* New translations volumio.properties (French)
* New translations astro.properties (Finnish)
* New translations chromecast.properties (Finnish)
* New translations icloud.properties (Finnish)
* New translations tradfri.properties (Finnish)
* New translations icalendar.properties (Finnish)
* New translations dali.properties (Finnish)
* New translations fmiweather.properties (Finnish)
* New translations modbus.properties (Finnish)
* New translations mybmw.properties (Finnish)
* New translations netatmo.properties (Finnish)
* New translations rollershutter.properties (Finnish)
* New translations vat.properties (Finnish)
* New translations avmfritz.properties (Italian)
* New translations enigma2.properties (Italian)
* New translations astro.properties (Dutch)
* New translations openweathermap.properties (Dutch)
* New translations dsmr.properties (Dutch)
* New translations systeminfo.properties (Dutch)
* New translations unifi.properties (Dutch)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (Dutch)
* New translations inmemory.properties (Dutch)
* New translations mapdb.properties (Dutch)
* New translations rrd4j.properties (Dutch)
* New translations smhi.properties (Swedish)
* New translations plex.properties (Italian)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* New translations solarforecast.properties (Finnish)
* New translations nikohomecontrol.properties (Dutch)
* New translations emotiva.properties (Italian)
* New translations volumio.properties (Italian)
* New translations siemenshvac.properties (Italian)
* [mybmw] add functionality for updating
disable updating by setting the refresh-interval to 0
enable force update by adding some switches
Signed-off-by: Martin Grassl <martin.grassl@digital-filestore.de>
* [mybmw] fix not working binding due to API update
to make it work the code has been refactored and due to API changes some
improvements could be made. These include:
- (improvement) fingerprint generation: You can
take a look at the README how to create a
fingerprint more conveniently.
- (change) changed channel: charge-info has been
renamed to charge-remaining
- (improvement) added channels:
estimated-fuel-l-100km and estimated-fuel-mpg
which calculates the estimated fuel consumption
based on the range and remaining fuel liters
- unfortunately such a calculation is not available
for EVs as there is no information about the capacity of the battery.
- (improvement) added channel last-fetched:
the last-updated timestamp is showing by when
the last update of the vehicle happened. As right
now you can not see from the channels if a thing
is offline due to connection issues, you can check
now if last-fetched is more than 5 minutes ago to identify an issue
- (fixed) remote command typos fixed
Also-by: Mark Herwege <mark.herwege@telenet.be>
Signed-off-by: Martin Grassl <martin.grassl@digital-filestore.de>
Make sure that SecureRadom is used whenever the random number
is used for cryptographic operations, e.g. as nonce/salt.
Signed-off-by: Holger Friedrich <mail@holger-friedrich.de>
* New translations boschindego.properties (Danish)
* New translations hdpowerview.properties (Danish)
* New translations airq.properties (German)
* New translations amazondashbutton.properties (German)
* New translations ekey.properties (German)
* New translations evcc.properties (German)
* New translations feed.properties (German)
* New translations gpstracker.properties (German)
* New translations heliosventilation.properties (German)
* New translations mybmw.properties (German)
* New translations qolsysiq.properties (Italian)
* New translations systeminfo.properties (German)
* New translations tado.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations mybmw.properties (German)
* New translations gardena.properties (German)
* New translations astro.properties (German)
* New translations avmfritz.properties (German)
* New translations chromecast.properties (German)
* New translations hue.properties (German)
* New translations logreader.properties (German)
* New translations icalendar.properties (German)
* New translations max.properties (German)
* New translations comfoair.properties (German)
* New translations denonmarantz.properties (German)
* New translations deutschebahn.properties (German)
* New translations dwdpollenflug.properties (German)
* New translations ecotouch.properties (German)
* New translations epsonprojector.properties (German)
* New translations exec.properties (German)
* New translations homematic.properties (German)
* New translations hpprinter.properties (German)
* New translations http.properties (German)
* New translations magentatv.properties (German)
* New translations awattar.properties (German)
* MyBMW command "horn-blow" not "horn-low"
The command is "horn-blow" not "horn-low".
Tested with my car: "horn-blow" works, "horn-low" does not.
* (MyBMW] command "light-flash" not "flash-lights"
The command is "light-flash" not "flash-lights".
Tested with my car: "light-flash" works, "flash-lights" does not.