| charger-power | Number:Power | Charger Power | Power actually delivered by the charger |
| charger-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Charger Voltage | Voltage (V) actually presented by the charger |
| driver-front-door | Contact | Driver Front Door | Indicates if the front door at the driver's side is open |
| driver-rear-door | Contact | Driver Rear Door | Indicates if the rear door at the driver's side is open |
| driver-temp | Number:Temperature | Driver Temperature | Indicates the auto conditioning temperature set at the driver's side |
| estimated-battery-range | Number:Length | Estimated Battery Range | Estimated battery range |
| fan | Number | Fan | Indicates the speed (0-7) of the fan |
| flash-lights | Switch | Flash Lights | Flash the lights of the car (when ON is received) |
| front-defroster | Switch | Front Defroster | Indicates if the front defroster is enabled |
| front-trunk | Switch | Front Trunk | Indicates if the front trunk is opened, or open the front trunk when ON is received |
| heading | Number:Angle | Heading | Indicates the (compass) heading of the car, in 0-360 degrees |
| honk-horn | Switch | Honk the Horn | Honk the horn of the vehicle, when ON is received |
| homelink | Switch | Homelink Nearby | Indicates if the Home Link is nearby |
| left-temp-direction | Number | Left Temperature Direction | Not documented / To be defined |
| location | Location | Location | The actual position of the vehicle |
| left-seat-heater | Switch | Left Seat Heater | Indicates if the left seat heater is switched on |
| left-rear-seat-heater | Switch | Left Rear Seat Heater | Indicates if the left rear seat heater is switched on |
| left-rear-back-seat-heater | Number | Left Rear Backseat Heater | Indicates the level (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the left rear backseat heater |
| min-available-temp | Number:Temperature | Minimum Temperature | Indicates the minimal inside temperature of the vehicle |
| max-available-temp | Number:Temperature | Maximum Temperature | Indicates the maximum inside temperature of the vehicle |
| outside-temp | Number:Temperature | Outside Temperature | Indicates the outside temperature of the vehicle |
| passenger-temp | Number | Passenger Temperature | Indicates the auto conditioning temperature set at the passenger's side |
| passenger-front-door | Contact | Passenger Front Door | Indicates if the front door at the passenger's side is opened |
| passenger-rear-door | Contact | Passenger Rear Door | Indicates if the rear door at the passenger's side is opened |
| power | Number:Power | Power | Net kW flowing in (+) or out (-) of the battery |
| preconditioning | Switch | Preconditioning | Indicates if preconditioning is activated |
| rear-defroster | Switch | Rear Defroster | Indicates if the rear defroster is enabled |
| rear-trunk | Switch | Rear Trunk | Indicates if the rear trunk is opened, or open/close the rear trunk when ON/OFF is received |
| right-seat-heater | Switch | Right Seat Heater | Indicates if the right seat heater is switched on |
| right-rear-seat-heater | Switch | Right Rear Seat Heater | Indicates if the right rear seat heater is switched on |
| right-rear-back-seat-heater | Number | Right Rear Backseat Heater | Indicates the level (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the right rear backseat heater |
| right-temp-direction | Number | Right Temperature Direction | Not documented / To be defined |
| scheduled-charging-pending | Switch | Scheduled Charging Pending | Indicates if a scheduled charging session is still pending |
| scheduled-charging-start | DateTime | Scheduled Charging Start | Indicates when the scheduled charging session will start, in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format |
| shift-state | String | Shift State | Indicates the state of the transmission, “P”, “D”, “R”, or “N” |
| side-mirror-heaters | Switch | Side Mirror Heaters | Indicates if the side mirror heaters are switched on |
| smart-preconditioning | Switch | Smart Preconditioning | Indicates if smart preconditioning is switched on |
| software-update-available | Switch | Update Available | Car software or map update available, automatically generated on non-empty "update status" |
| software-update-status | String | Update Status | Car software or map update status, e.g. "downloading_wifi_wait", "installing" |
| software-update-version | String | Update Version | Car software or map version to update to, e.g. "2023.32.9", "EU-2023.32-14783" for map updates, or empty |