Also included is [openhab-js](, a fairly high-level ES6 library to support automation in openHAB. It provides convenient access
to common openHAB functionality within rules including items, things, actions, logging and more.
This add-on includes by default the [openhab-js]( NPM library and exports its namespaces onto the global namespace.
By default, the injection of the included [openhab-js]( NPM library is cached to improve performance and reduce memory usage.
If you want to use a different version of openhab-js (installed to the `node_modules` folder) than the included one, you need to disable the usage of the included library.
The quickest way to add rules is through the openHAB Web UI.
Advanced users, or users migrating scripts from existing systems may want to use [File Based Rules](#file-based-rules) for managing rules using files in the user configuration directory.
**NOTE**: Note that `event` object is different in UI based rules and file based rules! This section is only valid for UI based rules. If you use file based rules, refer to [file based rules event object documentation](#event-object).
When you use "Item event" as trigger (i.e. "[item] received a command", "[item] was updated", "[item] changed"), there is additional context available for the action in a variable called `event`.
| `itemState` | sub-class of [org.openhab.core.types.State]( | `[item] changed`, `[item] was updated` | State that triggered event | `triggeringItem.state` |
| `oldItemState` | sub-class of [org.openhab.core.types.State]( | `[item] changed` | Previous state of Item or Group that triggered event | `previousState` |
| `itemCommand` | sub-class of [org.openhab.core.types.Command]( | `[item] received a command` | Command that triggered event | `receivedCommand` |
| `itemName` | string | all | Name of Item that triggered event | `` |
| `type` | string | all | Type of event that triggered event (`"ItemStateEvent"`, `"ItemStateChangedEvent"`, `"ItemCommandEvent"`, ...) | N/A |
Note that in UI based rules `event.itemState`, `event.oldItemState`, and `event.itemCommand` are Java types (not JavaScript), and care must be taken when comparing these with JavaScript types:
var { ON } = require("@runtime")
console.log(event.itemState == "ON") // WRONG. Java type does not equal with string, not even with "relaxed" equals (==) comparison
console.log(event.itemState.toString() == "ON") // OK. Comparing strings
console.log(event.itemState == ON) // OK. Comparing Java types
**NOTE**: Even with `String` items, simple comparison with `==` is not working as one would expect! See below example:
// Example assumes String item trigger
console.log(event.itemState == "test") // WRONG. Will always log "false"
console.log(event.itemState.toString() == "test") // OK
Script logging is enabled by default at the `INFO` level (messages from `console.debug` and `console.trace` won't be displayed), but can be configured using the [openHAB console](
Please be aware that messages do not appear in the logs if the logger name does not start with `org.openhab`.
This behaviour is due to [log4j2]( requiring a setting for each logger prefix in `$OPENHAB_USERDATA/etc/log4j2.xml` (on openHABian: `/srv/openhab-userdata/etc/log4j2.xml`).
JS Scripting provides access to the global `setTimeout`, `setInterval`, `clearTimeout` and `clearInterval` methods specified in the [Web APIs](
The global [`setTimeout()`]( method sets a timer which executes a function once the timer expires.
The global [`clearTimeout(timeoutId)`]( method cancels a timeout previously established by calling `setTimeout()`.
The global [`setInterval()`]( method repeatedly calls a function, with a fixed time delay between each call.
The global [`clearInterval(intervalId)`]( method cancels a timed, repeating action which was previously established by a call to `setInterval()`.
Note: Variables can be mutated (changed) after the timer has been created.
Be aware that this can lead to unattended side effects, e.g. when you change the variable after timer creation, which can make debugging quite difficult!
openHAB provides several [data transformation services]( as well as the `SCRIPT` transformation, that is available from the framework and needs no additional installation.
It allows transforming values using any of the available scripting languages, which means JavaScript Scripting is supported as well.
See the [transformation docs]( for more general information on the usage of `SCRIPT` transformation.
