* New translations miele.properties (German)
* New translations remoteopenhab.properties (German)
* New translations mqtt.properties (German)
* New translations metrics.properties (German)
* New translations boschindego.properties (German)
* New translations gpstracker.properties (German)
* New translations onkyo.properties (German)
* New translations tado.properties (German)
* New translations telegram.properties (German)
* New translations jruby.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations imperihome.properties (German)
These workarounds to prevent false positives can be removed now the EEAs allow for proper null analysis.
Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <github@maindrain.net>