| [Generic Command Profile](#generic-command-profile) | Sends a Command towards the Item when an event is triggered |
| [Generic Toggle Switch Profile](#generic-toggle-switch-profile) | Toggles a Switch Item when an event is triggered |
| [Debounce (Counting) Profile](#debounce-counting-profile) | Counts and skip a number of State changes |
| [Debounce (Time) Profile](#debounce-time-profile) | Reduces the frequency of commands/state updates |
| [Invert / Negate Profile](#invert--negate-profile) | Inverts or negate a Command / State |
| [Round Profile](#round-profile) | Reduces the number of decimal places from input data |
| [Threshold Profile](#threshold-profile) | Translates numeric input data to `ON` or `OFF` based on a threshold value |
| [Time Range Command Profile](#time-range-command-profile) | An enhanced implementation of a follow profile which converts `OnOffType` to a `PercentType` |
| [State Filter Profile](#state-filter-profile) | Filters input data using arithmetic comparison conditions |
This Profile can be used to send a Command towards the Item when one event of a specified event list is triggered.
The given Command value is parsed either to `IncreaseDecreaseType`, `NextPreviousType`, `OnOffType`, `PlayPauseType`, `RewindFastforwardType`, `StopMoveType`, `UpDownType` or a `StringType` is used.
The Generic Toggle Switch Profile is a specialization of the Generic Command Profile and toggles the State of a Switch Item whenever one of the specified events is triggered.
In `LAST` mode this profile delays commands or state updates for a configured number of milliseconds and only send the value if no other value is received with that timespan.
In `FIRST` mode this profile discards values for the configured time after a value is sent.
It can be used to debounce Item States/Commands or prevent excessive load on networks.
| `toItemDelay` | integer | Timespan in ms before a received value is send to the item. |
| `toHandlerDelay` | integer | Timespan in ms before a received command is passed to the handler. |
| `mode` | text | `FIRST` (sends the first value received and discards later values), `LAST` (sends the last value received, discarding earlier values). |
| `inRangeValue` | integer | The value which will be send when the profile detects ON and current time is between start time and end time (default: 100, min: 0, max: 100). |
| `outOfRangeValue` | integer | The value which will be send when the profile detects ON and current time is NOT between start time and end time (default: 30, min: 0, max: 100). |
| `start` | text | The start time of the day (hh:mm). |
| `end` | text | The end time of the day (hh:mm). |
| `restoreValue` | text | Select what should happen when the profile detects OFF again (default: OFF). |
This filter passes on state updates from the (binding) handler to the item if and only if all listed conditions are met (conditions are ANDed together).
In case the conditions are not met, a fixed predefined state can be passed to the item instead of ignoring the update.
Use cases:
- Ignore values from the binding unless some other item(s) have a specific state.
| `conditions` | text | A list of conditions to check before posting an update from the binding to the item. When all the conditions are met, the update from the binding is passed to the item. |
| `mismatchState` | text | What to pass to the item when `conditions` aren't met. Use single quotes to treat as `StringType`. When undefined (the default), updates from the binding are ignored. |
| `separator` | text | Optional separator string to separate multiple expressions. Defaults to `,`. |
Note in most cases, this check can be written without `$DELTA_PERCENT`, e.g. `> 5%`. It is equivalent to `$DELTA_PERCENT > 5`.
However, when the incoming value from the binding is a Percent Quantity Type, for example a Humidity data in %, the `$DELTA_PERCENT` must be explicitly written in order to perform a delta percent check.
-`$AVERAGE`, or `$AVG` to represent the average of the previous unfiltered incoming values.
-`$STDDEV` to represent the _population_ standard deviation of the previous unfiltered incoming values.
-`$MEDIAN` to represent the median value of the previous unfiltered incoming values.
-`$MIN` to represent the minimum value of the previous unfiltered incoming values.
-`$MAX` to represent the maximum value of the previous unfiltered incoming values.
These are only applicable to numeric states.
By default, 5 samples of the previous values are kept.
This can be customized by specifying the "window size" or sample count applicable to the function, e.g. `$MEDIAN(10)` will return the median of the last 10 values.
All the functions except `$DELTA` support a custom window size.
In this case, the value can also be replaced with an item name, which will result in comparing the input state against the state of that item, e.g. `> LowerLimitItem, < UpperLimitItem`.
This can be used to filter out unwanted data, e.g. to ensure that incoming data are within a reasonable range.