collected by solar panels today. | | | pv1-energy-today | Number:Energy | DC energy collected by solar panels string #1 today. | yes | | pv2-energy-today | Number:Energy | DC energy collected by solar panels string #2 today. | yes | | pv-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total DC energy collected by solar panels. | | | pv1-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total DC energy collected by solar panels string #1. | yes | | pv2-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total DC energy collected by solar panels string #2. | yes | | inverter-energy-today | Number:Energy | AC energy produced by inverter today. | | | inverter-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total AC energy produced by inverter. | | | export-energy-today | Number:Energy | Energy exported today. | | | export-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total energy exported. | | | import-energy-today | Number:Energy | Energy imported today. | | | import-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total energy imported. | | | load-energy-today | Number:Energy | Energy supplied to load today. | | | load-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total energy supplied to load. | | | import-charge-energy-today | Number:Energy | Energy imported to charge battery today. | | | import-charge-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total energy imported to charge battery. | | | inverter-charge-energy-today | Number:Energy | Inverter energy to charge battery today. | | | inverter-charge-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total inverter energy to charge battery. | | | discharge-energy-today | Number:Energy | Energy consumed from battery. | | | discharge-energy-total | Number:Energy | Total energy consumed from battery. | | | total-work-time | Number:Time | Total work time of the system. | yes | | p-bus-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | P Bus voltage. | yes | | n-bus-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | N Bus voltage. | yes | | sp-bus-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | SP Bus voltage. | yes | | pv-temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature of the solar panels (string #1). | yes | | pv-ipm-temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature of the IPM. | yes | | pv-boost-temperature | Number:Temperature | Boost temperature. | yes | | temperature-4 | Number:Temperature | Temperature #4. | yes | | pv2-temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature of the solar panels (string #2). | yes | | battery-type | Number:Dimensionless | Type code of the battery. | yes | | battery-temperature | Number:Temperature | Battery temperature. | yes | | battery-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Battery voltage. | yes | | battery-display | Number:Dimensionless | Battery display code. | yes | | battery-soc | Number:Dimensionless | Battery State of Charge percent. | yes | | system-fault-0 | Number:Dimensionless | System fault code #0. | yes | | system-fault-1 | Number:Dimensionless | System fault code #1. | yes | | system-fault-2 | Number:Dimensionless | System fault code #2. | yes | | system-fault-3 | Number:Dimensionless | System fault code #3. | yes | | system-fault-4 | Number:Dimensionless | System fault code #4. | yes | | system-fault-5 | Number:Dimensionless | System fault code #5. | yes | | system-fault-6 | Number:Dimensionless | System fault code #6. | yes | | system-fault-7 | Number:Dimensionless | System fault code #7. | yes | | system-work-mode | Number:Dimensionless | System work mode code. | yes | | sp-display-status | Number:Dimensionless | Solar panel display status code. | yes | | constant-power-ok | Number:Dimensionless | Constant power OK code. | yes | | load-percent | Number:Dimensionless | Percent of full load. | yes | | rac | Number:Power | Reactive 'power' (var). | yes | | erac-today | Number:Energy | Reactive 'energy' today (kvarh). | yes | | erac-total | Number:Energy | Total reactive 'energy' (kvarh). | yes | ## Rule Actions This binding includes rule actions, which allow you to setup programs for battery charging and discharging. Each inverter thing has a separate actions instance, which can be retrieved as follows. ```php val growattActions = getActions("growatt", "growatt:inverter:home:sph") ``` Where the first parameter must always be `growatt` and the second must be the full inverter thing UID. Once the action instance has been retrieved, you can invoke the following method: ```php growattActions.setupBatteryProgram(int programMode, @Nullable Integer powerLevel, @Nullable Integer stopSOC, @Nullable Boolean enableAcCharging, @Nullable String startTime, @Nullable String stopTime, @Nullable Boolean enableProgram) ``` The meaning of the method parameters is as follows: | Parameter | Description | |-------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | programMode | The program mode to set i.e. 