The `refresh`, `security`, `port`, `username` and `password` parameters are optional.
The `refresh` parameter is the time in seconds between two refreshes of the thing's channels.
If omitted, the default of 60s is used.
The `security` parameter defines the transport security and can be set to `PLAIN` (default), `STARTTLS` or `SSL` (for implicit SSL/TLS).
The `port` parameter is used to change the default ports for the SMTP server.
Default ports are `143` (for `PLAIN` and `STARTTLS`) and `993` (for `SSL`) in the case of `imap` or `110` (for `PLAIN` and `STARTTLS`) and `995` (for `SSL`) in the case of `pop3`.
The `content` type channel presents the contents of an unread mail.
If the message is a MIME- or MIME-multipart message, all parts are concatenated.
The content is converted to a plain string without processing (i.e. HTML tags are still present).
In most cases the mail content needs further processing in rules to trigger appropriate action.
Each channel has five parameters: `folder`, `subject`, `sender`, `transformation` and `markAsRead`.
The `folder` is mandatory and denotes the folder name on the given account.
You can either use the root folder like (e.g. "INBOX") or a subdirectory of your structure (e.g. "INBOX.Sent" or "INBOX.Junk").
`subject` and `sender` can be used to filter the messages that are processed by the channel.
Filters use regular expressions (e.g. `.*DHL.*` as `sender` would match all From-addresses that contain "DHL").
If a parameter is left empty, no filter is applied.
The `transformation` is applied before setting the channel status.
Transformations can be chained by separating them with the mathematical intersection character "∩", e.g. `REGEX:.*Shipment-Status: ([a-z]+).*∩` would first extract a character string with a regular expression and then apply the given MAP transformation on the result.
Please note that the values will be discarded if one transformation fails (e.g. REGEX did not match).
This means that you can also use it to filter certain emails e.g. `REGEX:(.*Sendungsbenachrichtigung.*)` would only match for mails containing the string "Sendungsbenachrichtigung" but output the whole message.
Since with each refresh all unread mails are processed the same message content would be sent to the channel multiple times.
This can be prevented by setting `markAsRead` to `true` (default is `false`), which marks all processed messages as read.
Since there is a separate rule action instance for each `smtp` thing, this needs to be retrieved through `getActions(scope, thingUID)` (DSL) or `actions.get(scope, thingUID)` (Javascript).
success = mail.send_mail("", "Test subject", "This is the mail content.")
success = mail.send_mail(",", "Test subject", "This is the mail content sent to multiple recipients.")
attachment_urls = [
things["mail:smtp:sampleserver"].send_html_mail_with_attachments("", "Test subject", "<h1>Header</h1>This is the mail content.", attachment_urls)
The binding allows one to add custom e-mail headers to messages that it sends.
For example if you want e-mails sent by this binding to be grouped into a "threaded view" in your email client, you must provide an e-mail "Reference" header, which acts as the key for grouping messages together.
Headers can be added inside a rule by calling the `mailActions.addHeader()` method before calling the respective `mailActions.sendMail()` method.