# Bose SoundTouch Binding This binding supports the Bose SoundTouch multiroom system. ## Supported Things The following Bose devices are supported: | Name | Thing Type | |---------------------------------------|-----------------------------| | Bose SoundTouch 10 | 10 | | Bose SoundTouch 20 | 20 | | Bose SoundTouch 30 | 30 | | Bose SoundTouch 300 | 300 | | Bose Wave SoundTouch Music System IV | waveSoundTouchMusicSystemIV | | Bose SoundTouch Wireless Link Adapter | wirelessLinkAdapter | | Bose SoundTouch SA-5 Amplifier | sa5Amplifier | | Any other Bose SoundTouch device | device | ## Discovery Speakers are automatically discovered using mDNS in the local network. ## Binding Configuration The binding has no configuration options, all configuration is done at Thing level. ## Thing Configuration All thing types have the same configuration parameters: | Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | |---------------------|--------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | host | String | Yes | The host name or IP address of the device | | macAddress | String | Yes | The MAC address of the used interface (format "123456789ABC")| | appKey | String | No | An authorization key used to identify the client application | The required properties are set when using discovery. For manual configuration, these values can be found in the Bose smartphone app (Settings -> About -> Device Name). Note that the device might have two MAC addresses, one for ethernet and one for Wifi. The authorization key is used to identify the client application when using the Notification API. It must be requested from the developer portal. ## Channels All devices share the same set of channels, while some of them might not be available on all devices. | Channel ID | Item Type | Description | |---------------------------|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | keyCode | String | Simulates pushing a remote control button | | mute | Switch | Mutes the sound | | notificationsound | String | Play a notification sound by a given URI | | nowPlayingAlbum | String | Current playing album name | | nowPlayingArtist | String | Current playing artist name | | nowPlayingArtwork | Image | Artwork for the current playing song | | nowPlayingDescription | String | Description to current playing song | | nowPlayingGenre | String | Genre of current playing song | | nowPlayingItemName | String | Visible description shown in display | | nowPlayingStationLocation | String | Location of current playing radio station | | nowPlayingStationName | String | Name of current playing radio station | | nowPlayingTrack | String | Track currently playing | | operationMode | String | Current Operation Mode | | playerControl | Player | Control the Player | | power | Switch | SoundTouch power state | | preset | Number | 1-6 Preset of Soundtouch, >7 Binding Presets | | rateEnabled | Switch | Current source allows rating | | saveAsPreset | Number | A selected presetable item is saved as preset with number >6 | | skipEnabled | Switch | Current source allows skipping to next track | | skipPreviousEnabled | Switch | Current source allows scrolling through tracks | | volume | Dimmer | Set or get the volume | | bass | Number | Bass (-9 minimum, 0 maximum) | The _notificationsound_ channel has the following optional configuration parameters: - notificationVolume - Desired volume level while playing the notification, it must be between 10 and 70 (inclusive). A value outside this range will result in an error and not play the notification. - notificationService - The service providing the notification - notificationReason - The reason for the notification - notificationMessage - Further details about the notification The texts for the notification service, reason and message appear on the device display (when available) and the SoundTouch application screen. Upon completion of the notification, the speaker volume returns to its original value. If not present, the notification will play at the existing volume level. ## Full Example Things: ```java bosesoundtouch:device:demo @ "Living" [ host="", macAddress="123456789ABC" ] ``` Items: ```java Switch Bose1_Power "Power: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:power" } Dimmer Bose1_Volume "Volume: [%d %%]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:volume" } Number Bose1_Bass "Bass: [%d %%]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:bass" } Switch Bose1_Mute "Mute: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:mute" } String Bose1_OperationMode "OperationMode: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:operationMode" } String Bose1_PlayerControl "Player Control: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:playerControl" } Number Bose1_Preset "Preset: [%d]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:preset" } Number Bose1_SaveAsPreset "Save as Preset: [%d]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:saveAsPreset" } String Bose1_KeyCode "Key Code: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:keyCode" } Switch Bose1_RateEnabled "Rate: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:rateEnabled" } Switch Bose1_SkipEnabled "Skip: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:skipEnabled" } Switch Bose1_SkipPreviousEnabled "SkipPrevious: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:skipPreviousEnabled" } String Bose1_nowPlayingAlbum "Album: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingAlbum" } String Bose1_nowPlayingArtist "Artist: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingArtist" } Image Bose1_nowPlayingArtwork "Artwork" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingArtwork" } String Bose1_nowPlayingDescription "Description: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingDescription" } String Bose1_nowPlayingGenre "Genre: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingGenre" } String Bose1_nowPlayingItemName "Playing: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingItemName" } String Bose1_nowPlayingStationLocation "Radio Location: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingStationLocation" } String Bose1_nowPlayingStationName "Radio Name: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingStationName" } String Bose1_nowPlayingTrack "Track: [%s]" { channel="bosesoundtouch:device:demo:nowPlayingTrack" } ``` Sitemap: ```perl sitemap demo label="Bose Test Items" { Frame label="Bose 1" { Switch item=Bose1_Power Slider item=Bose1_Volume Text item=Bose1_Bass Switch item=Bose1_Mute Text item=Bose1_OperationMode Text item=Bose1_PlayerControl Text item=Bose1_Preset Text item=Bose1_SaveAsPreset Text item=Bose1_KeyCode Text item=Bose1_nowPlayingAlbum Text item=Bose1_nowPlayingArtist Text item=Bose1_nowPlayingArtwork Text item=Bose1_nowPlayingDescription Text item=Bose1_nowPlayingGenre Text item=Bose1_nowPlayingItemName Text item=Bose1_nowPlayingStationLocation Text item=Bose1_nowPlayingTrack } } ```