syntax = "proto3"; package proto; option java_package = "com.daimler.mbcarkit.proto"; message AcknowledgeUserDataUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; } message UserDataUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; string ciam_id = 2; // when was the event emitted? This is the time of the update, // not when the attributes where changed. To compare attribute changes, you need to look into each attribute timestamp int64 emit_timestamp = 3; // When was the event emitted (milliseconds in Unix time) int64 emit_timestamp_in_ms = 8; CPDUserData old_data = 6; CPDUserData new_data = 7; } message AcknowledgeUserVehicleAuthChangedUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; } message AcknowledgeAbilityToGetVehicleMasterDataFromRestAPI { int32 sequence_number = 1; } message UserVehicleAuthChangedUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; string ciam_id = 2; // when was the event emitted? This is the time of the update, // not when the attributes where changed. To compare attribute changes, you need to look into each attribute timestamp int64 emit_timestamp = 3; // When was the event emitted (milliseconds in Unix time) int64 emit_timestamp_in_ms = 8; } message CPDUserData { string ciam_id = 1; string user_id = 2; string first_name = 3; string last_name1 = 4; string last_name2 = 5; string title = 6; string name_prefix = 7; string middle_initial = 8; string salutation_code = 9; string email = 10; string landline_phone = 11; string mobile_phone_number = 12; string created_at = 13; string created_by = 14; string updated_at = 15; string birthday = 28; string preferred_language_code = 29; string account_country_code = 30; // doc says: TODO string uc_id = 31; bool vip = 32; CPDUserAddress address = 33; CPDUserCommunicationPreference communication_preference = 34; } message CPDUserAddress { string country_code = 1; string state = 2; string province = 3; string street = 4; string house_no = 5; string zip_code = 6; string city = 7; string street_type = 8; string house_name = 9; string floor_no = 10; string door_no = 11; string address_line1 = 12; string address_line2 = 13; string address_line3 = 14; string post_office_box = 15; } message CPDUserCommunicationPreference { bool contacted_by_phone = 1; bool contacted_by_letter = 2; bool contacted_by_email = 3; bool contacted_by_sms = 4; } message AcknowledgeUserPictureUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; } // Sent after a picture upload/change message UserPictureUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; // ciam ID string ciam_id = 5; // when was the event emitted? This is the time of the update int64 emit_timestamp = 2; // When was the event emitted (milliseconds in Unix time) int64 emit_timestamp_in_ms = 6; // this timestamp indicates when a message was read from the eventhub int64 eventhub_receive_timestamp = 3; // this timestamp indicates when a message was processed in the app twin int64 apptwin_receive_timestamp = 4; } message AcknowledgeUserPINUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; } // Sent after a PIN update message UserPINUpdate { int32 sequence_number = 1; // ciam ID string ciam_id = 5; // when was the event emitted? This is the time of the update int64 emit_timestamp = 2; // When was the event emitted (milliseconds in Unix time) int64 emit_timestamp_in_ms = 6; // this timestamp indicates when a message was read from the eventhub int64 eventhub_receive_timestamp = 3; // this timestamp indicates when a message was processed in the app twin int64 apptwin_receive_timestamp = 4; } // Contains the refreshed jwt of the user message UpdateUserJWTRequest { string jwt = 1; } // Ack for the UpdateUserJWTRequest message AcknowledgeUpdateUserJWTRequest { }