[jrubyscripting] Generate proper i18n file (#17063)

Signed-off-by: Laurent Garnier <lg.hc@free.fr>
This commit is contained in:
lolodomo 2024-07-21 10:22:50 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5fdb9fd39c
commit 5aec1c8a89
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
5 changed files with 36 additions and 129 deletions

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
automation.config.jruby.check_update.label = Check for Gem Updates
automation.config.jruby.check_update.description = Check RubyGems for updates to the above gems when OpenHAB starts or JRuby settings are changed. Otherwise it will try to fulfill the requirements with locally installed gems, and you can manage them yourself with an external Ruby by setting the same GEM_HOME.
automation.config.jruby.dependency_tracking.label = Enable Dependency Tracking
automation.config.jruby.dependency_tracking.description = Dependency tracking allows your scripts to automatically reload when one of its dependencies is updated. You may want to disable dependency tracking if you plan on editing or updating a shared library, but don't want all your scripts to reload until you can test it.
automation.config.jruby.gem_home.label = GEM_HOME
automation.config.jruby.gem_home.description = Location Ruby Gems will be installed to and loaded from. Directory will be created if necessary. You can use <tt>{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}</tt>, <tt>{RUBY_ENGINE}</tt> and/or <tt>{RUBY_VERSION}</tt> replacements in this value to automatically point to a new directory when the addon is updated with a new version of JRuby. Defaults to "<tt>OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ruby/.gem/{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}</tt>" when not specified.
automation.config.jruby.gems.label = Ruby Gems
automation.config.jruby.gems.description = A comma separated list of Ruby Gems to install. Versions may be constrained by separating with an <tt>=</tt> and then the standard RubyGems version constraint, such as "<tt>openhab-scripting=~>5.0</tt>".
automation.config.jruby.group.environment.label = Ruby Environment
automation.config.jruby.group.environment.description = This group defines Ruby's environment.
automation.config.jruby.group.gems.label = Ruby Gems
automation.config.jruby.group.gems.description = This group defines the list of Ruby Gems to install.
automation.config.jruby.group.system.label = System Properties
automation.config.jruby.group.system.description = This group defines JRuby system properties.
automation.config.jruby.local_context.label = Context Instance Type
automation.config.jruby.local_context.description = The local context holds Ruby runtime, name-value pairs for sharing variables between Java and Ruby. See <a href="https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge#Context_Instance_Type">the documentation</a> for options and details.
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.singleton = Singleton
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.threadsafe = ThreadSafe
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.singlethread = SingleThread
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.concurrent = Concurrent
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.label = Local Variable Behavior
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.description = Defines how variables are shared between Ruby and Java. See <a href="https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge#local-variable-behavior-options">the documentation</a> for options and details.
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.transient = Transient
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.persistent = Persistent
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.global = Global
automation.config.jruby.require.label = Require Scripts
automation.config.jruby.require.description = A comma separated list of script names to be required by the JRuby Scripting Engine before running user scripts.
automation.config.jruby.rubylib.label = RUBYLIB
automation.config.jruby.rubylib.description = Search path for user libraries. Separate each path with a colon (semicolon in Windows). Defaults to "<tt>OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ruby/lib</tt>" when not specified.
# service
service.automation.jrubyscripting.label = JRuby Scripting

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
automation.config.jruby.check_update.label = Nach Gem Updates suchen
automation.config.jruby.check_update.description = Prüfen Sie RubyGems auf Aktualisierungen der oben genannten Gems, wenn OpenHAB startet oder JRuby-Einstellungen geändert werden. Andernfalls wird versucht, die Anforderungen mit lokal installierten Gems zu erfüllen. Sie können auch ein eigenes, externes Ruby einsetzen, indem Sie dasselbe GEM_HOME definieren.
automation.config.jruby.dependency_tracking.label = Abhängigkeitsverfolgung aktivieren
automation.config.jruby.dependency_tracking.description = Die Abhängigkeitsverfolgung ermöglicht es Ihren Skripten, automatisch neu zu laden, wenn eine ihrer Abhängigkeiten aktualisiert wird. Sie können die Abhängigkeitsverfolgung deaktivieren, wenn Sie eine gemeinsam genutzte Bibliothek bearbeiten oder aktualisieren möchten, aber nicht wollen, dass alle Skripte neu geladen werden, bis Sie sie testen können.