'Load First' (0), 'Battery First' (1), 'Grid First' (2). | | powerLevel2) | The percentage rate of battery (dis-)charge e.g. 100 - in 'Battery First' mode => charge power, otherwise => discharge power. | | stopSOC2) | The battery SOC (state of charge) percentage when the program shall stop e.g. 20 - in 'Battery First' mode => max. SOC, otherwise => min. SOC. | | enableAcCharging2) | Allow the battery to be charged from the AC mains supply e.g. true, false. | | startTime1,2) | String representation of the local time when the program `time segment` shall start e.g. "00:15" | | stopTime1,2) | String representation of the local time when the program `time segment` shall stop e.g. "06:45" | | enableProgram1,2) | Enable / disable the program `time segment` e.g. true, false | Notes: -1) ***WARNING*** inverters have different program `time segment`'s for each `programMode`. To prevent unexpected results do not overlap the `time segment`'s. -2) Depending on inverter type and `programMode` certain parameters may accept 'null' values. The 'mix', 'sph' and 'spa' types set the battery program in a single command, so all parameters - except `enableAcCharging` - **must** be ***non-***'null'. By contrast 'tlx' types set the battery program in up to four partial commands, and you may pass 'null' parameters in order to omit a partial command. The permission for passing 'null' parameters, and the effect of such 'null' parameters, is shown in detail in the table below: | Parameter | Permission for.. / effect of.. passing a 'null' parameter | |------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | programMode | Shall **not** be 'null' under any circumstance! | | powerLevel | May be 'null' on 'tlx' inverters whereby the prior `programMode` / `powerLevel` continues to apply. | | stopSOC | May be 'null' on 'tlx' inverters whereby the prior `programMode` / `stopSOC` continues to apply. | | enableAcCharging | If 'null' the prior `enableAcCharging` (if any) continues to apply. Shall **not** be 'null' on 'mix' inverter 'Battery First' program. | | startTime, stopTime, enableProgram | May be 'null' on 'tlx' inverters whereby the prior `programMode` / `time segment` continues to apply - note all 'null' resp. non-'null'. | Example: ```php rule "Setup Solar Battery Charging Program" when Time cron "0 10 0 ? * * *" then val growattActions = getActions("growatt", "growatt:inverter:home:ABCD1234") // thing UID if (growattActions === null) { logWarn("Rules", "growattActions is null") } else { // fixed algorithm parameters val Integer programMode = 1 // 0 = Load First, 1 = Battery First, 2 = Grid First val Integer powerLevel = 23 // percent val Boolean enableAcCharging = true val String startTime = "00:20" val String stopTime = "07:00" val Boolean enableProgram = true // calculation intermediaries val batteryFull = 6500.0 // Wh val batteryMin = 500.0 // Wh val daylightConsumption = 10000.0 // Wh val maximumSOC = 100.0 // percent val minimumSOC = 20.0 // percent // calculate stop SOC based on weather forecast val Double solarForecast = (ForecastSolar_PV_Whole_Site_Forecast_Today.state as QuantityType).toUnit("Wh").doubleValue() var Double targetSOC = (100.0 * (batteryMin + daylightConsumption - solarForecast)) / batteryFull if (targetSOC > maximumSOC) { targetSOC = maximumSOC } else if (targetSOC < minimumSOC) { targetSOC = minimumSOC } // convert to integer val Integer stopSOC = targetSOC.intValue() // percent logInfo("Rules", "Setup Charging Program:{solarForecast:" + solarForecast + "Wh, programMode:" + programMode + ", powerLevel:" + powerLevel + "%, stopSOC:" + stopSOC + "%, enableCharging:" + enableAcCharging + ", startTime:" + startTime + ", stopTime:" + stopTime + ", enableProgram:" + enableProgram +"}") growattActions.setupBatteryProgram(programMode, powerLevel, stopSOC, enableAcCharging, startTime, stopTime, enableProgram) } end ``` ## Full Example ### Example `.things` file ```java Bridge growatt:bridge:home "Growattt Bridge" [userName="USERNAME", password="PASSWORD"] { Thing inverter sph "Growatt SPH Inverter" [deviceId="INVERTERTID"] } ``` ### Example `.items` file ```java Number:ElectricPotential Solar_String1_Voltage "Solar String #1 PV Voltage" {channel="growatt:inverter:home:sph:pv1-voltage"} Number:ElectricCurrent Solar_String1_Current "Solar String #1 PV Current" {channel="growatt:inverter:home:sph:pv1-current"} Number:Power Solar_String1_Power "Solar String #1 PV Power" {channel="growatt:inverter:home:sph:pv1-power"} Number:Energy