# Ephemeris Binding

The Ephemeris Binding makes the bridge with Ephemeris core actions.
It provides access to Ephemeris data via Items without requiring usage of a scripting language.

The binding will search your Jollyday event definition files in the sub folder `/misc/ephemeris` located in the configuration folder of openHAB (e.g. for a linux system: /etc/openhab/misc/ephemeris/)

## Supported Things

The binding handles the following Things:

- default holiday data (`holiday`)
- custom holiday file (`custom`)
- daysets (`dayset`)
- weekend (`weekend`)

## Discovery

The binding discovers `weekend` and `holiday` things.

## Binding Configuration

There is no configuration at binding level.

## Thing Configuration

### `custom` Thing Configuration

| Name            | Type    | Description                                       | Default | Required | Advanced |
| fileName        | text    | Name of the XML file in the configuration folder  | N/A     | yes      | no       |

The file has to use the syntax described here: https://www.openhab.org/docs/configuration/actions.html#custom-bank-holidays

### `dayset` Thing Configuration

| Name            | Type    | Description               | Default | Required | Advanced |
| name            | text    | Name of the dayset used   | N/A     | yes      | no       |

## Channels

### `weekend` Channels

| Name     | Type   | Description                                                   |
| today    | Switch | Set to ON if today is a weekend day, OFF in the other case    |
| tomorrow | Switch | Set to ON if tomorrow is a weekend day, OFF in the other case |

### `dayset` Channels

| Name     | Type   | Description                                                         |
| today    | Switch | Set to ON if today is in the given dayset, OFF in the other case    |
| tomorrow | Switch | Set to ON if tomorrow is in the given dayset, OFF in the other case |

### `holiday` Channels

| Name             | Type        | Description                                    |
| title-today      | String      | Name of today's holiday if any, NULL otherwise |
| holiday-today    | Switch      | Set to ON if today is a holiday                |
| holiday-tomorrow | Switch      | Set to ON if tomorrow is a holiday             |
| next-title       | String      | Name of the next coming holiday                |
| next-start       | DateTime    | Start date of the next coming holiday          |
| days-remaining   | Number:Time | Remaining days until next holiday              |

### `custom` Channels

| Name           | Type        | Description                            |
| title-today    | String      | Title of the currently present event   |
| event-today    | Switch      | Set to ON if an event exists today     |
| event-tomorrow | Switch      | Set to ON if an event exists tomorrow  |
| next-title     | String      | Title of the next starting event       |
| next-start     | DateTime    | Start date of the next coming event    |
| days-remaining | Number:Time | Remaining days until next event        |

## Full Example

### Thing Example

Thing ephemeris:holiday:local "Holidays"
Thing ephemeris:weekend:local "Week-end"
Thing ephemeris:custom:events "Event" [fileName="events.xml"]

### Item Example

String         ToD_Event_Current          "Event Today"       <calendar>    (gEvents)                           {channel="ephemeris:custom:events:title-today"}
String         ToD_Event_Next          "Event Next"       <calendar>    (gEvents)                           {channel="ephemeris:custom:events:next-title"}
Number:Time    ToD_Event_Next_Left       "Event In"          <calendar>    (gEvents)       ["Measurement","Duration"]    {channel="ephemeris:custom:events:days-remaining", unit="day"}

Switch         ToD_Week_End_Current           "Week-End"                <calendar>    (gWeekEnd)                               {channel="ephemeris:weekend:local:today"}
Switch         ToD_Week_End_Tomorrow           "Week-End Tomorrow"         <calendar>    (gWeekEnd)                               {channel="ephemeris:weekend:local:tomorrow"}

String         ToD_Holiday_Current              "Holiday Today"       <calendar>    (gHoliday)                                 {channel="ephemeris:holiday:local:title-today"}
String         ToD_Holiday_Next              "Holiday Next"           <calendar>    (gHoliday)                                 {channel="ephemeris:holiday:local:next-title"}
Number:Time    ToD_Holiday_Next_Left           "Holiday In"              <calendar>    (gHoliday)            ["Measurement","Duration"]    {channel="ephemeris:holiday:local:days-remaining", unit="day"}
