| id | - | Yes | Integer | Specific parameter identifier (numeric value) |
| setId | value of `id` | No | Integer | Parameter identifier used for set requests (numeric value).<br/>If not specified it falls back to the value of the `id` property. |
| setType | `SET` | No | String | Message type used for set requests. Possible values are: `INF` or `SET`.<br/>If not specified or unknown it falls back to `SET`. |
Note: If you would also like to use the binding to set parameter values, ensure you have flashed the BSB-LAN adapter in write mode (see your `BSB_lan_config.h`)
| name | String | Name of the parameter as provided by the BSB-LAN device. |
| number-value | Number | Value of the parameter converted to a numerical value (if possible).<br/>The value is published as `DecimalType(int)` for values of `datatype``DT_ENUM` and `DecimalType(double)` otherwise. |
| string-value | String | Value of the parameter as provided by the BSB-LAN device. |
| switch-value | Switch | Value of the parameter.<br/>`0` is interpreted as `OFF`, everything else as `ON`. |
| unit | String | Unit as provided by the BSB-LAN device (HTML unescaping applied). |
| description | String | Description as provided by the BSB-LAN device. |
| datatype | Number | Datatype as provided by the BSB-LAN device. Possible values are currently<br/>`0` for `DT_VALS`: plain value<br/>`1` for `DT_ENUM`: value (8/16 Bit) followed by space followed by text<br/>`2` for `DT_BITS`: bit value followed by bitmask followed by text<br/>`3` for `DT_WDAY`: weekday<br/>`4` for `DT_HHMM`: hour:minute<br/>`5` for `DT_DTTM`: date and time<br/>`6` for `DT_DDMM`: day and month<br/>`7` for `DT_STRN`: String<br/>`8` for `DT_DWHM`: PPS time (day of week, hour:minute) |