Unlike LIP, which was designed to use a simple serial or telnet connection and authenticates using a username/password, LEAP uses a SSL connection and authenticates using certificates.
This necessarily makes configuration more complicated.
There are several open source utilities available for generating the certificate files necessary to access your Caseta or RA2 Select hub.
One good choice is the get_lutron_cert.py script included with the popular pylutron library which is available on Github at https://github.com/gurumitts/pylutron-caseta .
On a unix-like system, you can easily retrieve it using curl with a command like:
Remember that the get_lutron_cert.py script must be run using python3, not 2!
Also, the script will prompt you to press the button on your smart hub to authorize key generation, so you should be somewhere near the hub when you run it.
Running it will not affect your existing hub configuration or Lutron app installations.
When it has completed, it will have generated three files: caseta.crt, caseta.key, and caseta-bridge.crt.
Once the key and certificate files have been generated, you will need to load them into a java keystore.
You can load a keystore from the key and certificate files on a linux system with the following commands.
You’ll need access to both the java keytool and openssl.
Respond to the password prompt(s) with a password, and then use that password in the -srcstorepass parameter of the keytool command and in the keystorePassword parameter for leapbridge.