Binding general configuration options. If you do not see all options, ensure `Show Advanced` is selected.
### Host
Set `Host` to the address of the Pi that pigpiod is running on. Default is (IPV4).
Note: If you are running pigpiod on same host as openHAB, set the host to (IPV4) or ::1 (IPV6).
### Port
Set `Port` to the network port that pigpiod is listening on. Default is 8888.
### Heart Beat Interval
The binding will poll pigpiod running on the Pi to determine if a network disconnect has occurred.
This is the interval in milliseconds that the heart beat poll occurs. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
## Input Channel Connect Action
Input Channel Connect Action determines what happens when the binding initially connects to pigpiod.
This action only occurs once after binding startup.
- **Do Nothing:** The default, do nothing. Input channels will retain their default value (UNDEF).
- **Refresh Channel:** Issues a refresh command on the input channels. This will refresh the channels from pigpiod causing the gpio pin state to reflect on the channel state.
Input Channel Disconnect Connect Action:
### Input Channel Disconnect Connect Action
Input Channel Disconnect Connect Action determines what happens when the binding disconnects from pigpiod.
- **Do Nothing:** The default, do nothing. Input channels will retain their current value.
- **Set Undef:** Sets the input channel states to UNDEF to indicate that pigpiod has disconnected.
### Input Channel Reconnect Connect Action
Input Channel Reconnect Action determines what happens when the binding reconnects to pigpiod
after a disconnect. This action does not occur on the initial binding connect to pigpiod.
- **Do Nothing:** The default, do nothing. Input channels will retain their current value.
- **Refresh Channel:** Issues a refresh command on the input channels. This will refresh the channels from
pigpiod causing the gpio pin state to reflect on the channel state.
### Output Channel Connect Action
Output Channel Connect Action determines what happens when the binding initially connects to pigpiod.
This action only occurs once after binding startup.
- **Do Nothing:** The default, do nothing. Output channels will retain their default value (UNDEF).
- **All On:** Issues a ON command to all configured output channels.
- **All Off:** Issues a OFF command to all configured output channels.
- **Refresh Channel:** Issues a refresh command on the output channels. This will refresh the channels from
pigpiod causing the gpio pin state to reflect on the channel state. NOTE: This does
not update the gpio pin state on the Pi itself. It only updates the channel state
within openHAB.
### Output Channel Disconnect Connect Action
Output Channel Disconnect Connect Action determines what happens when the binding disconnects from pigpiod.
- **Do Nothing:** he default, do nothing. Input channels will retain their current value.
- **Set Undef:** Sets the output channel states to UNDEF to indicate that pigpiod has disconnected.
### Output Channel Reconnect Connect Action
Output Channel Reconnect Action determines what happens when the binding reconnects to pigpiod
after a disconnect. This action does not occur on the initial binding connect to pigpiod.
- **Do Nothing:** The default, do nothing. Output channels will retain their current value.
- **Refresh Channel:** Issues a refresh command on the output channels. This will refresh the channels from
pigpiod causing the gpio pin state to reflect on the channel state. NOTE: This does
not update the gpio pin state on the Pi itself. It only updates the channel state