syntax = "proto3"; package proto; import "service-activation.proto"; import "user-events.proto"; import "vehicle-commands.proto"; import "protos.proto"; import "vehicleapi.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; option java_package = "com.daimler.mbcarkit.proto"; // Sending direction: App <- BFF <- AppTwin message VEPUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; string vin = 2; // indicates whether this is a full update of VEP-attributes. // All attributes cached in the FE should be erased and completely // replaced by this push. bool full_update = 15; // when was the event emitted? This is the time of the update (unix timestamp in seconds), (deprecated) // not when the attributes where changed. To compare attribute changes, you need to look into each attribute timestamp int64 emit_timestamp = 10; // when was the event emitted? This is the time of the update (unix timestamp in milliseconds), int64 emit_timestamp_in_ms = 14; // the attribute changes are a list of changed attributes map attributes = 11; } // Part of a VEPUpdate // Sending direction: App <- BFF <- AppTwin message VehicleAttributeStatus { // time of the attribute change in the car as unix timestamp in seconds with UTC timezone (deprecated) int64 timestamp = 1 [ deprecated = true ]; // time of the attribute change in the car as unix timestamp in milliseconds with UTC timezone int64 timestamp_in_ms = 10; bool changed = 2; int32 status = 3; enum CombustionConsumptionUnit { UNSPECIFIED_COMBUSTION_CONSUMPTION_UNIT = 0; // Liter per 100 km LITER_PER_100KM = 1; // Kilometers per liter KM_PER_LITER = 2; // Miles Per imperial gallon MPG_UK = 3; // Miles Per US gallon MPG_US = 4; } enum ElectricityConsumptionUnit { UNSPECIFIED_ELECTRICITY_CONSUMPTION_UNIT = 0; // kWh per 100 km KWH_PER_100KM = 1; // Kilometers per kWh KM_PER_KWH = 2; // kWh per 100 miles KWH_PER_100MI = 3; // miles per kWh M_PER_KWH = 4; // Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent MPGE = 5; } enum GasConsumptionUnit { UNSPECIFIED_GAS_CONSUMPTION_UNIT = 0; // kG per 100 km KG_PER_100KM = 1; // km per kg KM_PER_KG = 2; // miles per kg M_PER_KG = 3; } enum SpeedDistanceUnit { option deprecated = true; // use speed unit / length unit instead UNSPECIFIED_SPEED_DISTANCE_UNIT = 0; // km/h, distance unit: km KM_PER_H = 1; // mph, distance unit: miles M_PER_H = 2; } enum SpeedUnit { UNSPECIFIED_SPEED_UNIT = 0; // kilometers per hour KM_PER_HOUR = 1; // miles per hour M_PER_HOUR = 2; } enum DistanceUnit { UNSPECIFIED_DISTANCE_UNIT = 0; KILOMETERS = 1; MILES = 2; } enum TemperatureUnit { UNSPECIFIED_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = 0; CELSIUS = 1; FAHRENHEIT = 2; } enum PressureUnit { UNSPECIFIED_PRESSURE_UNIT = 0; KPA = 1 ; BAR = 2; // Pounds per square inch PSI = 3; } enum RatioUnit { UNSPECIFIED_RATIO_UNIT = 0; PERCENT = 1; } enum ClockHourUnit { UNSPECIFIED_CLOCK_HOUR_UNIT = 0; // 12h (AM/PM) T12H = 1; // 24h T24H = 2; } enum TcuConnectionStateLowChannelStatus { UNKNOWN_TCU_CONNECTION_STATE = 0; INITIALLY_CONNECTED = 1; RECONNECTED = 2; DISCONNECTED = 3; UNPLANNED_DISCONNECTED = 4; } enum ChargingCouplerErrorDetails { CHARING_COUPLER_ERROR_DETAILS_NO_INFO_OR_ERROR_MESSAGE = 0; CHARING_COUPLER_ERROR_DETAILS_RELIEVE_CHARGE_COUPLER_AND_RETRY = 1; CHARING_COUPLER_ERROR_DETAILS_CONTACT_SERVICE_HOTLINE_FOR_EMERGENCY_UNLOCK = 2; CHARING_COUPLER_ERROR_DETAILS_UNPLUG_AND_REPLUG_CHARGE_COUPLER = 3; CHARING_COUPLER_ERROR_DETAILS_CHARGE_COUPLER_LOCK_DEFECT = 4; } enum ChargingErrorImpossibleChangeTo400V { CHARGING_ERROR_IMPOSSIBLE_CHANGE_TO_400V_NO_INFO = 0; CHARGING_ERROR_IMPOSSIBLE_CHANGE_TO_400V_400V_IMPOSSIBLE_STUCK_TO_800V = 1; } enum ChargingErrorImpossibleChangeTo800V { CHARGING_ERROR_IMPOSSIBLE_CHANGE_TO_800V_NO_INFO = 0; CHARGING_ERROR_IMPOSSIBLE_CHANGE_TO_800V_800V_IMPOSSIBLE_STUCK_TO_400V = 1; } enum ChargingErrorVehicleNoSupport400V { CHARGING_ERROR_VEHICLE_NO_SUPPORT_400V_NO_INFO = 0; CHARGING_ERROR_VEHICLE_NO_SUPPORT_400V_400V_CHARGING_NOT_POSSIBLE = 1; } // A list of service ids for which this attribute was sent // this field ist just used backend internally and will always // be empty when sent out to the client. repeated int32 service_ids = 30; string display_value = 11; oneof display_unit { CombustionConsumptionUnit combustion_consumption_unit = 12; GasConsumptionUnit gas_consumption_unit = 13; ElectricityConsumptionUnit electricity_consumption_unit = 14; SpeedDistanceUnit speed_distance_unit = 15 [ deprecated = true ]; // use speed unit / length unit instead SpeedUnit speed_unit = 25; DistanceUnit distance_unit = 26; TemperatureUnit temperature_unit = 16; PressureUnit pressure_unit = 17; RatioUnit ratio_unit = 18; ClockHourUnit clock_hour_unit = 19; } oneof attribute_type { int64 int_value = 4; bool bool_value = 5; string string_value = 6; double double_value = 7; bool nil_value = 8; string unsupported_value = 9; TemperaturePointsValue temperature_points_value = 20; WeekdayTariffValue weekday_tariff_value = 21; WeekendTariffValue weekend_tariff_value = 22; StateOfChargeProfileValue state_of_charge_profile_value = 23; WeeklySettingsHeadUnitValue weekly_settings_head_unit_value = 24; SpeedAlertConfigurationValue speed_alert_configuration_value = 27; EcoHistogramValue eco_histogram_value = 28; WeeklyProfileValue weekly_profile_value = 29; ChargeProgramsValue charge_programs_value = 31; ChargingBreakClockTimerValue chargingbreak_clocktimer_value = 32; ChargingPowerControl charging_power_control = 33; TcuConnectionStateLowChannelStatus tcu_connection_state_low_channel = 38; PrecondState precond_state = 44; ChargingPowerRestrictions charging_power_restrictions = 55; ChargingCouplerErrorDetails charging_coupler_error_details = 56; ChargingErrorVehicleNoSupport400V charging_error_vehicle_no_support_400v = 58; ChargingErrorImpossibleChangeTo400V charging_error_impossible_change_to_400v = 59; ChargingErrorImpossibleChangeTo800V charging_error_impossible_change_to_800v = 60; ChargingPredictionSoc charging_prediction_soc = 80; ChargingPredictionDepartureTime charging_prediction_departure_time = 81; // ChargingScheduleActive charging_schedule_active = 82; ChargeFlaps charge_flaps = 84; ChargeInlets charge_inlets = 85; } } message ChargingPredictionSoc { google.protobuf.Timestamp predicted_end_time = 1; int64 predicted_electrical_energy_range = 2; } message ChargingPredictionDepartureTime { int32 predicted_soc = 1; int64 predicted_electrical_energy_range = 2; } message ChargeInletsEntry { enum ChargeInletsCouplerState { CHARGE_INLETS_COUPLER_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; CHARGE_INLETS_COUPLER_STATE_PLUGGED = 1; CHARGE_INLETS_COUPLER_STATE_VEHICLE_PLUGGED = 2; CHARGE_INLETS_COUPLER_STATE_VEHICLE_NOT_PLUGGED = 3; CHARGE_INLETS_COUPLER_STATE_DEFECT = 4; } enum ChargeInletsLockState { CHARGE_INLETS_LOCK_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; CHARGE_INLETS_LOCK_STATE_UNLOCKED = 1; CHARGE_INLETS_LOCK_STATE_LOCKED = 2; CHARGE_INLETS_LOCK_STATE_LOCK_STATE_NOT_CLEAR = 3; CHARGE_INLETS_LOCK_STATE_NOT_AVAILABLE = 4; } int64 id = 1; ChargeInletsCouplerState coupler_state = 2; ChargeInletsLockState lock_state = 3; } message ChargeInlets { repeated ChargeInletsEntry entries = 1; } enum ChargeFlapsPositionState { CHARGE_FLAPS_POSITION_STATE_DEFAULT = 0; CHARGE_FLAPS_POSITION_STATE_OPEN = 1; CHARGE_FLAPS_POSITION_STATE_CLOSED = 2; CHARGE_FLAPS_POSITION_STATE_FLAP_PRESSED = 3; CHARGE_FLAPS_POSITION_STATE_UNKNOWN = 4; } message ChargeFlapsEntry { int64 id = 1; ChargeFlapsPositionState position_state = 2; } message ChargeFlaps { repeated ChargeFlapsEntry entries= 1; } enum