openHAB ABB/Busch-free@home binding based on the offical free@home local API.
# Description
This binding allows you to connect your free@home Smart Home system from ABB / Busch-Jaeger to openHAB and to control and observe most of the components.
It requires a System Access Point with version 2.6.1 or higher.
# Supported Devices
**Network Gateway / System Access Point**
- ABB / Busch-Jaeger System Access Point 2.0
**Sensors and Actuators**
- Switch Actuator Sensor with single and multiple channels (wired and wireless)
- Dimming Actuator Sensor with single and multiple channels (wired, wireless and flex)
- Motion detection with and without actuator (wired, wireless and flex)
- Switch Actuator 4-channel
- Dimming Actuator 4- and 6-channel
- Door opener actuator
- Door ring sensor
- Hue devices (untested)
**Blinds and Windows**
- Shutter Actuator with single and multiple channels (wired and wireless)
- Blind Actuator with single and multiple channels (wired and wireless)
- Attic window actuator
- Awning actuator
**Room Temperature Control**
- Room temperature controller master without fan
- Room temperature controller master with fan
- Room temperature controller slave
**Other devices** (e.g. movement detector, ring sensor and door opener)
- IP-touch panel (function: door opener, door ring sensor)
- Virtual devices (e.g. virtual switch, RTC and detectors)
**Information about virtual devices**
Virtual device in the free@home smart-home system needs continuous keep-alive signal otherwise the free@home device is marked as unresponsive.
This keep-alive signal must be provided by a user script or set the TTL value of the virtual device to "-1" during the creation of the virtual device.
# Tested SysAP Versions
| Version | Supported |
| 2.6.1 | yes |
| 2.6.3 | yes |
| 3.1.1 | yes |
# Setup / Installation
## Prerequisites
To make use of this Binding first the local free@home API has to be activated.
The API is disabled by default.
1. Open the free@home next app
1. Browse to "Settings ⇨ free@home settings ⇨ local API and activate the checkbox
## Setup and Discovery
The free@home bridge shall be added manually.
Once it is added as a Thing with correct credentials, the scan of free@home devices will be possible.
## free@home components as openHAB Things
The ABB/Busch free@home system is calling its smart home components as free@home devices.
The free@home system devices can have one or multiple channels depending the device's features.
During the scanning process the openHAB binding will detect only the devices IDs.
The device features will be detected at the point in time, when a openHAB Thing is created.
At the of the creation the free@home binding will automatically create the relevant channels without any further configuration.
If a free@home system device has multiple smart-home channels (e.g. 4x DIN/rail Actuator), the newly created Thing will get all relevant channels to operate all actuators existing inside the free@home device.
## Sensors and Actuators of free@home Devices as Things in openHAB
The free@home system supports sensors and actuators.
The connection of sensors and actuators are done on the free@home system dashboard.
If a Thing channel is a free@home device sensor channel, this channel is read only.