- **allowSystemPings:** Use the external ICMP ping program of the operating system instead of the Java ping. Useful if the devices cannot be reached by Java ping. Default is true.
- **allowDHCPlisten:** If devices leave and reenter a network, they usually request their last IPv4 address by using DHCP requests. By listening for those messages, the status update can be more "real-time" without having to wait for the next refresh cycle. Default is true.
- **arpPingToolPath:** If the arp ping tool is not called `arping` and cannot be found in the PATH environment variable, the absolute path can be configured here. Default is `arping`.
- **cacheDeviceStateTimeInMS:** The result of a device presence detection is cached for a small amount of time. Set this time here in milliseconds. Be aware that no new pings will be issued within this time frame, even if explicitly requested. Default is 2000.
- **preferResponseTimeAsLatency:** If enabled, an attempt will be made to extract the latency from the output of the ping command. If no such latency value is found in the ping command output, the time to execute the ping command is used as fallback latency. If disabled, the time to execute the ping command is always used as latency value. This is disabled by default to be backwards-compatible and to not break statistics and monitoring which existed before this feature.
Auto discovery can be used to scan the local network for **pingdevice** things by sending a ping to every IP on the network.
Some network tools will identify this as a network intruder alarm, therefore automatic background discovery is disabled and a manual scan needs to be issued.
Please note: things discovered by the network binding will be provided with a time to live (TTL) and will automatically disappear from the Inbox after 10 minutes.
Devices may need to be configured to be reachable, as a device may not answer ping requests by default.
This is the case with Windows 10 equipped systems or Android and iOS devices in deep sleep mode.
### Respond to pings on Windows 10+
Pings on Windows 10 are usually blocked by the internal firewall.
Windows 10 must be configured to allow "Echo Request for ICMPv4" so that it can respond to pings.
### Android and iOS devices
Because mobile devices put themselves in a deep sleep mode after some inactivity, they do not react to normal ICMP pings.
Configure ARP ping to realize presence detection for those devices.
This only works if the devices have WIFI enabled, have been configured to use the WIFI network, and have the option "Disable wifi in standby" disabled (default).
Use DHCP listen for an almost immediate presence detection for phones and tablets when they (re)join the home Wifi network.
### iPhones, iPads
Apple iOS devices are usually in a deep sleep mode and do not respond to ARP pings under all conditions, but to Bonjour service discovery messages (UDP port 5353).
Therefore first a Bonjour message is sent, before the ARP presence detection is performed.
The binding automatically figures out if the target device is an iOS device.
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-07-31 20:00 CEST
Nmap scan report for linuxPC (
Host is up (0.0011s latency).
Not shown: 65531 filtered ports
554/tcp open rtsp
8089/tcp open unknown
8090/tcp open unknown
8889/tcp open ddi-tcp-2
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 106.17 seconds
In this example, there are four suitable ports to use.
The port 554 (Windows network file sharing service) is open on most Windows PCs and Windows compatible Linux systems.
Port 1025 (MS RPC) is open on XBox systems. Port 548 (Apple Filing Protocol (AFP)) is open on Mac OS X systems.
Please don't forget to open the required ports in the system's firewall setup.
## Presence detection - Configure your openHAB installation
Because external tools are used for some of the presence detection mechanism or need elevated permissions for others, the openHAB installation needs to be altered.
### Arping
For arp pings to work, a separate tool called "arping" is used.
arping by Thomas Habets runs on Windows and macOS as well.
Make sure the tool is available in the PATH, or in the same path as the openHAB executable.
On Linux and macOS elevated access permissions may be needed, for instance by making the executable a suid executable (`chmod u+s /usr/sbin/arping`).
Just test the executable on the command line; if `sudo` is required, grant elevated permissions.
### DHCP Listen
Some operating systems such as Linux restrict applications to only use ports >= 1024 without elevated privileges.
If the binding is not able to use port 67 (DHCP) because of such a restriction, or because the same system is used as a DHCP server, port 6767 will be used instead.