automation.config.jruby.gem_home.label = GEM_HOME
automation.config.jruby.gem_home.description = Speicherort Ruby Gems wird installiert und von dort geladen. Das Verzeichnis wird bei Bedarf erstellt. Sie können die Ersetzungen <tt>{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}</tt>, <tt>{RUBY_ENGINE}</tt> und/oder <tt>{RUBY_VERSION}</tt> in diesem Wert verwenden, um automatisch auf ein neues Verzeichnis zu verweisen, wenn das Addon wird mit einer neuen Version von JRuby aktualisiert. Standardmäßig „<tt>OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ruby/.gem/{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}</tt>“, wenn nicht angegeben.
automation.config.jruby.gems.label = Ruby Gems
automation.config.jruby.gems.description = Eine kommagetrennte Liste von zu installierenden Ruby Gems. Versionen können eingeschränkt werden, indem sie von <tt>\=</tt> getrennt werden, und dann die Standard RubyGems Versionsbeschränkung, wie "<tt>openhab-scripting\=~>5.0.0</tt>".
automation.config.jruby.group.environment.label = Ruby-Umgebung
automation.config.jruby.group.environment.description = Diese Gruppe definiert die Ruby Umgebung.
automation.config.jruby.group.gems.label = Ruby Gems
automation.config.jruby.group.gems.description = Diese Gruppe definiert die Liste der zu installierenden Ruby Gems.
automation.config.jruby.group.system.label = Systemeigenschaften
automation.config.jruby.group.system.description = Diese Gruppe definiert JRuby Systemeigenschaften.
automation.config.jruby.local_context.label = Context Instance Type
automation.config.jruby.local_context.description = Der lokale Kontext enthält Ruby Laufzeitumgebung, Namens-Wert-Paare für das Teilen von Variablen zwischen Java und Ruby. Siehe <a href\="https\://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge\#Context_Instance_Type">die Dokumentation</a> für Optionen und Details.
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.singleton = Singleton
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.threadsafe = ThreadSafe
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.singlethread = SingleThread
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.concurrent = Concurrent
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.label = Lokales Variablenverhalten
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.description = Legt fest, wie Variablen zwischen Ruby und Java geteilt werden. Siehe <a href\="https\://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge\#local-variable-behavior-options">die Dokumentation</a> für Optionen und Details.
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.transient = Transient
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.persistent = Persistent
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.global = Global
automation.config.jruby.require.label = Skripte anfordern
automation.config.jruby.require.description = Eine durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Skriptnamen, die von der JRuby Scripting Engine verlangt werden, bevor Benutzerskripte ausgeführt werden.
automation.config.jruby.rubylib.label = RUBYLIB
automation.config.jruby.rubylib.description = Suchpfad für Benutzerbibliotheken. Trennen Sie jeden Pfad mit einem Doppelpunkt (Semikolon unter Windows). Standardmäßig "<tt>OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ruby/lib</tt>" wenn nicht angegeben.
# service
service.automation.jrubyscripting.label = JRuby Scripting

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# service
service.automation.jrubyscripting.label = JRuby szkriptek
# bundle config
automation.config.jruby.gem_home.label = GEM_HOME
automation.config.jruby.gem_home.description = A Ruby Gems (gyémántok) telepítési és betöltési helye, ha a gyémántok telepítése engedélyezve van. A mappa automatikusan létrehozásra kerül
automation.config.jruby.gems.label = Ruby gyémántok
automation.config.jruby.gems.description = Vesszővel elválasztott lista a telepítendő gyémántokról.
automation.config.jruby.group.environment.label = Ruby környezet
automation.config.jruby.group.environment.description = Ez a csoport adja meg a Ruby környezetet.
automation.config.jruby.group.gems.label = Ruby gyémántok
automation.config.jruby.group.gems.description = Ez a csoport adja meg a Ruby gyémántok telepítendő listáját.
automation.config.jruby.group.system.label = Rendszer tulajdonságok
automation.config.jruby.group.system.description = Ez a csoport adja meg a JRuby rendszer tulajdonságokat.
automation.config.jruby.local_context.label = A kontextus példány típusa
automation.config.jruby.local_context.description = A helyi kontextus tartalmazza a Ruby futtatási környezetét, név-érték párjait a Java és Ruby közti változók átadásához. A lehetőségek és részletek megtekintéséhez nyissa meg a következő linket\: https\://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge\#Context_Instance_Type.
