two physical Bluetooth adapters are required (one for Bluez and one for flicd).
Be aware that flicd requires an initial internet connection for the verification of the buttons.
After buttons are initially added to flicd, an internet connection is not required anymore.
## Supported Things
| Thing Type ID | Description |
| --------------- | ------------------------- |
| flicd-bridge | The bridge representing a running instance of [fliclib-linux-hci (flicd)]( on the server. |
| button | The Flic button (supports Flic 1 buttons as well as Flic 2 buttons) |
If flicd is running on a remote host, please do not forget to start it with the parameter `-s <openHAB IP>`, otherwise it won't be accessible for openHAB (more details on [fliclib-linux-hci](
### button
For the button, the only config parameter is the MAC address.
Normally, no textual configuration is necessary as buttons are auto discovered as soon as the bridge is configured.
If you want to use textual configuration anyway, you can do it like this:
| rawbutton | [System Trigger Channel]( `system.rawbutton` | Depends on the [Trigger Profile]( used | Raw Button channel that triggers `PRESSED` and `RELEASED` events, allows to use openHAB profiles or own implementations via rules to detect e.g. double clicks, long presses etc. |
| button | [System Trigger Channel]( `system.button` | Depends on the [Trigger Profile]( used | Button channel that is using Flic's implementation for detecting long, short or double clicks. Triggers `SHORT_PRESSED`,`DOUBLE_PRESSED` and `LONG_PRESSED` events. |
| battery-level | [System State Channel]( `system.battery-level` | Number | Represents the battery level as a percentage (0-100%).
Dimmer Light_LivingRoom { channel="milight:rgbLed:milight2:4:ledbrightness", channel="flicbutton:button:local-flicd:flic_livingroom:rawbutton" [profile="rawbutton-toggle-switch"], channel="flicbutton:button:local-flicd:flic_kitchen:rawbutton" [profile="rawbutton-toggle-switch"] } // We have a combined kitchen / livingroom, so we control the living room lights with switches from the living room and from the kitchen