Use the `SCRIPT` transformation with JavaScript Scripting by:
1. Creating a script in the `$OPENHAB_CONF/transform` folder with the `.script` extension.
The script should take one argument `input` and return a value that supports `toString()` or `null`:
The openHAB JavaScript library provides type definitions for most of its APIs to enable code completion is IDEs like [VS Code](
To use the type definitions, install the [`openhab` npm package]( (read the [installation guide]( for more information), and import the used namespaces with `const { rules, triggers, items } = require('openhab');` (adjust this to your needs).
If an API does not provide type definitions and therefore autocompletion won't work, the documentation will include a note.
Ephemeris is a way to determine what type of day today or a number of days before or after today is. For example, a way to determine if today is a weekend, a bank holiday, someone’s birthday, trash day, etc.
Additional information can be found on the [Ephemeris Actions Docs]( as well as the [Ephemeris JavaDoc](
The `ScriptExecution` actions provide the `callScript(string scriptName)` method, which calls a script located at the `$OH_CONF/scripts` folder, as well as the `createTimer` method.
Keep in mind that you should somehow manage the timers you create using `createTimer`, otherwise you could end up with unmanageable timers running until you restart openHAB.
actions.ScriptExecution.createTimer(time.ZonedDateTime instant, function callback);
actions.ScriptExecution.createTimer(string identifier, time.ZonedDateTime instant, function callback);
`createTimer` accepts the following arguments:
-`string` identifier (optional): Identifies the timer by a string, used e.g. for logging errors that occur during the callback execution.
- [`time.ZonedDateTime`](#timetozdt) instant: Point in time when the callback should be executed.
-`function` callback: Callback function to execute when the timer expires.
`createTimer` returns an openHAB Timer, that provides the following methods:
-`cancel()`: Cancels the timer. ⇒ `boolean`: true, if cancellation was successful
-`getExecutionTime()`: The scheduled execution time or null if timer was cancelled. ⇒ `time.ZonedDateTime` or `null`
-`isActive()`: Whether the scheduled execution is yet to happen. ⇒ `boolean`
-`isCancelled()`: Whether the timer has been cancelled. ⇒ `boolean`
-`hasTerminated()`: Whether the scheduled execution has already terminated. ⇒ `boolean`
-`reschedule(time.ZonedDateTime)`: Reschedules a timer to a new starting time. This can also be called after a timer has terminated, which will result in another execution of the same code. ⇒ `boolean`: true, if rescheduling was successful
var now =;
// Function to run when the timer goes off.
function timerOver () {'The timer expired.');
// Create the Timer.
var myTimer = actions.ScriptExecution.createTimer('My Timer', now.plusSeconds(10), timerOver);
// Cancel the timer.
// Check whether the timer is active. Returns true if the timer is active and will be executed as scheduled.
var active = myTimer.isActive();
// Reschedule the timer.
See [openhab-js : actions.ScriptExecution]( for complete documentation.
It is possible to get the actions for a Thing using `actions.Things.getActions(bindingId, thingUid)`, e.g. `actions.Things.getActions('network', 'network:pingdevice:pc')`.
openHAB provides various [data transformation services]( which can translate between technical and human-readable values.
Usually, they are used directly on Items, but it is also possible to access them from scripts.
console.log(actions.Transformation.transform('MAP', '', 'OPEN')); // open
Notification actions may be placed in rules to send alerts to mobile devices registered with an [openHAB Cloud instance]( such as [](
For available actions have a look at the [Cloud Notification Actions Docs](
The cache namespace provides both a private and a shared cache that can be used to set and retrieve objects that will be persisted between subsequent runs of the same or between scripts.
The private cache can only be accessed by the same script and is cleared when the script is unloaded.
You can use it to e.g. store timers or counters between subsequent runs of that script.
When a script is unloaded and its cache is cleared, all timers (see [ScriptExecution Actions](#scriptexecution-actions)) stored in its private cache are cancelled.
