The Mary Text-to-Speech (TTS) service is a pure Java implementation of a TTS service, which uses the [MaryTTS]( project of DFKI.
While it provides good quality results, it must be noted that it is too heavy-weight for most embedded hardware like a Raspberry Pi. When using this service, you should be running openHAB on some real server instead.
## Configuration
There is no need to configure anything for this service.
## Voices
MaryTTS comes with three packages voices, one for American English, two for German:
### Default Text-to-Speech and Voice Configuration
You can setup your preferred default Text-to-Speech and default voice in the UI:
* Go to **Settings**.
* Edit **System Services - Voice**.
* Set **MaryTTS** as **Default Text-to-Speech**.
* Choose your preferred **Default Voice** for your setup.
In case you would like to setup these settings via a text file, you can edit the file `runtime.cfg` in `$OPENHAB_ROOT/conf/services` and set the following entries:
The MaryTTS service produces audio streams using WAV containers and PCM (signed) codec with 16bit depth.
The sample frequency depends on the chosen voice and ranges from 16kHz to 48kHz.
## Log files
The log messages of Mary TTS are not bundled with the openHAB log messages in the `openhab.log` file of your log directory but are stored in their own log file at `server.log` of your log directory.