/** * * Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Contributors to the openHAB project * * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional * information. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 */ /** * OpenHAB item defintion for velux binding: * Velux Bridge and Devices * * @author Guenther Schreiner - Initial contribution */ // Group for simulating push buttons Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) gV "PushButton" // Velux Bridge channels String V_BRIDGE_STATUS "Velux Bridge Status [%s]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:status" } Switch V_BRIDGE_RELOAD "Velux Bridge Reload" (gV) { channel="velux:klf200:home:reload" } String V_BRIDGE_TIMESTAMP "Velux Bridge Timestamp [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:timestamp" } String V_BRIDGE_FIRMWARE "Velux Bridge Firmware version [%s]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:firmware" } String V_BRIDGE_IPADDRESS "Velux Bridge LAN IP Address" { channel="velux:klf200:home:ipAddress" } String V_BRIDGE_SUBNETMASK "Velux Bridge LAN IP Subnet Mask" { channel="velux:klf200:home:subnetMask" } String V_BRIDGE_DEFAULTGW "Velux Bridge LAN Default Gateway" { channel="velux:klf200:home:defaultGW" } String V_BRIDGE_DHCP "Velux Bridge LAN DHCP Enabled" { channel="velux:klf200:home:DHCP" } String V_BRIDGE_WLANSSID "Velux Bridge WLAN SSID" { channel="velux:klf200:home:WLANSSID" } String V_BRIDGE_WLANPASSWD "Velux Bridge WLAN Password" { channel="velux:klf200:home:WLANPassword" } Switch V_BRIDGE_DETECTION "Velux Bridge Detection mode" (gV) { channel="velux:klf200:home:doDetection" } String V_BRIDGE_CHECK "Velux Bridge Check" { channel="velux:klf200:home:check" } String V_BRIDGE_SCENES "Velux Bridge Scenes" { channel="velux:klf200:home:scenes" } String V_BRIDGE_PRODUCTS "Velux Bridge Products" { channel="velux:klf200:home:products" } // Velux Scene channels Switch V_DG_M_W_OPEN "Velux DG Window open" (gV) { channel="velux:scene:home:windowOpened:action" } Switch V_DG_M_W_UNLOCKED "Velux DG Window a little open" (gV) { channel="velux:scene:home:windowUnlocked:action" } Switch V_DG_M_W_CLOSED "Velux DG Window closed" (gV) { channel="velux:scene:home:windowClosed:action" } // Velux Bridge channel Rollershutter RS2 "Velux Rolladen 2 [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:shutter#0,V_DG_Shutter_Ost_000,100,V_DG_Shutter_Ost_100", channel="knx:device:bridge:control:VeluxFenster" } // Velux Actuator channels Rollershutter V_DG_M_W "DG Fenster Bad [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:V_DG_M_W" } Rollershutter V_DG_M_W2 "DG Fenster Bad [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:V_DG_M_W2" } Rollershutter V_DG_M_S "DG Bad [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:V_DG_M_S" } Rollershutter V_DG_W_S "DG West [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:V_DG_W_S" } Rollershutter V_DG_O_S "DG Ost [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:V_DG_O_S" } // // vim: syntax=Xtend vim: noai:ts=4:sw=4 // // end-of-items/velux.items //