Solar_Output_Energy "Solar Output Energy Total" {channel="growatt:inverter:home:sph:pv-energy-total"} ``` Example using a transform profile to invert an item value: ```java // charge item with positive value Number:Power Charge_Power "Charge Power [%.0f W]" {channel="growatt:inverter:home:sph:charge-power"} // discarge item with negative value Number:Power Discharge_Power "Discharge Power [%.0f W]" {channel="growatt:inverter:home:sph:discharge-power" [ profile="transform:JS", toItemScript="| Quantity(input).multiply(-1).toString();" ] } ``` ## Grott Application Installation and Setup You can install the Grott application either on the same computer as openHAB or on another. The following assumes you will be running it on the same computer. The Grott application acts as a proxy server between your Growatt inverter and the Growatt cloud server. It intercepts data packets between the inverter and the cloud server, and it sends a copy of the intercepted data also to openHAB. **NOTE**: make sure that the Grott application is **FULLY OPERATIONAL** for your inverter **BEFORE** you create any things in openHAB! Otherwise the binding might create a wrong (or even empty) list of channels for the inverter thing. (Yet if you do make that mistake you can rectify it by deleting and recreating the thing). You should configure the Grott application via its `grott.ini` file. Configure Grott to match your inverter according to the [instructions](https://github.com/johanmeijer/grott#the-growatt-inverter-monitor). ### Install Python If Python is not already installed on you computer, then install it first. And install the following additional necessary python packages: ```bash sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt sudo pip3 install requests ``` ### Install Grott First install the Grott application and the Grott application extension files in a Grott specific home folder. Note that Grott requires the `grottext.py` application extension in addition to the standard application files. The installation is as follows: - Create a 'home' sub-folder for Grott e.g. `/home//grott/`. - Copy `grott.py`, `grottconf.py`, `grottdata.py`, `grottproxy.py`, `grottsniffer.py`, `grottserver.py` to the home folder. - Copy `grottext.py` application extension to the home folder. - Copy `grott.ini` configuration file to the home folder. - Modify `grott.ini` to run in proxy mode; not in compatibility mode; show your inverter type; not run MQTT; not run PVOutput; enable the `grottext` extension; and set the openHAB `/growatt` servlet url. A suggested Grott configuration for openHAB is as follows: ```php [Generic] mode = proxy compat = False invtype = sph // your inverter type [MQTT] nomqtt = True // disable mqtt [PVOutput] pvoutput = False // disable pvoutput [extension] // enable the 'grottext' extension extension = True extname = grottext extvar = {"url": ""} // or ip address of openHAB (if remote) ``` ### Start Grott as a Service Finally you should set your computer to starts the Grott application automatically as a service when your computer starts. For Windows see wiki: https://github.com/johanmeijer/grott/wiki/Grott-as-a-service-(Windows) For Linux see wiki: https://github.com/johanmeijer/grott/wiki/Grott-as-a-service-(Linux) The service configuration for Linux is summarised below: - Copy the `grott.service` file to the `/etc/systemd/system/` folder - Modify `grott.service` to enter your user name; the Grott settings; the path to Python; and the path to the Grott application: ```php [Service] SyslogIdentifier=grott User= // your username WorkingDirectory=/home//grott/ // your home grott folder ExecStart=-/usr/bin/python3 -u /home//grott/grott.py -v // ditto ``` And finally enable the Grott service: ```bash sudo systemctl enable grott ``` ### Route Growatt Inverter Logging via Grott Proxy Normally the Growatt inverter sends its logging data directly to port `5279` on the Growatt server at `server.growatt.com` (ip= on the cloud. Grott is a proxy server that interposes itself beween the inverter and the cloud server. i.e. it receives the inverter logging data and forwards it unchanged to the cloud server. **WARNING**: make sure that Grott is running on a computer with a **STATIC IP ADDRESS** (and note this safely)! Otherwise if the computer changes its ip address dynamically, it can no longer intercept the inverter data. This means **YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO RESET THE INVERTER** to its original settings! You need to use the Growatt App to tell the inverter to send its logging data to the Grott proxy instead of to the cloud. See wiki: https://github.com/johanmeijer/grott/wiki/Rerouting-Growatt-Wifi-TCPIP-data-via-your-Grott-Server for more information.