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.singleton = Egyke (singleton)
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.threadsafe = Szálbiztos
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.singlethread = Egyszálú
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.concurrent = Párhuzamos
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.label = Helyi változó viselkedés
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.description = Megadja, hogy a változók átadása a Ruby és a Java környezet között miként történjen. Részletek\: https\://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge\#local-variable-behavior-options.
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.transient = Átmeneti
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.persistent = Tartós
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.global = Teljes körű
automation.config.jruby.rubylib.label = RUBYLIB
automation.config.jruby.rubylib.description = A felhasználói könyvtárak keresési útvonala. Elválasztó a kettőspont (Pontosvessző Windows alatt).

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
automation.config.jruby.check_update.label = Controlla per Aggiornamenti di Gem
automation.config.jruby.check_update.description = Controllare RubyGems per gli aggiornamenti alle gem di cui sopra quando OpenHAB inizia o le impostazioni JRuby vengono modificate. Altrimenti proverà a soddisfare i requisiti con gem installate localmente, e puoi gestirli da soli con un Ruby esterno impostando lo stesso GEM_HOME.
automation.config.jruby.dependency_tracking.label = Abilita Monitoraggio Delle Dipendenze
automation.config.jruby.dependency_tracking.description = Il monitoraggio delle dipendenze consente agli script di ricaricare automaticamente quando una delle sue dipendenze viene aggiornata. Si consiglia di disabilitare il tracciamento delle dipendenze se si prevede di modificare o aggiornare una libreria condivisa, ma non vuoi che tutti gli script siano ricaricati fino a quando non puoi provarlo.
automation.config.jruby.gem_home.label = GEM_HOME
automation.config.jruby.gem_home.description = Il percorso da dove le Ruby Gems saranno installate e caricate. La directory verrà creata se necessario. È possibile utilizare i valori <tt>{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}</tt>, <tt>{RUBY_ENGINE}</tt> e/o <tt>{RUBY_VERSION}</tt> come sostituzioni per puntare automaticamente a una nuova directory quando l''addon viene aggiornato con una nuova versione di JRuby. Il valore predefinito è "<tt>OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ruby/.gem/{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}</tt>" se non specificato.
automation.config.jruby.gems.label = Ruby Gems
automation.config.jruby.gems.description = Un elenco separato da virgola di Ruby Gems da installare. Le versioni possono essere vincolate separando con un <tt>\=</tt> e quindi il vincolo di versione standard di RubyGems, come "<tt>openhab-scripting\=~>5.</tt>".
automation.config.jruby.group.environment.label = Ambiente Di Ruby
automation.config.jruby.group.environment.description = Questo gruppo definisce l'ambiente di Ruby.
automation.config.jruby.group.gems.label = Ruby Gems
automation.config.jruby.group.gems.description = Questo gruppo definisce la lista di Ruby Gems da installare.
automation.config.jruby.group.system.label = Proprietà di sistema
automation.config.jruby.group.system.description = Questo gruppo definisce le proprietà del sistema JRuby.
automation.config.jruby.local_context.label = Tipo Context Instance
automation.config.jruby.local_context.description = Il contesto locale contiene le coppie di runtime Ruby, none-valore per la condivisione delle variabili tra Java e Ruby. Vedere <a href\="https\://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge\#Context_Instance_Type">la documentazione</a> per le opzioni e i dettagli.
