A Jandy pool control thing represents an Autelis pool controller for Jandy systemsThe current state of the pumpThe current state of the lowspeed pumpThe current state of the spa pumpThe current state of the waterfall pumpThe current state of the cleaner pumpThe current state of the pool heaterThe current state of the pool heater 2The current state of the spa heaterThe current state of the solar heaterThe current state of the heat pumpThe current state of auxiliary 1The current state of auxiliary 2The current state of auxiliary 3The current state of auxiliary 4The current state of auxiliary 5The current state of auxiliary 6The current state of auxiliary 7The current state of auxiliary 8The current state of auxiliary 9The current state of auxiliary 10The current state of auxiliary 11The current state of auxiliary 12The current state of auxiliary 13The current state of auxiliary 14The current state of auxiliary 15The current state of auxiliary 16The current state of auxiliary 17The current state of auxiliary 18The current state of auxiliary 19The current state of auxiliary 20The current state of auxiliary 21The current state of auxiliary 22The current state of auxiliary 23The current pool setpointThe current pool setpoint 2The current spa setpointThe current pool temperature. Note: Only accurate when pool is runningThe current spa temperature. Note: Only accurate when spa is runningThe current air temperatureThe current solar temperaturenetwork-addressThe host name or IP address of the Autelis Controller.network-addressThe port the Autelis Controller is listening on.80The user name to use when connecting to an Autelis Controller.The password to use when connecting to an Autelis Controller.Specifies the refresh interval in seconds5NumberThe controller's runstate. 1 = Not Connected, 2-7 = Startup Initialization Sequence, 8 = Connected and
Ready, 9-12 = Connected and Busy Executing Command
NumberThe model number of the Aqualink® controllerNumberThe current state of the Aqualink® controller's dip switches. Possible values: 8 binary digits
representing S1-S8 from left to right
NumberThe current state of the Aqualink® controllerNumberThe voltage of the Aqualink® controller's batteryNumberThe current state of the Aqualink® controller's batteryStringThe firmware version of the Pool Control device NumberThe time as kept by the Pool Control deviceSwitchThe current state of an equipment switchNumberThe current state of the heaterNumberThe current state of auxiliary channelNumberThe current setpointTemperatureNumberThe current temperature. Note: Only accurate when pool is runningTemperatureNumberThe current air temperatureTemperatureStringThe selected units for temperatureStringPump 1StringPump 2StringPump 3StringPump 4NumberIndicates what equipment is availableNumberPool chlorination setpointNumberPool salt levelNumberSpa chlorination setpointNumberSpa salt levelNumberORP reading from unit 1NumberORP reading from unit 2NumberPH reading from unit 1NumberPH reading from unit 2NumberORP feed from unit 1NumberORP feed from unit 2NumberPH feed from unit 1NumberPH feed from unit 2SwitchReboots the Autelis device. This will not reboot any actual pool equipment.