When you start device discovery, the system will scan all network interfaces and **all IP Addresses in the subnet on each interface** looking for a Russound system device.
If found, the device will be added to the inbox.
Adding the device will then start a scan of the device to discover all the controllers, sources, and zones attached defined on the device.
As these are found, they will be added to the inbox.
## HABPANEL or other UI
All media management functions are supported to allow building of a dynamic UI for the various streaming sources.
All media management channels begin with "mm".
An example HABPanel implementation can be found in the HABPanel forum.
## Thing Configuration
The following configurations occur for each of the bridges/things:
| channel | R | String | The currently playing channel (usually tuner frequency) |
| channelname | R | String | The currently playing channel name |
| composername | R | String | The currently playing composer name |
| genre | R | String | The currently playing genre |
| artistname | R | String | The currently playing artist name |
| albumname | R | String | The currently playing album name |
| coverarturl | R | String | The currently playing URL to the cover art |
| playlistname | R | String | The currently playing play list name |
| songname | R | String | The currently playing song name |
| rating | R | String | The rating for the currently played song (can be changed via zone) |
| mode | R | String | The provider mode or streaming service |
| shufflemode | R | String | The current shuffle mode |
| repeatmode | R | String | The current repeat mode |
| programservicename | R | String | The program service name (PSN) |
| radiotext | R | String | The radio text |
| radiotext2 | R | String | The radio text (line 2) |
| radiotext3 | R | String | The radio text (line 3) |
| radiotext4 | R | String | The radio text (line 4) |
| volume | R | String | The source's volume level (undocumented) |
| banks | RW | String | JSON representation of all banks in the system |
| mmscreen | R | String | The media management screen id |
| mmtitle | R | String | The media management screen title |
| mmmenu | R | String | The media management screen menu json |
| mmattr | R | String | The media management attribute |
| mmmenubuttonoktext | R | String | The media management OK button text |
| mmmenubuttonbacktext | R | String | The media management Cancel button text |
| mminfotext | R | String | The media management information text |
| mmhelptext | R | String | The media management help text |
| mmtextfield | R | String | The media management text field |
#### Notes
1. Banks are only supported tuner sources and the JSON array will have exactly 6 banks in it (with IDs from 1 to 6). For non-tuner sources, an empty JSON array (`[]`) will be returned. For tuner sources, the JSON will look like: `[{"id":1, "name":"XXX"},...]`. A bank's name can be updated by sending the representation back to the channel. Example: `[{"id":1,"name":"FM1"},{"id":3,"name":"FM3"}]` will set the name of bank #1 to "FM1 and bank#3 to "FM3" (leaving all other bank names the same). After an update, the banks channel will be refreshed with the full JSON representation of all banks. If the name has not been changed in the refreshed value, the russound rejected the name change for some reason (generally too long of a name or a duplicate name).
2. All media management channels are ONLY valid on streaming sources (not tuners). All channels will return a JSON representation like `{"id":xxx, "value":"yyy"}` where 'xxx' will be a sequential identifier of the message and 'yyy' will be the payload. The payload will be a simple string in all cases. However, the mmmenu string will be a raw JSON string representing the menu structure. Please review the media management section in the RIO protocol document from russound for the specifications.
### Russound Controller
| Channel Type ID | Read/Write | Item Type | Description |
| turnonvolume | RW | Dimmer | The initial volume when turned on (0 to 100) |
| donotdisturb | RW | String | The do not disturb setting (on/off/slave) |
| partymode | RW | String | The party mode (on/off/master) |
| status | RW | Switch | Whether the zone is on or off |
| volume | RW | Dimmer | The current volume of the zone (0 to 100) |
| mute | RW | Switch | Whether the zone is muted or not |
| page | R | Switch | Whether the zone is in paging mode or not |
| sharedsource | R | Switch | Whether the zone's source is being shared or not |
| sleeptimeremaining | RW | Number | Sleep time, in minutes, remaining (0 to 60 in 5 step increments) |
| lasterror | R | String | The last error that occurred in the zone |
| enabled | R | Switch | Whether the zone is enabled or not |
| repeat | W | Switch | Toggle the repeat mode for the current source |
| shuffle | W | Switch | Toggle the shuffle mode for the current source |
| rating | W | Switch | Signal a like (ON) or dislike (OFF) to the current source |
| keypress | W | String | (Advanced) Send a keypress from the zone |
| keyrelease | W | String | (Advanced) Send a keyrelease from the zone |
| keyhold | W | String | (Advanced) Send a keyhold from the zone |
| keycode | W | String | (Advanced) Send a keycode from the zone |
| event | W | String | (Advanced) Send an event from the zone |
| systemfavorites | RW | String* | The JSON representation for system favorites |
| zonefavorites | RW | String** | The JSON representation for zone favorites |
| presets | RW | String*** | The JSON representation for zone presets |
| mminit | W | Switch**** | Whether to initial a media management session (ON) or close an existing one (OFF) |
| mmcontextmenu | W | Switch**** | Whether to initial a media management context session (ON) or close an existing one (OFF) |
#### Notes:
1. As of the time of this document, rating ON (like) produced an error in the firmware from the related command. This has been reported to Russound.