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.singleton = Singleton
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.threadsafe = Thread Sicura
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.singlethread = Thread Singola
automation.config.jruby.local_context.option.concurrent = Concorrente
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.label = Comportamento Variabile Locale
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.description = Definisce come le variabili sono condivise tra Ruby e Java. Vedi <a href\="https\://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge\#local-variable-behavior-options">la documentazione</a> per le opzioni e i dettagli.
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.transient = Transitorio
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.persistent = Persistente
automation.config.jruby.local_variable.option.global = Globale
automation.config.jruby.require.label = Richiede Scripts
automation.config.jruby.require.description = Un elenco separato da virgola di nomi di script che devono essere richiesti dal motore di scripting JRuby prima di eseguire gli script utente.
automation.config.jruby.rubylib.label = RUBYLIB
automation.config.jruby.rubylib.description = Percorso di ricerca per le librerie utente. Separare ogni percorso con due punti (con un punto e virgola in Windows). Predefinito "<tt>OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ruby/lib</tt>" se non specificato.
# service
service.automation.jrubyscripting.label = JRuby Scripting

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# add-on
addon.jrubyscripting.name = JRuby Scripting
addon.jrubyscripting.description = This adds a JRuby script engine.
# add-on
automation.config.jrubyscripting.check_update.label = Check for Gem Updates
automation.config.jrubyscripting.check_update.description = Check RubyGems for updates to the above gems when OpenHAB starts or JRuby settings are changed. Otherwise it will try to fulfill the requirements with locally installed gems, and you can manage them yourself with an external Ruby by setting the same GEM_HOME.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.dependency_tracking.label = Enable Dependency Tracking
automation.config.jrubyscripting.dependency_tracking.description = Dependency tracking allows your scripts to automatically reload when one of its dependencies is updated. You may want to disable dependency tracking if you plan on editing or updating a shared library, but don't want all your scripts to reload until you can test it.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.gem_home.label = GEM_HOME
automation.config.jrubyscripting.gem_home.description = Location Ruby Gems will be installed to and loaded from. Directory will be created if necessary. You can use <tt>{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}</tt>, <tt>{RUBY_ENGINE}</tt> and/or <tt>{RUBY_VERSION}</tt> replacements in this value to automatically point to a new directory when the addon is updated with a new version of JRuby. Defaults to "<tt>OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ruby/.gem/{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}</tt>" when not specified.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.gems.label = Ruby Gems
automation.config.jrubyscripting.gems.description = A comma separated list of Ruby Gems to install. Versions may be constrained by separating with an <tt>=</tt> and then the standard RubyGems version constraint, such as "<tt>openhab-scripting=~>5.0</tt>".
automation.config.jrubyscripting.group.environment.label = Ruby Environment
automation.config.jrubyscripting.group.environment.description = This group defines Ruby's environment.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.group.gems.label = Ruby Gems
automation.config.jrubyscripting.group.gems.description = This group defines the list of Ruby Gems to install.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.group.system.label = System Properties
automation.config.jrubyscripting.group.system.description = This group defines JRuby system properties.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_context.label = Context Instance Type
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_context.description = The local context holds Ruby runtime, name-value pairs for sharing variables between Java and Ruby. See <a href="https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge#Context_Instance_Type">the documentation</a> for options and details.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_context.option.singleton = Singleton
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_context.option.threadsafe = ThreadSafe
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_context.option.singlethread = SingleThread
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_context.option.concurrent = Concurrent
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_variable.label = Local Variable Behavior
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_variable.description = Defines how variables are shared between Ruby and Java. See <a href="https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge#local-variable-behavior-options">the documentation</a> for options and details.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_variable.option.transient = Transient
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_variable.option.persistent = Persistent
automation.config.jrubyscripting.local_variable.option.global = Global
automation.config.jrubyscripting.require.label = Require Scripts
automation.config.jrubyscripting.require.description = A comma separated list of script names to be required by the JRuby Scripting Engine before running user scripts.
automation.config.jrubyscripting.rubylib.label = RUBYLIB
automation.config.jrubyscripting.rubylib.description = Search path for user libraries. Separate each path with a colon (semicolon in Windows). Defaults to "<tt>OPENHAB_CONF/automation/ruby/lib</tt>" when not specified.