At this point almost all available **GE**, **SW**, **GR** and **BL** digitalSTROM-Devices with a set output-mode, unequal _disabled_, are supported by this binding.
The other types add their channels dynamically affected by the set color-group and output-mode.
They also automatically change or add the channels, if the color-group or output-mode has changed through the dSS-web-configuration or the configured sensor priorities of the thing has changed.
- The following table shows all tested digitalSTROM-Devices with their output-modes.
Last but not least, the digitalSTROM-Zone-Temperature-Control is also supported, if a zone-temerature-control is configured, as thing-type **zone_temperature_control**.
The difference between the digitalSTROM-heating-control-app is, that there are no operation-modes, like _comfort_ or _eco_.
You can directly set the target temperature, in case _pid-control_ is configured, otherwise you can set the value in percent of heating valves at the zone.
The needed channels will be added automatically, as it is also the case for the devices.
If the binding is authorized, it automatically reads all supported devices, the dS-Meters and temperature controlled configured zones, that are set up on the digitalSTROM-System, and puts them into the _inbox_.
The digitalSTROM-Server thing has the following configuration parameter groups: _Connection configuration_, _Server information_ and _General configurations_.
If the digitalSTROM-Server isn’t found automatically, e.g. because the server isn’t placed at the local network or the mDNS-service is deactivated, you have to insert the network address or URL and the authentication data manually through the graphical user interface or type it into the \*.thing with textual configuration.
If you use your user name and password for authentication and there is already a token for this application, it will be automatically retrieved from the digitalSTROM-Server, otherwise a new application-token will be generated.
| Network address | dSSAddress | Network address of the digitalSTROM-Server. | true | false |
| User name | userName | Name of a registered user to authenticate to the digitalSTROM-Server. | user name and password or Application-Token | false |
| Password | password | Password of a registered user to authenticate to the digitalSTROM-Server. | user name and password or Application-Token | false |
| Application-Token | applicationToken | The Application-Token to authenticate to the digitalSTROM-Server. | user name and password or Application-Token | false |
| Sensor update interval | sensorDataUpdateInterval | Sets the seconds after the digitalSTROM-Device sensor data will be updated. If the priority is higher than 'never'. | false | false | 60 |
| Total power update interval | totalPowerUpdateInterval | Sets the interval in seconds, after the digitalSTROM total power consumption and total electric meter sensor data will be updated. | false | false | 30 |
| Days to be slaked trash bin devices | defaultTrashBinDeleateTime | Sets the days after the temporary saved digitalSTROM-Device configuration from not reachable digitalSTROM-Devices get permanently deleted. | false | false | 7 |
| Wait time sensor reading | sensorWaitTime | Waiting time between the evaluation of the sensor values and the reading of the scenes in seconds. **ATTENTION:** digitalSTROM rule 8 and 9 require a waiting period of 1 minute. Values less than 60 seconds could affect the digitalSTROM system. | false | true | 60 |
| Active power refresh priority | activePowerRefreshPriority | Sets the refresh priority for the active power sensor value. Can be never, low priority, medium priority or high priority. | false | false | never |
| Electric meter refresh priority | electricMeterRefreshPriority | Sets the refresh priority for the electric meter sensor value. Can be never, low priority, medium priority or high priority. | false | false | never |
| Output current refresh priority | outputCurrentRefreshPriority | Sets the refresh priority for the output current sensor value. Can be never, low priority, medium priority or high priority. | false | false | never |
A digitalSTROM-Meter needs, like the digitalSTROM-Devices, only the unique digitalSTROM device ID named dSID as configuration parameter, which has the same parameters, so please have a look at the point _Device information_.