The shared cache is shared across all rules and scripts, it can therefore be accessed from any automation language.
The access to every key is tracked and the key is removed when all scripts that ever accessed that key are unloaded.
If that key stored a timer, the timer is cancelled.
openHAB-JS exports the excellent [JS-Joda]( library via the `time` namespace, which is a native JavaScript port of the same API standard used in Java for `java.time`.
Anywhere that a native Java `ZonedDateTime` or `Duration` is required, the runtime will automatically convert a JS-Joda `ZonedDateTime` or `Duration` to its Java counterpart.
| `null` or `undefined` | `` | `time.toZDT();` |
| `time.ZonedDateTime` | passed through unmodified | |
| `java.time.ZonedDateTime` | converted to the `time.ZonedDateTime` equivalent | |
| JavaScript native `Date` | converted to the equivalent `time.ZonedDateTime` using `SYSTEM` as the timezone | |
| `number`, `bingint`, `java.lang.Number`, `DecimalType` | rounded to the nearest integer and added to `now` as milliseconds | `time.toZDT(1000);` |
| [`Quantity`](#quantity) or `QuantityType` | if the units are `Time`, that time is added to `now` | `time.toZDT(item.getItem('MyTimeItem').rawState);`, `time.toZDT(Quantity('10 min'));` |
| `items.Item` or `org.openhab.core.types.Item` | if the state is supported (see the `Type` rules in this table, e.g. `DecimalType`), the state is converted | `time.toZDT(items.getItem('MyItem'));` |
| `String`, `java.lang.String`, `StringType` | parsed based on the following rules | |
| [ISO8601 Date/Time]( String | parsed, depending on the provided data: if no date is passed, today's date; if no time is passed, midnight time | `time.toZDT('00:00');`, `time.toZDT('2022-12-24');`, `time.toZDT('2022-12-24T18:30');` |
| RFC String (output from a Java `ZonedDateTime.toString()`) | parsed | `time.toZDT('2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z');` |
| `"kk:mm[:ss][ ]a"` (12 hour time) | today's date with the time indicated, the space between the time and am/pm and seconds are optional | `time.toZDT('1:23:45 PM');` |
When a type or string that cannot be handled is encountered, an error is thrown.
#### `toToday()`
When you have a `time.ZonedDateTime`, a new `toToday()` method was added which will return a new `time.ZonedDateTime` with today's date but the original's time, accounting for DST changes.
For example, if the time was 13:45 and today was a DST changeover, the time will still be 13:45 instead of one hour off.
The `Quantity` class greatly simplifies Quantity handling by providing unit conversion, comparisons and mathematical operations.
A Quantity consists of a measurement and its [Unit of Measurement (UoM)](, e.g. `5.7 m` (the measurement is `5.7`, the unit is `m` meters).
Internally using the openHAB `QuantityType`, which relies on [`javax.measure`](, it supports all units and dimensions that openHAB supports.
If your unit is not listed in the UoM docs, it is very likely that it is still supported, e.g. the Angstrom Å for very small lengths (1 Å = 10 nm).
Anywhere that a native openHAB `QuantityType` is required, the runtime will automatically convert the JS-`Quantity` to its Java counterpart.
#### Creation
`Quantity(value)` is used without new (it's a factory, not a constructor), pass an amount **and** a unit to it to create a new `Quantity` object:
The argument `value` can be a string, a `Quantity` instance or an openHAB Java [`QuantityType`](
`value` strings have the `$amount $unit` format and must follow these rules:
-`$amount` is required with a number provided as string
-`$unit` is optional (unitless quantities are possible) and can have a prefix like `m` (milli) or `M` (mega)
-`$unit` does not allow whitespaces.
-`$unit` does allow superscript, e.g. `²` instead of `^2`.
-`$unit` requires the `*` between two units to be present, although you usually omit it (which is mathematically seen allowed, but openHAB needs the `*`).
