Endpoint for Modbus UDP slaves Network address of the device localhost network-address Port of the slave 6000 Slave subnet id. Can take any value between 0 and 255. 1 Slave id. Also known as station address or unit identifier. 1 When enabled we try to find a device specific handler. Turn this on if you're using one of the supported devices. false Use RTU Encoding over IP false How long to delay we must have at minimum between two consecutive MODBUS transactions. In milliseconds. 60 How long to wait to before trying to establish a new connection after the previous one has been disconnected. In milliseconds. 0 true How many times we try to establish the connection. Should be at least 1. 1 true Connection warm-up time. Additional time which is spent on preparing connection which should be spent waiting while end device is getting ready to answer first modbus call. In milliseconds. 0 true The connection is kept open at least the time specified here. Value of zero means that connection is disconnected after every MODBUS transaction. In milliseconds. 0 true The maximum time that is waited when establishing the connection. Value of zero means that system/OS default is respected. In milliseconds. 10000 true