ChargingPowerRestriction { CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_NO_RESTRICTION = 0; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_ECO_CHARGING_ACTIVE = 1; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_REDUCED_DUE_TO_CUSTOMER_SETTING = 2; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_REDUCED_DUE_TO_VEHICLE_CHARGING_SYSTEM = 3; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_REDUCED_DUE_TO_REMOTE_CONTROL = 4; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_REDUCED_DUE_TO_CHARGING_INFRASTRUCTURE = 5; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_REDUCED_DUE_TO_CHARGING_STRATEGY = 6; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_STATE_OF_CHARGE_TOO_LOW = 7; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_STATE_OF_CHARGE_TOO_HIGH = 8; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE_TOO_LOW = 9; CHARGING_POWER_RESTRICTION_BATTERY_TEMPERATURE_TOO_HIGH = 10; } message ChargingPowerRestrictions { repeated ChargingPowerRestriction charging_power_restriction = 1; } message ChargingBreakClockTimerValue { repeated ChargingBreakClockTimerEntry chargingbreak_clocktimer_entry = 1; } enum PrecondStateType { PRECOND_STATE_TYPE_ON_UNLOCK = 0; PRECOND_STATE_TYPE_AT_DEPARTURE_TIME = 1; PRECOND_STATE_TYPE_IMMEDIATE = 2; PRECOND_STATE_TYPE_CHILD_PRESENCE_DETECTION = 3; } message PrecondState { bool activation_state = 1; bool precond_immediate_support = 2; repeated PrecondStateType precond_state_types = 3; } message ChargingPowerControl { enum ChargingStatusForPowerControl { NOT_DEFINED = 0; DEACTIVATED = 1; ACTIVATED = 2; } ChargingStatusForPowerControl charge_status = 1; int32 ctrl_duration = 2; int32 ctrl_info = 3; int32 charge_power = 4; int32 serv_stat = 5; int32 serv_avail = 6; int32 use_case = 7; } message ChargingBreakClockTimerEntry { ChargingBreakClockTimerEntryStatus status = 1; int32 endTimeHour = 2; int32 endTimeMinute = 3; int32 startTimeHour = 4; int32 startTimeMinute = 5; int32 timerId = 6; } message ChargeProgramsValue { repeated ChargeProgramParameters charge_program_parameters = 1; } enum ChargeProgram { DEFAULT_CHARGE_PROGRAM = 0; INSTANT_CHARGE_PROGRAM = 1; HOME_CHARGE_PROGRAM = 2; WORK_CHARGE_PROGRAM = 3; } message ChargeProgramParameters { ChargeProgram charge_program = 1 [ json_name = "chargeprogram" ]; // Values need to be between 50 and 100 and divisible by ten // Maximum value for the state of charge of the HV battery [in %]. // Valid value range = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100] int32 max_soc = 2 [ json_name = "maxSoc" ]; // unlock the plug after charging is finished // Denotes whether the charge cable should be unlocked automatically if the HV battery is fully charged resp. charged til Max. SoC value. // true - unlock automatically, false - do not unlock automatically // can only be used if chargeprogram is set to home or work. Otherwise it will be ignored. bool auto_unlock = 3 [ json_name = "autounlock" ]; // automatically switch between home and work program, based on the location of the car // Denotes whether location based charging should be used. // true - use location based charging, false - do not use location based charging // can only be used if chargeprogram is set to home or work. Otherwise it will be ignored. bool location_based_charging = 4 [ json_name = "locationbasedcharging" ]; // enable or disable week-profile // Denotes whether weekly profile (aka. weekprofile) should be used. // true - use weekly profile, false - do not use weekly profile bool weekly_profile = 5 [ json_name = "weeklyprofile" ]; bool clockTimer = 6 [ json_name = "clockTimer" ]; int32 max_charging_current = 7 [ json_name = "MaxChargingCurrent" ]; bool eco_charging = 8 [ json_name = "EcoCharging" ]; } // Same as VehicleAPI.AttributeStatus but with