Generally, you can expect a unit consisting of two (or more) units to need a `*`, e.g. `Nm` is `N*m`,
Nearly all [Units of Measurement (UoM)]( are expected to work with `Quantity`.
`ɡₙ` (standard gravity) is known to not work.
// Allowed:
var qty = Quantity('5.75 m');
qty = Quantity('1 N*m');
qty = Quantity('1 m/s');
qty = Quantity('1 m^2/s^2');
qty = Quantity('1 m^2/s^-2'); // negative powers
qty = Quantity('1'); // unitless quantity
// Not allowed:
qty = Quantity('m');
qty = Quantity('1 Nm'); // * is required
qty = Quantity('1 m^2 / s^2'); // whitespaces are not allowed
qty = Quantity('1 m^2 s^2'); // / is required
qty = Quantity('1 m2/s2'); // ^ is required
#### Conversion
It is possible to convert a `Quantity` to a new `Quantity` with a different unit or to get a `Quantity`'s amount as integer or float:
var qty = Quantity('10.2 °C');
qty = qty.toUnit('°F');
var intValue =;
var floatValue = qty.float;
`toUnit` returns a new Quantity with the given unit or `null`, if conversion to that unit is not possible.
#### Comparison
`Quantity` provides the following methods for comparison:
-`equal(value)` ⇒ `boolean`: this `Quantity` equals to `value`
-`greaterThan(value)` ⇒ `boolean`: this `Quantity` is greater than `value`
-`greaterThanOrEqual(value)` ⇒ `boolean`: this `Quantity` is greater than or equal to `value`
-`lessThan(value)` ⇒ `boolean`: this `Quantity` is less than `value`
-`lessThanOrEqual(value)` ⇒ `boolean`: this `Quantity` is less than or equal to `value`
`value` can be a string or a `Quantity`, for the string the same rules apply as described above.
#### Mathematical Operators
-`add(value)` ⇒ `Quantity`: `value` can be a string or a `Quantity`
-`divide(value)` ⇒ `Quantity`: `value` can be a number, a string or a `Quantity`
-`multiply(value)` ⇒ `Quantity`: `value` can be a number, a string or a `Quantity`
-`subtract(value)` ⇒ `Quantity`: `value` can be a string or a `Quantity`
For the string the same rules apply as described above.
See [openhab-js : Quantity]( for full API documentation.
### Log
By default, the JS Scripting binding supports console logging like `console.log()` and `console.debug()` to the openHAB default log.
Additionally, scripts may create their own native openHAB logger using the log namespace.
// Set the colour of the hall light to pink at 9PM, tag rule and use a custom ID
rules.when().cron("0 0 21 * * ?").then().send("300,100,100").toItem("HallLight").build("Pink Rule", "set the colour of the hall light to pink at 9PM", ["Tag1", "Tag2"], "MyCustomID");
There are already some openHAB specific libraries available on [npm](, you may also search the forum for details.
You can also create your own personal JavaScript library for openHAB, but you can not just create a folder in `node_modules` and put your library code in it!
When it is run, `npm` will remove everything from `node_modules` that has not been properly installed.
Follow these steps to create your own library (it's called a CommonJS module):
1. Create a separate folder for your library outside of `automation/js`, you may also initialize a Git repository.
2. Run `npm init` from your newly created folder; at least provide responses for the `name`, `version` and `main` (e.g. `index.js`) fields.
3. Create the main file of your library (`index.js`) and add some exports:
var someProperty = 'Hello world!';
function someFunction () {
console.log('Hello from your personal library!');
module.exports = {
4. Tar it up by running `npm pack` from your library's folder.
5. Install it by running `npm install <name>-<version>.tgz` from the `automation/js` folder.
6. After you've installed it with `npm`, you can continue development of the library inside `node_modules`.
It is also possible to upload your library to [npm]( to share it with other users.
If you want to get some advanced information, you can read [this blog post]( or just google it.