# Astro Binding The Astro binding is used for calculating - many DateTime and positional values for sun and moon. - Radiation levels (direct, diffuse and total) of the sun during the day ## Supported Things This binding supports two Things: Sun and Moon ## Discovery If a system location is set, "Local Sun" and a "Local Moon" will be automatically discovered for this location. If the system location is changed, the background discovery updates the configuration of "Local Sun" and "Local Moon" automatically. ## Binding Configuration No binding configuration required. ## Thing Configuration All Things require the parameter `geolocation` (as `,[,]`) for which the calculation is done. The altitude segment is optional and sharpens results provided by the Radiation group. Optionally, a refresh `interval` (in seconds) can be defined to also calculate positional data like azimuth and elevation. Season calculation can be switched from equinox based calculation to meteorological based (starting on the first day of the given month). This is done by setting `useMeteorologicalSeason` to true in the advanced setting of the sun. ## Channels - **thing** `sun` - **group** `rise, set, noon, night, morningNight, astroDawn, nauticDawn, civilDawn, astroDusk, nauticDusk, civilDusk, eveningNight, daylight` - **channel** - `start, end` (DateTime) - `duration` (Number:Time) - **group** `position` - **channel** - `azimuth, elevation` (Number:Angle) - `shadeLength` (Number) - **group** `radiation` - **channel** - `direct, diffuse, total` (Number:Intensity) - **group** `zodiac` - **channel** - `start, end` (DateTime) - `sign` (String), values: `ARIES, TAURUS, GEMINI, CANCER, LEO, VIRGO, LIBRA, SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS, PISCES` - **group** `season` - **channel**: - `spring, summer, autumn, winter` (DateTime) - `name`,`nextName` (String), values `SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER` - `timeLeft` (Number:Time) - **group** `eclipse` - **channel**: - `total, partial, ring` (DateTime) - `totalElevation, partialElevation, ringElevation` (Number:Angle) - **group** `phase` - **channel** - `name` (String), values: `SUN_RISE, ASTRO_DAWN, NAUTIC_DAWN, CIVIL_DAWN, CIVIL_DUSK, NAUTIC_DUSK, ASTRO_DUSK, SUN_SET, DAYLIGHT, NIGHT` - **thing** `moon` - **group** `rise, set` - **channel** - `start, end` (DateTime) - **group** `phase` - **channel**: - `firstQuarter, thirdQuarter, full, new` (DateTime) - `age` (Number:Time) - `ageDegree` (Number:Angle) - `agePercent, illumination` (Number:Dimensionless) - `name` (String), values: `NEW, WAXING_CRESCENT, FIRST_QUARTER, WAXING_GIBBOUS, FULL, WANING_GIBBOUS, THIRD_QUARTER, WANING_CRESCENT` - **group** `eclipse` - **channel**: - `total, partial` (DateTime) - `totalElevation, partialElevation` (Number:Angle) - **group** `distance` - **channel**: - `date` (DateTime) - `distance` (Number:Length) - **group** `perigee` - **channel**: - `date` (DateTime), - `distance` (Number:Length) - **group** `apogee` - **channel**: - `date` (DateTime) - `distance` (Number:Length) - **group** `zodiac` - **channel** - `sign` (String), values: `ARIES, TAURUS, GEMINI, CANCER, LEO, VIRGO, LIBRA, SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS, PISCES` - **group** `position` - **channel** - `azimuth, elevation` (Number:Angle) ### Trigger Channels - **thing** `sun` - **group** `rise, set, noon, night, morningNight, astroDawn, nauticDawn, civilDawn, astroDusk, nauticDusk, civilDusk, eveningNight, daylight` - **event** `START, END` - **group** `eclipse` - **event**: `TOTAL, PARTIAL, RING` - **thing** `moon` - **group** `rise` - **event** `START` - **group** `set` - **event** `END` - **group** `phase` - **event**: `FIRST_QUARTER, THIRD_QUARTER, FULL, NEW` - **group** `eclipse` - **event**: `TOTAL, PARTIAL` - **group** `perigee` - **event**: `PERIGEE` - **group** `apogee` - **event**: `APOGEE` ### Channel config **Offsets:** For each event group you can optionally configure an `offset` in minutes. The `offset` must be configured in the channel properties for the corresponding thing. The minimum allowed offset is -1440 and the maximum allowed offset is 1440. **Earliest/Latest:** For each trigger channel and `start`, `end` datetime value, you can optionally configure the `earliest` and `latest` time of the day. e.g `sun#set earliest=18:00, latest=20:00` sunset