slightly different names. The VehicleAPI.AttributeStatus enum values // can't be changed because they are used to automatically parse the vehicleAPI responses. Adding type aliases would // confuse the contributions developers, so we added another attribute status enum enum AttributeStatus { // Value is set and valid VALUE_VALID = 0; // Value has not yet been received from the vehicle (but sensor etc. should be available) VALUE_NOT_RECEIVED = 1; // Value has been retrieved from vehicle but is invalid (marked as invalid by DaiVB backend) VALUE_INVALID = 3; // Vehicle does not support this attribute (e.g. does not have the sensor etc.) VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE = 4; } message WeeklyProfileValue { bool single_time_profile_entries_activatable = 1 [ json_name = "singleTimeProfileEntriesActivatable" ]; int32 max_number_of_weekly_time_profile_slots = 2 [ json_name = "maxNumberOfWeeklyTimeProfileSlots" ]; int32 max_number_of_time_profiles = 3 [ json_name = "maxNumberOfTimeProfiles" ]; int32 current_number_of_time_profile_slots = 4 [ json_name = "currentNumberOfTimeProfileSlots" ]; int32 current_number_of_time_profiles = 5 [ json_name = "currentNumberOfTimeProfiles" ]; repeated VVRTimeProfile time_profiles = 6 [ json_name = "timeProfiles" ]; } // VVRTimeProfile is almost identical to the "TimeProfile" message with the exception that the identifier is not optional. message VVRTimeProfile { // unique id of this time profile entry int32 identifier = 1 [ json_name = "id" ]; // Hour after midnight range [0, 23] int32 hour = 2 [json_name = "hour" ]; // Minute after full hour range [0, 59] int32 minute = 3 [json_name = "min" ]; // Days for which the above time should be applied repeated TimeProfileDay days = 4 [json_name = "day" ]; // Whether this profile entry is active or not bool active = 5 [json_name = "active" ]; // If a timeProfile is changed or added the respective applicationId must be provided by SDK // 11 = Internal Apps // 12 = External Apps int32 application_identifier = 6 [ json_name = "applicationId" ]; } message EcoHistogramValue { repeated EcoHistogramBin eco_histogram_bins = 1; } message EcoHistogramBin { double interval = 1; double value = 2; } message SpeedAlertConfigurationValue { repeated SpeedAlertConfiguration speed_alert_configurations = 1; } message SpeedAlertConfiguration { // Unix timestamp in seconds int64 end_timestamp_in_s = 1; // Speed in kilometers per hour int32 threshold_in_kph = 2; // threshold value in the users preferred unit string threshold_display_value = 3; } message WeeklySettingsHeadUnitValue { // Array with 0 to 21 tupels of day (0..6, 0 = Monday, 1= Tuesday, ..) and departure time in min since midnight (0..1439) repeated WeeklySetting weekly_settings = 1; } message WeeklySetting { int32 day = 1; int32 minutes_since_midnight = 2; } message TemperaturePointsValue { // Array with 1 to 5 tupels of zone (frontLeft, frontRight, frontCenter, rearRight, rearLeft, rearCenter, rear2center) // and temperature in °C where 0 means maximum cooling (LOW) and 30 means maximum heating (HIGH) repeated TemperaturePoint temperature_points = 1; } message TemperaturePoint { string zone = 1; double temperature = 2; string temperature_display_value = 3; } message WeekdayTariffValue { // List of sampling points. Hint: Array will be empty in initial state. I. e.: rate and time will not be existent in initial state. repeated Tariff tariffs = 1; } message WeekendTariffValue { // List of sampling points. Hint: Array will be empty in initial state. I. e.: rate and time will not be existent in initial state. repeated Tariff tariffs = 1; } message Tariff { // 33 - off-peak, 44 - mid-peak, 66 - on-peak int32 rate = 1; // Seconds from midnight int32 time = 2; } message StateOfChargeProfileValue { // Array with