| led | Specifies the led on which infrared commands will be emitted | Required | - |
| remote | The remote or manufacturer name which's commands will be allowed, as defined in the IRtrans server database that is flashed into the transceiver (can be ' \*' for 'any' remote) | Required | - |
| command | The name of the command will be allowed, as defined in the IRtrans server database that is flashed into the transceiver (can be '*' for 'any' command) | Required | - |
| led | Specifies the led on which infrared commands will be emitted | Required | - |
| remote | The remote or manufacturer name which's commands will be allowed, as defined in the IRtrans server database that is flashed into the transceiver (can be ' \*' for 'any' remote) | Required | - |
| command | The name of the command will be allowed, as defined in the IRtrans server database that is flashed into the transceiver (can be '*' for 'any' command) | Required | - |
| remote | The remote or manufacturer name which's commands will be allowed, as defined in the IRtrans server database that is flashed into the transceiver (can be ' \*' for 'any' remote) | Required | - |
| command | The name of the command will be allowed, as defined in the IRtrans server database that is flashed into the transceiver (can be '*' for 'any' command) | Required | - |
| io | String | Allows to read infrared commands received by the blaster, as well as to write infrared commands to be sent by the blaster | [Channel configuration](#io-channel) |
The IRtrans transceivers store infrared commands in a "remote,command" table, e.g. "telenet,power". Sending the literal text string "telenet,power" to the transceiver will make the transceiver "translate" that into the actual infrared command that will be emitted by the transceiver. A "remote,command" string sent to a Channel that does not match the defined filter will be ignored.
Type receiver : telenet_power [remote="telenet", command="power"]
Type blaster : samsung [led="E", remote="samsung", command="*"]
In the above example, the first channel will be updated when any IR command from any type of device is received. The second channel will only be updated if a "power" infrared command from the remote/device type "telenet" is received. The third channel can be used to feed any type of infrared command to a Samsung television by means of the "E" emitter of the IRtrans device.
The led can be "E"-External, "I"-Internal, "B"-Both, and a numeric for a selected led.
Depending on the number of remotes, the bufferSize must be adjusted. E.g. for 7 remotes and 47 commands a bufferSize of 2048 is needed.