The Recipes/Scenarios can then be started or stopped from openHAB or from the remote.
If a Recipe/Scenario is started on the Brain, the status of the Recipe/Scenario will change in openHAB as well.
Likewise, starting a Recipe/Scenario in openHAB will change the status on the Brain/remote.
This binding has been designed to compliment the NEEO Transport (which will expose openHAB Devices to the Brain[s] and expose each Brains Device to the other Brains).
The Room/Scenario/Recipe/Device information is read at startup time.
If you make changes to any Room/Scenario/Recipe/Device, you will need to delete the item in question and re-discover the item (see discovery section below).
Since this binding allows you to trigger actions on NEEO Devices, this allows you to use the NEEO Brain as an IR solution to openHAB.
In other words, if the NEEO Brain supports a Device over IR - then openHAB can use the NEEO Brain to control that Device regardless if there is an openHAB binding for it or not.
## openHAB Primary Address
This binding will use the primary address defined in openHAB to register itself with the NEEO Brain (allowing the NEEO Brain to forward events back to the binding).
If you change the primary address option, this binding will de-register the old address and re-register the new address with the NEEO Brain.
## Definitions
A NEEO Scenario is a package of Recipes making up the Scenario.
A Scenario is generally related to the buttons on the NEEO remote screen and are named "Watch a TV" or "Watch a Movie", etc.
The Scenario will have one or more Recipes - most commonly two Recipes (a launch and poweroff Recipe).
A NEEO Recipes is a sequence of steps that accomplish a single task (launching a Scenario or turning off a Scenario).
You can view/modify Recipes using the NEEO app.
You can run a Scenario by sending ON to the Scenario status channel and end the Scenario by sending OFF to the Scenario status channel.
Likewise, you can send ON to any "launch" type Recipe status channel to start the Scenario and send ON to the "poweroff" type Recipe status channel to end the Scenario.
Sending OFF to any Recipe status channel does nothing.
A NEEO Device is simply a collection of Macros that the Device supports.
A NEEO Macro is an action that can be performed on the Device.
Actions can be triggered by sending ON to the channel
Represents a Room on the NEEO Brain. Only rooms that have atleast one device or one recipe (custom if no devices) will be shown unless the brain configuration option "discoverEmptyRooms" is set to true.
When you add the NEEO Brain, the Rooms on the Brain will then be auto discovered and placed in the inbox.
When you add a Room, all Devices should be auto discovered and placed in the inbox.
If you remove any discovered thing either from the inbox or from the added things, simply re-trigger a NEEO binding scan to rediscover it.
If you have the Brain both wired and wireless, the Brain will NOT be discovered twice (only once) and which interface is discovered depends on the timing of the beacon discover message (first one wins).
If you discovered the wired first but want to use the wireless (or in the reverse), add the Brain and then modify its configuration to the IP address you want to use.
If the Brain is not discovered, here is list of the most common issues:
The NEEO Brain bridge will register itself as the destination for actions and has a trigger channel defined to accept the results of any forward action.
An example rule might look like (for a Brain with an ID of d487672e):
The current step is ONLY communicated from the Brain to the device that started the Recipe/Scenario.
If the remote started the Recipe/Scenario, it will show the current step but openHAB will not be notified.
Likewise if openHAB starts the Recipe/scenario, the remote will not be notified of the current step (although it will know the Recipe/Scenario became active).
#### Room Recipe Group
Each Room Recipe group will have the following channels:
| Channel Type ID | Read/Write | Item Type | Description |
| configured | R | Switch | Whether the Scenario is configured (or waiting additional input) |
| status | RW | Switch | Whether the Scenario is currently running (you can start/stop Scenarios with this switch |
### NEEO Device
The NEEO Device is dynamically generated from the Brain.
Each Device will have a single group (Macros) and that group will contain one or more channels defined by the Macro key (as defined by the NEEO Brain):
| Channel Type ID | Read/Write | Item Type | Description |