tupels of state of charge and time offset related to the timestamp of the attribute, // e.g. [{t, soc}, {t, soc}, .., {t, soc}] (every soc with value range 0..100, every timestamp in seconds, UTC) repeated StateOfCharge states_of_charge = 1; } message StateOfCharge { // timestamp in seconds, UTC int64 timestamp_in_s = 1; // soc with value range 0..100 int32 state_of_charge = 2; } // Sending direction: App <- BFF <- AppTwin message VEPUpdatesByVIN { int32 sequence_number = 2; // VIN -> Update map updates = 1; } // Sending direction: App <- BFF message DebugMessage { string message = 1; } // Represents a status response from the // VVA backend for a given VIN and CIAM ID. message VehicleStatus { string vin = 1; map attributes = 2; } // message that is pushed from the vep status service // Sending direction: App <- BFF message PushMessage { reserved 7,8; string tracking_id = 5; oneof msg { VEPUpdate vepUpdate = 1; VEPUpdatesByVIN vepUpdates = 2; DebugMessage debugMessage = 3; ServiceStatusUpdatesByVIN service_status_updates = 9; ServiceStatusUpdate service_status_update = 13; UserDataUpdate user_data_update = 10; UserVehicleAuthChangedUpdate user_vehicle_auth_changed_update = 14; UserPictureUpdate user_picture_update = 11; UserPINUpdate user_pin_update = 12; VehicleUpdated vehicle_updated = 15; PreferredDealerChange preferred_dealer_change = 16; AppTwinCommandStatusUpdatesByVIN apptwin_command_status_updates_by_vin = 17; AppTwinPendingCommandsRequest apptwin_pending_command_request = 18; AssignedVehicles assigned_vehicles = 19; DataChangeEvent data_change_event = 21; } } // message type to track an event, e.g. a user interaction with content // Sending direction: App -> BFF message TrackingEvent { // a unique id associated with this event string tracking_id = 1; // the unix epoch time in nanoseconds when the event occurred int64 timestamp = 2; // a unique identifier describing a single interaction or event string event_type = 3; // additional meta data describing the event map payload = 4; } message PayloadValue { oneof msg { string string_value = 1; int32 int_value = 2; bool bool_value = 3; double double_value = 4; } } // acknowledge that the VEP updates of up to `sequenceNumber` have been received // Sending direction: App -> BFF -> AppTwin message AcknowledgeVEPRequest { // This message will be replaced by AcknowledgeVEPUpdatesByVIN option deprecated = true; int32 sequence_number = 1; } // acknowledge that the VEP updates by vin of up to `sequenceNumber` have been received // Sending direction: App -> BFF -> AppTwin // This message should replace the AcknowledgeVEPRequest message AcknowledgeVEPUpdatesByVIN { int32 sequence_number = 1; } // the client can optionally send this message to reconfigure the ping interval // Sending direction: App -> BFF message ConfigurePingInterval { int32 ping_time_millis = 1; } message AcknowledgeVehicleUpdated { int32 sequence_number = 1; } message AcknowledgePreferredDealerChange { int32 sequence_number = 1; } message VehicleUpdated { int32 sequence_number = 1; string ciam_id = 2; string vin = 3; // When was the event emitted (milliseconds in Unix time) int64 emit_timestamp_in_ms = 10; } message PreferredDealerChange { int32 sequence_number = 1; string ciam_id = 2; string vin = 3; // When was the event emitted (milliseconds in Unix time) int64 emit_timestamp_in_ms = 10; } message AcknowledgeDataChangeEvent { int32 sequence_number = 1; } enum Scope { USER = 0; ONBOARD_FENCES = 1; USER_PIN = 3; SERVICE_PREREQUISITE = 4; USER_PROFILE_PICTURE = 5; } message Scopes { Scope scope = 1; string ciamId = 2; string vin = 3; map additional_resources = 4; string resource_ciam_id = 5; string resource_vin = 6; } message DataChangeEvent { repeated Scopes scopes = 1; string tracking_id = 2; int32 sequence_number = 3; }