- only PJLink Class 1 commands are supported. Class 2 devices should work fine nevertheless, it is just the Class 2 features that will not work.
The binding is tested with the PJLink device test tool (PJLinkTEST4CNT) and an Acer VL7680.
## Discovery
Autodiscovery is checking all IP addressess of all class C IPv4 subnets connected to the openHAB system for devices which respond PJLink compliant on the PJLink standard port 4352.
| tcpPort | the listening TCP port of the devices. _Optional, the default value is 4352_ |
| adminPassword | the PJLink password of the device (should be left empty for devices without authentication). _Optional_ |
| refreshInterval | the polling interval (in seconds) to update the channel values from the device, can be set to 0 to disable polling. _Optional, the default value is 5_ |
| refreshPower | enables polling of the power status. _Optional, the default value is false_ |
| refreshMute | enables polling of the mute status. _Optional, the default value is false_ |
| refreshInputChannel | enables polling of the selected input channel. _Optional, the default value is false_ |
| refreshLampState | enables polling of the lamp usage hours and activity. _Optional, the default value is false_ |
| autoReconnectInterval | seconds between connection retries when connection to the PJLink device has been lost, 0 means never retry, minimum 30s _Optional, the default value is 60_ |