| light_dimmer | Dimmer | The _light_dimm_ channel allows to dimm a light device. | GE, SW |
| light_switch | Switch | The _light_switch_ channel allows to turn a light device on or off. | GE, SW |
| light_2_stage | String | The _light_2_stage_ channel allows to turn both light devices on or off or switch only 1 of the both light device on or off. | SW-UMR200 |
| light_3_stage | String | The _light_3_stage_ channel allows to turn both light devices on or off or switch both light devices separated from each other on or off. | SW-UMR200 |
| shade | Rollershutter | The _shade_ channel allows to control shade device e.g. a roller shutter or awnings. | GR |
| shade_angle | Dimmer | The _shade_angle_ channel allows to control the relative slat position in percent of blinds. | GR |
| general_dimmer | Dimmer | The _general_dimmer_ channel allows to control the power of a device e.g. a ceiling fan. | SW |
| general_switch | Switch | The _general_switch_ channel allows to turn a device on or off e.g. a HIFI-System. | SW |
| general_2_stage | String | The _general_2_stage_ channel allows to turn both relais of the device on or off or switch only 1 of the both relais on or off. | SW-UMR200 |
| general_3_stage | String | The _general_3_stage_ channel allows to turn both relais of the device on or off or switch both relais of the device separated from each other on or off. | SW-UMR200 |
| heating_switch | Switch | The _heating_switch_ channel allows to turn a heating device on or off. | BL |
| heating_dimmer | Dimmer | The _heating_switch_ channel allows to control the value in percent of heating valve. | BL |
| active_power | Number | This channel indicates the current active power in watt (W) of the device." | GE, SW, BL |
| output_current | Number | This channel indicates the current output current in milliamper (mA) of the device." | GE, SW, BL |
| electric_meter | Number | This channel indicates the current electric meter value in killowatts hours (kWh) of the device. | GE, SW, BL |
| temperature_indoors | Number | This channel indicates the current temperature indoors in Celsius (°C) of the device. | dS-iSens200 |
| temperature_outdoors | Number | This channel indicates the current temperature outdoors in Celsius (°C) of the device. | --- |
| brightness_indoors | Number | This channel indicates the current brightness indoors in Lux (Lx) of the device. | --- |
| brightness_outdoors | Number | This channel indicates the current brightness outdoors in Lux (Lx) of the device. | --- |
| relative_humidity_indoors | Number | This channel indicates the current relative humidity indoors in percent of the device. | dS-iSens200 |
| relative_humidity_outdoors | Number | This channel indicates the current relative humidity outdoors in percent of the device. | --- |
| air_pressure | Number | This channel indicates the current relative humidity outdoors in hectopscal (hPa bzw. mbar) of the device. | --- |
| wind_speed | Number | This channel indicates the current wind speed in m/s of the device. | --- |
| wind_direction | Number | This channel indicates the current wind direction in degree of the device. | --- |
| precipitation | Number | This channel indicates the current precipitation in milliliter per square meter of the device. | --- |
| carbon_dioxide | Number | This channel indicates the current carbon dioxide in parts per million of the device. | --- |
| sound_pressure_level | Number | This channel indicates the current carbon dioxide in Dezibel (dB) of the device. | --- |
| room_temperation_set_point | Number | This channel indicates the current room temperation set point in Celsius (°C) of the device. | --- |
| room_temperation_control_variable | Number | This channel indicates the current room temperation control variable in Celsius (°C) of the device. | --- |
| total_consumption_Wh | Number | The _total_consumption_Wh_ channel indicates the current consumption power in watt (W) of all connected circuits to the digitalSTROM-System. | dssBridge |
| total_energy_Wh | Number | The _total_energy_Wh_ channel indicates the current electric meter value in killowatt hours of all connected circuits to the digitalSTROM-System. | dssBridge |
- The digitalSTROM-Server only informs the binding about scene-commands. So if you set the output value of devices e.g. through the dSS-App, the binding will not be informed about the changes and you have to send a "refresh-command" to update the channel.
- If you press a physical switch at your digitalSTROM-installation and the called scene-value is not red out yet, it can take a bit time to read it out and change the state of the channel.
- Increase, decrease and up, down commands of the shade channel changes the angle in digitalSTROM, too. If you want to set only the position, you have to set the value directly.
- To protect the slats digitalSTROM changes the position by setting the angle, too, if the position is very high or low. So if you want to see the correct position, you have to send a refresh or stop command, if the blind is ready.
The device scene configuration will be saved persistently to the thing properties, if the thing is not textual configured (because textual configured things will not be persisted), to update the device state faster.
For that each scene configuration of each device has to be read out first, because of the digitalSTROM-rule 9 that requires a waiting period of one minute, that take some time so that at the first start a scene call can be take some time to read it out and update the device state.
To read it out faster only the discovered or called scenes will be read out.
Because the digitalSTROM-Server can't inform the binding about save scene events at this time, the persistently saved scene configurations can't be updated.
The current troubleshooting to read out the new scene configuration after a save scene action at the digitalSTROM-Server is the following:
1. delete the thing to delete the persistently saved scene configuration
- The feature of the persisting of scene-configurations, to get the scene-configurations after a restart faster (see _digitalSTROM-Scenes_ above), will not support textural configured things, because the properties cannot be persist in this case.
If you want to create a rule, which uses things of the digitalSTROM-Binding, there are also two things you have to consider.
1. If the rule contains several digitalSTROM-Devices, which can be summarized in a digitalSTROM-Scene, e.g. some lights in a zone, please use an equivalent supported scene. That will significantly reduce the communication to the digitalSTROM-Server, increases performance and does not bypass the digitalSTROM state-machine.
1. If you implement your own temperature control algorithm for a zone/room, e.g. because you want to use other temperature sensors, and call more than one digitalSTROM-BL-KM200, please use the _zone_temperature_control_ for valve value control. The _zone_temperature_control_ for valve value control will call all digitalSTROM-BL-KM200 with one command and increases the performance. To get the needed channel at the _zone_temperature_control_ you have to choose a control mode unequal to _pid-controlled_ for the affected zone at the digitalSTROM-heating-control-app.