# Eclipse marketplace Extension service This is an `ExtensionService`, which accesses the Eclipse IoT Marketplace and makes its content available as extensions. The internally used http address is "https://marketplace.eclipse.org/taxonomy/term/4988%2C4396/api/p?client=org.eclipse.smarthome". The default refresh value is 1 hour. If the eclipse server is not responding, another attempt happens 60 seconds later. ## Marketplace format The received extensions description is XML. The schema is like in the following example: ```xml iot_package Kai Kreuzer 0 0 0 Desc Example body 1487690446 1489494314 1 https://www.openhabfoundation.org https://marketplace.eclipse.org/sites/default/files/styles/ds_medium/public/iot-package/logo/heating.png?itok=qMbbIXEU EPL openHAB Foundation Alpha https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaikreuzer/esh-templates/master/energymeter.json rule_template json ```