2. keypress/keyrelease/keyhold/keycode/event are advanced commands that will pass the related event string to Russound (i.e. `EVENT C[x].Z[y]!KeyPress [stringtype]`). Please see the "RIO Protocol for 3rd Party Integrators.pdf" (found at the Russound Portal) for proper string forms.
3. If you send an OnOffType to the volume will have the same affect as turning the zone on/off (ie sending OnOffType to "status")
4. The volume PercentType will be scaled to Russound's volume of 0-50 (ie 50% = volume of 25, 100% = volume of 50)
5. Initialize a media management session by sending ON to the channel. The related source thing will then start sending out media management information in the MM channels. To close the session - simply send OFF to the channel. Sending OFF to the channel when a session has not been initialized does nothing. Likewise if the related source is a tuner, this command does nothing.
##### System Favorites
The JSON will look like `[{"id":xxx,"valid":true,"name":"yyyy"},...]` and will have a representation for each VALID favorite on the system (ie where "valid" is true).
You will have up to 32 system favorites in the JSON array (the ID field will be between 1 and 32).
System favorites will be the same on ALL zones (because they are system level).
This channel appears on the zone because when you send a system favorite representation to zone channel, it sets the system favorite to what is playing in the zone.
There are three different ways to use this channel:
1. Save a system favorite. Send a representation with "valid" set to true. Example: to set system favorite 3 to what is playing in the zone: `[{"id":3,"valid":true,"name":"80s Rock"}]`. If system favorite 3 was invalid, this would save what is currently playing and make it valid. If system favorite 3 was already valid, this would overlay the favorite with what is currently playing and change its name.
2. Update the name of a system favorite. Send a representation of an existing ID with "valid" set to true and the new name. Example: we could update system favorite 3 (after the above statement) by sending: `[{"id":3,"valid":true,"name":"80s Rock Even More"}]`. Note this will ONLY change the name (this will NOT save what is currently playing to the system favorite).
3. Delete a system favorite. Send a representation with "valid" as false. Example: deleting system favorite 3 (after the above statements) by sending: `[{"id":3","valid":false"}]`
The channel will be refreshed with the new representation after processing. If the refreshed representation doesn't include the changes, the russound system rejected them for some reason (generally length of the name).
##### Zone Favorites
The JSON will look like `[{"id":xxx,"valid":true,"name":"yyyy"},...]` and will have a representation for each VALID favorite in the zone (ie where "valid" is true). You will have up to 2 zone favorites in the JSON array (the ID field will be between 1 and 2).
There are two different ways to use this channel:
1. Save a zone favorite. Send a representation with "valid" set to true. Example: to set zone favorite 2 to what is playing in the zone: `[{"id":2,"valid":true,"name":"80s Rock"}]`.
2. Delete a zone favorite. Send a representation with "valid" as false. Example: deleting zone favorite 2 (after the above statement) by sending: `[{"id":2","valid":false"}] `
There is no ability to change JUST the name. Sending a new name will save the new name AND set the favorite to what is currently playing.
The channel will be refreshed with the new representation after processing. If the refreshed representation doesn't include the changes, the russound system rejected them for some reason (generally length of the name).
##### Zone Presets
The JSON will look like `[{"id":xxx,"valid":true,"name":"yyyy", "bank": xxx, "bankPreset":yyyy},...]` and will have a representation for each VALID preset in the zone (ie where "valid" is true).
Please note that this channel is only valid if the related source is a tuner.
If not a tuner, an empty json array will be returned.
You will have up to 36 presets to choose from (ID from 1 to 36).
The "bank" and "bankPreset" are readonly (will be ignored if sent) and are informational only (i.e. specify the bank and the preset within the bank for convenience).
There are two different ways to use this channel:
1. Save a preset. Send a representation to an ID that is invalid with "valid" set to true. Example: to set a zone pret 2 to what is playing in the zone: `[{"id":2,"valid":true,"name":"103.7 FM"}]`.
2. Save a preset with default name. Send a representation to an ID that is invalid with "valid" set to true. Example: to set a zone pret 2 to what is playing in the zone: `[{"id":2,"valid":true,"name":"103.7 FM"}]`.
3. Delete a zone favorite. Send a representation with "valid" as false. Example: deleting zone favorite 2 (after the above statement) by sending: `[{"id":2","valid":false"}]`
There is no ability to change JUST the name.
Sending a new name will save the new name AND set the favorite to what is currently playing.
The channel will be refreshed with the new representation after processing.
If the refreshed representation doesn't include the changes, the russound system rejected them for some reason (generally length of the name).
### Source channel support cross reference
| Channel Type ID | Sirius | XM | SMS3 | DMS 3.1 Media | DMS 3.1 AM/FM | iBridge | Internal AM/FM | Arcam T32 | Others |