* [jsscripting] Fix console logger name is missing for UI scripts
* [jsscripting] Fix timer identifier "missing" for setTimeout/setInterval for UI scripts
Caused by https://github.com/openhab/openhab-core/pull/4289.
Signed-off-by: Florian Hotze <florianh_dev@icloud.com>
* New translations volumio.properties (French)
* New translations astro.properties (Finnish)
* New translations chromecast.properties (Finnish)
* New translations icloud.properties (Finnish)
* New translations tradfri.properties (Finnish)
* New translations icalendar.properties (Finnish)
* New translations dali.properties (Finnish)
* New translations fmiweather.properties (Finnish)
* New translations modbus.properties (Finnish)
* New translations mybmw.properties (Finnish)
* New translations netatmo.properties (Finnish)
* New translations rollershutter.properties (Finnish)
* New translations vat.properties (Finnish)
* New translations avmfritz.properties (Italian)
* New translations enigma2.properties (Italian)
* New translations astro.properties (Dutch)
* New translations openweathermap.properties (Dutch)
* New translations dsmr.properties (Dutch)
* New translations systeminfo.properties (Dutch)
* New translations unifi.properties (Dutch)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (Dutch)
* New translations inmemory.properties (Dutch)
* New translations mapdb.properties (Dutch)
* New translations rrd4j.properties (Dutch)
* New translations smhi.properties (Swedish)
* New translations plex.properties (Italian)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* New translations solarforecast.properties (Finnish)
* New translations nikohomecontrol.properties (Dutch)
* New translations emotiva.properties (Italian)
* New translations volumio.properties (Italian)
* New translations siemenshvac.properties (Italian)
* New translations openwebnet.properties (Italian)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (Danish)
* New translations hdpowerview.properties (Danish)
* New translations netatmo.properties (Italian)
* New translations danfossairunit.properties (Danish)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (Italian)
* [jsscripting] Extend comments for wraprequire
* [jsscripting] Enable openhab-js caching to improve performance
On my dev system (which I guess is much more powerful than most openHAB servers), cached openhab-js injection takes 100-200 ms.
openhab-js injection from file system takes about 1000 ms.
* [jsscripting] Update configuration language
* [jsscripting] Upgrade openhab-js version to 3.2.1 for required webpack changes
Documentation updates will follow in another PR to keep this one clean.
Signed-off-by: Florian Hotze <florianh_dev@icloud.com>
* New translations knx.properties (German)
* New translations yamahamusiccast.properties (German)
* New translations hdpowerview.properties (Danish)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (Danish)
* New translations chromecast.properties (Italian)
* New translations sonos.properties (Italian)
* New translations exec.properties (Italian)
* New translations knx.properties (German)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (German)
* New translations yamahamusiccast.properties (German)
* [jsscripting] Downgrade GraalVM to fix issue with armv7l & OpenJDK 11.0.16
The community reported several cases where JS Scripting was not working due to some issue with the injection of the global script.
This issue seems to only occur on armv7l (e.g. Raspberry Pi 32bit) and OpenJDK 11.0.16.
Investigation showed that the occurrence of the problem depends on the GraalJS version.
See https://community.openhab.org/t/js-scripting-all-scripts-stop-working-when-upgrading-to-3-4-0-m4/140837.
* [jsscripting] Add logging for injection of JSRuntimeFeatures
* [jsscripting] Lint `@jsscripting-globals.js` with semistandard
* [jsscripting] Remove ICU4J as it moved to `org.graalvm.truffle`
Reference f5661d4655/CHANGELOG.md (version-2200).
Signed-off-by: Florian Hotze <florianh_dev@icloud.com>
* [jsscripting] Reimplement timers to conform standard JS
* [jsscripting] Name scheduled jobs by loggerName + id
* [jsscripting] Update timer identifiers
* [jsscripting] Update identifiers for scheduled jobs
* [jsscripting] Synchronize method that is called when the script is reloaded
* [jsscripting] Cancel all scheduled jobs when the engine is closed
* [jsscripting] Ensure that a timerId is never reused by a subsequent call & Use long primitive type instead of Integer
* [jsscripting] Use an abstraction class to inject features into the JS runtime
* [jsscripting] Make ThreadsafeTimers threadsafe for concurrent access to the class itself
* [jsscripting] Move the locking for `invokeFunction` to `OpenhabGraalJSScriptEngine`
Signed-off-by: Florian Hotze <florianh_dev@icloud.com>
* [jsscripting] Share the lock mechanism that was used only for rules
This change moves the lock object that was originally created for ThreadsafeSimpleRuleDelegate to OpenhabGraalJSScriptEngine to make share it across the whole engine.
* [jsscripting] Inject the lock object into the JS runtime
* [jsscripting] Update `setTimeout` & `setInterval` polyfills to enable threadsafety
* [jsscripting] Upgrade GraalJS from 21.3.0 to 22.3.0
* [jsscripting] Reduce compiler warnings
* [jsscripting] Update node version of frontend-maven-plugin
Signed-off-by: Florian Hotze <florianh_dev@icloud.com>
* Appends the ruleID or file name to the logger when console logging.
* Adds configurable logging, updates scriptId logic
Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <dan@digitaldan.com>
* New translations astro.properties (Finnish)
* New translations astro.properties (German)
* New translations bluetooth.properties (German)
* New translations boschshc.properties (Italian)
* New translations comfoair.properties (German)
* New translations dwdunwetter.properties (German)
* New translations epsonprojector.properties (German)
* New translations gpio.properties (German)
* New translations heliosventilation.properties (German)
* New translations homeconnect.properties (German)
* New translations homematic.properties (German)
* New translations ipp.properties (German)
* New translations jruby.properties (Hungarian)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (German)
* New translations jsscripting.properties (Hungarian)
* New translations map.properties (German)
* New translations map.properties (Hungarian)
* New translations mqttbroker.properties (Italian)
* New translations nanoleaf.properties (German)
* New translations ocean.properties (German)
* New translations openhabcloud.properties (Finnish)
* New translations samsungtv.properties (Hungarian)
* New translations shelly.properties (German)
* New translations snmp.properties (German)
* New translations sonos.properties (German)
* New translations spotify.properties (German)
* New translations tr064.properties (German)
* New translations tradfri.properties (German)
* New translations unifi.properties (German)
* New translations unifi.properties (Hungarian)
* New translations valloxmv.properties (Finnish)
* New translations volvooncall.properties (German)
* New translations xslt.properties (German)