1. Open this [page](https://data.rte-france.com/catalog/-/api/consumption/Ecowatt/v5.0), find the "Ecowatt" tile and click on the "Abonnez-vous à l'API" button.
1. Create an account by following the instructions (you will receive an email to validate your new account).
1. Once logged in, create an application by entering a name (for example "openHAB Integration"), choosing "Web Server" as type, entering any description of your choice and finally clicking on the "Valider" button.
1. You will then see your application details, in particular the "ID client" and "ID Secret" information which you will need later to set up your binding thing.
| todaySignal | Number | The signal relating to the forecast consumption level for today. Values are 1 for normal consumption (green), 2 for strained electrical system (orange) and 3 for very strained electrical system (red). |
| tomorrowSignal | Number | The signal relating to the forecast consumption level for tomorrow. Values are 1 for normal consumption (green), 2 for strained electrical system (orange) and 3 for very strained electrical system (red). |
| currentHourSignal | Number | The signal relating to the forecast consumption level for the current hour. Values are 0 for normal consumption (green) and carbon-free production, 1 for normal consumption (green), 2 for strained electrical system (orange) and 3 for very strained electrical system (red). |