This add-on provides [Jython]( 2.7.2 that can be used as a scripting language within automation rules and which eliminates the need to download Jython and create `EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS` entries for `bootclasspath`, `python.home` and `python.path`.
The `python.home` system property is set to the path of the add-on.
The `python.path` system property is set to `$OPENHAB_CONF/automation/lib/python`, but any existing `python.path` will be appended to it.
## Creating Jython Scripts
When this add-on is installed, you can select Jython as a scripting language when creating a script action within the rule editor of the UI.
Alternatively, you can create scripts in the `automation/jsr223` configuration directory.
If you create an empty file called ``, you will see a log line with information similar to:
Jython can [import Java classes](
Depending on the openHAB logging configuration, you may need to prefix logger names with `org.openhab.core.automation` for them to show up in the log file (or you modify the logging configuration).
::: tip Note
Be careful with using wildcards when importing Java packages (e.g., `import org.slf4j.*`).
This will work in some cases, but it might not work in some situations.
It is best to use explicit imports with Java packages.