Alternatively, a PC running [KNXD]( (free open source component software) can be put in between which then acts as a broker allowing multiple client to connect to the same gateway.
| type | Yes | The IP connection type for connecting to the KNX bus (`TUNNEL` or `ROUTER`) | - |
| ipAddress | for `TUNNEL` | Network address of the KNX/IP gateway. If type `ROUTER` is set, the IPv4 Multicast Address can be set. | for `TUNNEL`: \<nothing\>, for `ROUTER`: |
| portNumber | for `TUNNEL` | Port number of the KNX/IP gateway | 3671 |
| localIp | No | Network address of the local host to be used to set up the connection to the KNX/IP gateway | the system-wide configured primary interface address |
| localSourceAddr | No | The (virtual) individual address for identification of this KNX/IP gateway within the KNX bus <br/><br/>Note: Use a free address, not the one of the interface. Or leave it at `0.0.0` and let openHAB decide which address to use. | 0.0.0 |
*basic* Things are wrappers around arbitrary group addresses on the KNX bus.
They have no specific function in the KNX binding, except that if the *address* is defined, the binding will actively poll the Individual Address on the KNX bus to detect that the KNX actuator is reachable.
Under normal real-world circumstances, either all devices on a bus are reachable, or the entire bus is down.
| address | N | The individual device address (in 0.0.0 notation) | - |
| fetch | N | Read out the device parameters and address/communication object tables (requires the address) | false |
| pingInterval | N | Interval (in seconds) to contact the device and set the thing status based on the result (requires the address) | 600 |
| readInterval | N | Interval (in seconds) to actively request reading of values from the bus (0 if they should only be read once at startup) | 0 |
Different kinds of channels are defined and can be used to group together Group Addresses.
All channel types share two configuration parameters: *read*, an optional parameter to indicate if the 'readable' group addresses of that Channel should be read at startup (default: false), and *interval*, an optional parameter that defines an interval between attempts to read the status group address on the bus, in seconds.
When defined and set to 0, the interval is ignored (default: 0)
They are used in the common case where the physical state is owned by a device within the KNX bus, e.g. by a switch actuator who "knows" whether the light is turned on or off, or by a temperature sensor which reports the room temperature regularly.
| upDown | Group address for relative movement | 1.008 |
| stopMove | Group address for stopping | 1.010 |
| position | Group address for the absolute position | 5.001 |
##### Channel Type "contact"
| Parameter | Description | Default DPT |
| ga | Group address | 1.009 |
##### Channel Type "number"
| Parameter | Description | Default DPT |
| ga | Group address | 9.001 |
##### Channel Type "string"
| Parameter | Description | Default DPT |
| ga | Group address | 16.001 |
##### Channel Type "datetime"
| Parameter | Description | Default DPT |
| ga | Group address | 19.001 |
#### Control Channel Types
In contrast to the standard channels above, the control channel types are used for cases where the KNX bus does not own the physical state of a device.
If from the KNX bus a `GroupValueRead` telegram is sent to a *-control Channel, the bridge responds with a `GroupValueResponse` telegram to the KNX bus.
| switch | Group address for the binary switch | 1.001 |
| position | Group address of the absolute position | 5.001 |
| increaseDecrease | Group address for relative movement | 3.007 |
| frequency | Increase/Decrease frequency in milliseconds in case the binding should handle that (0 if the KNX device sends the commands repeatedly itself) | 0 |
where parts in brackets `[]` denote optional information.
The optional `<` sign tells whether the group address of the datapoint accepts read requests on the KNX bus (it does, if the sign is there).
With `*-control` channels, the state is not owned by any device on the KNX bus, therefore no read requests will be sent by the binding, i.e. `<` signs will be ignored for them.
Each configuration parameter has a `mainGA` where commands are written to and optionally several `listeningGA`s.