| fanSpeed | Number | R/W | This is a "virtual channel" : its value is calculated depending on current operation mode. It is the channel to be used to change the fan speed, whatever the current mode is. Fan speed are from 1 to 5. On BRC1H, the device supports 3 speeds: LOW (1), MEDIUM (2-4), MAX (5). Some BRC1H also support an AUTO (0) mode - but not all of them support it (depending on internal unit).
| setpoint | Number:Temperature | R/W | This is a "virtual channel" : its value is calculated depending on current operation mode. It is the channel to be used to change the setpoint, whatever the current mode is.
| homekitCurrentHeatingCoolingMode | String | R | This channel is a "virtual channel" to be used with the HomeKit add-on to implement Thermostat thing. Values supported are the HomeKit addon ones: Off, CoolOn, HeatOn, Auto.
| homekitTargetHeatingCoolingMode | String | R/W | This channel is a "virtual channel" to be used with the HomeKit add-on to implement Thermostat thing. Values supported are the HomeKit addon ones: Off, CoolOn, HeatOn, Auto.
| homebridgeMode | String | R/W | This channel is a "virtual channel" to be used with external HomeBridge. Values are: Off, Heating, Cooling, Auto.
| eyeBrightness | Dimmer | R/W | This channel allows to manipulate the Blue "Eye" indicator Brightness. Values are between 0 and 100.
| indoorPowerHours | Number:Time | R | This channel indicates the number of hours the indoor unit has been powered (operating or not).
| indoorOperationHours | Number:Time | R | This channel indicates the number of hours the indoor unit has been operating.
| indoorFanHours | Number:Time | R | This channel indicates the number of hours the fan has been blowing.
| cleanFilterIndicator | Switch | R/W | This channel indicates if the filter needs cleaning. The indicator can be reset by writing "OFF" to the channel.
A successful pairing ends with `pairing successful`.
For more information on pairing a device in command line on Linux, refer to [official documentation](https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/bluetooth/bluez/docs/reference/pairing/outbound).