* New translations openhabcloud.properties (French)
* New translations transform.properties (French)
* New translations voicerss.properties (French)
* New translations actions.properties (German)
* New translations errors.properties (German)
* New translations stateflags.properties (German)
* New translations nanoleaf.properties (German)
* New translations surepetcare.properties (German)
* New translations deconz.properties (German)
* New translations tr064.properties (German)
* New translations deconz.properties (German)
* New translations openhabcloud.properties (German)
* New translations astro.properties (French)
* New translations hue.properties (French)
* New translations ntp.properties (French)
* New translations feed.properties (German)
* New translations lgwebos.properties (French)
* New translations gce.properties (French)
* New translations airquality.properties (French)
* New translations airquality.properties (French)
* New translations rotel.properties (French)
* New translations feed.properties (German)
* New translations hue.properties (French)
* New translations mail.properties (German)
* New translations sonyprojector.properties (French)
* New translations tradfri.properties (French)
* New translations powermax.properties (French)
* New translations lgwebos.properties (French)
* New translations intesis.properties (German)
* New translations zway.properties (German)
* New translations velux.properties (German)
* New translations pushsafer.properties (German)
* New translations pushover.properties (German)
* New translations hue.properties (German)
* New translations rotel.properties (French)
* New translations openuv.properties (French)
* New translations synopanalyzer.properties (French)
* New translations nikohomecontrol.properties (Dutch)
For the bindings homeconnect, lgwebos, netatmo, remoteopenhab, rotel,
somfytahoma, sonos and sonyprojector
Depends on openhab/openhab-core#1505
Signed-off-by: Laurent Garnier <lg.hc@free.fr>