is 17:40, but `earliest` is set to 18:00 so the event/datetime value is moved to 18:00. OR sunset is 22:10 but `latest` is set to 20:00 so the event/datetime value is moved 20:00. **Force event:** For each trigger channel and `start`, `end` datetime value, you can force the `earliest`, `latest` time of the day, when the event is actually not taking place (e.g. astronomic dawn during summer in Sweden) e.g `sun#astroDawn earliest=6:00, latest=20:00 forceEvent=true` astronomic dawn start is null but `earliest` is set to 06:00 so the event/datetime value is set to 06:00. ## Full Example Things: ```java astro:sun:home [ geolocation="52.5200066,13.4049540,100", interval=60 ] astro:moon:home [ geolocation="52.5200066,13.4049540", interval=60 ] ``` or optionally with an event offset ```java astro:sun:home [ geolocation="52.5200066,13.4049540,100", interval=60 ] { Channels: Type rangeEvent : rise#event [ offset=-30 ] } astro:moon:home [ geolocation="52.5200066,13.4049540", interval=60 ] ``` or a datetime offset ```java astro:sun:home [ geolocation="52.5200066,13.4049540,100", interval=60 ] { Channels: Type start : rise#start [ offset=5 ] Type end : rise#end [ offset=5 ] } ``` or an offset and latest ```java astro:sun:home [ geolocation="52.5200066,13.4049540,100", interval=60 ] { Channels: Type rangeEvent : rise#event [ offset=-10, latest="08:00" ] } ``` Items: ```java DateTime Sunrise_Time "Sunrise [%1$tH:%1$tM]" { channel="astro:sun:home:rise#start" } DateTime Sunset_Time "Sunset [%1$tH:%1$tM]" { channel="astro:sun:home:set#start" } Number:Angle Azimuth "Azimuth" { channel="astro:sun:home:position#azimuth" } Number:Angle Elevation "Elevation" { channel="astro:sun:home:position#elevation" } String MoonPhase "MoonPhase" { channel="astro:moon:home:phase#name" } Number:Length MoonDistance "MoonDistance [%.1f %unit%]" { channel="astro:moon:home:distance#distance" } Number:Intensity Total_Radiation "Radiation [%.2f %unit%]" { channel="astro:sun:home:radiation#total" } Number:Intensity Diffuse_Radiation "Diffuse Radiation [%.2f %unit%]" { channel="astro:sun:home:radiation#diffuse" } ``` Events: ```java rule "example trigger rule" when Channel 'astro:sun:home:rise#event' triggered START then ... end ``` ## Rule Actions Multiple actions are supported by this binding. In classic rules these are accessible as shown in the example below: Getting sunActions variable in scripts ```java val sunActions = getActions("astro","astro:sun:local") if(null === sunActions) { logInfo("actions", "sunActions not found, check thing ID") return } else { // do something with sunActions } ``` ### getEventTime(phaseName, date, moment) Retrieves date and time (ZonedDateTime) of the requested phase name. Thing method only applies to Sun thing type. - `phaseName` (String), values: `SUN_RISE, ASTRO_DAWN, NAUTIC_DAWN, CIVIL_DAWN, CIVIL_DUSK, NAUTIC_DUSK, ASTRO_DUSK, SUN_SET, DAYLIGHT, NIGHT`. Mandatory. - `date` (ZonedDateTime), only the date part of this parameter will be considered - defaulted to now() if null. - `moment` (String), values: `START, END` - defaulted to `START` if null. Example : ```java val sunEvent = "SUN_SET" val today = ZonedDateTime.now; val sunEventTime = sunActions.getEventTime(sunEvent,today,"START") logInfo("AstroActions","{} will happen at : {}", sunEvent, sunEventTime.toString) ``` ### getElevation(timeStamp) Retrieves the elevation (QuantityType) of the sun at the requested instant. Thing method applies to Sun and Moon. - `timeStamp` (ZonedDateTime) - defaulted to now() if null. ### getAzimuth(timeStamp) Retrieves the azimuth (QuantityType) of the sun at the requested instant. Thing method applies to Sun and Moon. - `timeStamp` (ZonedDateTime) - defaulted to now() if null. Example : ```java val azimuth = sunActions.getAzimuth(sunEventTime) val elevation = sunActions.getElevation(sunEventTime) logInfo("AstroActions", "{} will be positioned at elevation {} - azimuth {}",sunEvent, elevation.toString,azimuth.toString) ``` ## Tips Do not worry if for example the "astro dawn" is undefined at your location. The reason might be that you live in a northern country and it is summer, such that the sun is not 18 degrees below the horizon in the morning. For details see [this Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawn). The "civil dawn" event might often be the better choice.