Gadgetbridge Gadgetbridge Settings Debug Quit Synchronize Sleep Monitor (ALPHA) Find lost Device… Take Screenshot Disconnect Delete Device Delete %1$s This will delete the device and all associated data! Debug App Manager Apps in cache Installed apps Installed watchfaces Delete Delete and remove from cache Reinstall Search in Pebble Appstore Activate Deactivate Activate HRM Deactivate HRM Activate system weather app Deactivate system weather app Install the weather notification app Configure Move to top Notification Blacklist FW/App installer You are about to install firmware %s instead of the one currently on your Mi Band. You are about to install firmwares %1$s and %2$s instead of the ones currently on your Mi Band. This firmware has been tested and is known to be compatible with Gadgetbridge. "This firmware is untested and may not be compatible with Gadgetbridge.\n\nYou are NOT encouraged to flash it to your Mi Band!" If you still want to proceed and things continue to work properly afterwards, please tell the Gadgetbridge developers to whitelist firmware version: %s Settings General Settings Connect to device when Bluetooth turned on Reconnect automatically Preferred Audioplayer Default Date and Time Sync time Sync time to device when connecting and when time or timezone changes on Android Theme Light Dark Language Hide the Gadgetbridge notification The icon in the status bar and the notification in the lockscreen are shown The icon in the status bar and the notification in the lockscreen are hidden Notifications Repetitions Phone Calls SMS K9-Mail Pebble Messages Support for applications which send Notifications to the Pebble via PebbleKit. Generic notification support … also when screen is on Do Not Disturb Stop unwanted Notifications from being sent based on the Do Not Disturb mode. Transliteration Enable this if your device has no support for your language\'s font (Currently Cyrillic only) always when screen is off never Privacy Call Privacy Mode Display name and number Hide name but display number Hide name and number Blacklist Apps Canned Messages Replies Common suffix Call Dismissal Update on Pebble Developer Options Mi Band address Pebble Settings Activity Trackers Preferred Activitytracker Sync Pebble Health Sync Misfit Sync Morpheuz Support outgoing calls Disabling this will also stop the Pebble 2/LE to vibrate on outgoing calls Allow 3rd Party Android App Access Enable experimental support for Android Apps using PebbleKit Sunrise and Sunset Send sunrise and sunset times based on the location to the pebble timeline Autoremove dismissed Notifications Notifications are automatically removed from the Pebble when dismissed from the Android device Privacy mode Normal notifications Shift the notification text off-screen Show only the notification icon Location Acquire Location Latitude Longitude Keep location updated Try to get the current location at runtime, use the stored location as fallback Please enable network location location acquired Force Notification Protocol This option forces using the latest notification protocol depending on the firmware version. ENABLE ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Enable untested features Enable features that are untested. ENABLE ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Always prefer BLE Use experimental Pebble LE support for all Pebbles instead of BT classic, requires paring a "Pebble LE" after non LE had been connected once Pebble 2/LE GATT MTU limit If your Pebble 2/Pebble LE does not work as expected, try this setting to limit the MTU (valid range 20–512) Enable Watch App Logging Will cause logs from watch apps to be logged by Gadgetbridge (requires reconnect) Reconnection Attempts //HPlus Preferences Units Time format Screen on duration All day heart rate measurement HPlus/Makibes Settings not connected connecting connected unknown state HW: %1$s FW: %2$s FW: %1$s (unknown) Test Test Notification This is a Test Notification from Gadgetbridge Bluetooth is not supported. Bluetooth is disabled. Tap connected device for App Manager Tap connected device for Activity Tap connected device for Vibration Tap a device to connect Cannot connect. BT address invalid? Gadgetbridge running installing binary %1$d/%2$d installation failed! installation successful YOU ARE TRYING TO INSTALL A FIRMWARE, PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.\n\n\n This firmware is for HW Revision: %s You are about to install the following app:\n\n\n%1$s Version %2$s by %3$s\n N/A initialized %1$s by %2$s Device Discovery Stop Scanning Start Discovery Connect new Device %1$s (%2$s) Pair Device Use the Android Bluetooth Pairing dialog to pair the device. Pair your Mi Band Pairing with %s… "Creating bond with %1$s (%2$s)" "Unable to pair with %1$s (%2$s)" Bonding in progress: %1$s (%2$s) "Already bonded with %1$s (%2$s), connecting…" No mac address passed, cannot pair. Device Specific Settings Mi Band Settings male female other left right No valid user data given, using dummy user data for now. When your Mi Band vibrates and blinks, tap it a few times in a row. Install Make your device discoverable. Currently connected devices will likely not be discovered. On Android 6 or later, you need to activate location (e.g. GPS). If your device does not show up after two minutes, try again after rebooting your mobile device. Note: Device Image Name/Alias Vibration Count Sleep Monitor Write Log Files initializing Fetching Activity Data From %1$s to %2$s Wearing left or right? Vibration Profile Staccato Short Medium Long Waterdrop Ring Alarm Clock Vibration Try SMS Notification Vibration Settings Generic Notification Email Notification Incoming Call Notification Chat Navigation Social Network Find lost Device Cancel to stop vibration. Your Activity Configure Alarms Configure alarms Alarm Details Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat smart wakeup There was an error setting the alarms, please try again! Alarms sent to device! No data. Synchronize device? About to transfer %1$s of data starting from %2$s Target steps for each day Error executing \'%1$s\' Your Activity (ALPHA) Cannot connect: %1$s Unable to find a handler to install this file. Unable to install the given file: %1$s Unable to install the given firmware: it doesn\'t match your Pebble\'s hardware revision. Please wait while determining the installation status… Gadget battery Low! %1$s battery left: %2$s%% Last charge: %s \n Number of charges: %s Your Sleep Steps a week Your Activity and Sleep Updating Firmware… File cannot be installed, device not ready. Mi Band Firmware %1$s Compatible version Untested version! Connection to device: %1$s Pebble Firmware %1$s Correct hardware revision Hardware revision mismatch! %1$s (%2$s) Problem with the firmware transfer. DO NOT REBOOT your Mi Band! Problem with the firmware metadata transfer Firmware installation complete Firmware installation complete, rebooting device… Firmware write failed Steps Live Activity Steps today, target: %1$s Do not ack activity data transfer If the activity data are not acked to the band, they will not be cleared. Useful if GB is used together with other apps. Will keep activity data on the Mi Band even after synchronization. Useful if GB is used together with other apps. Use low-latency mode for FW updates This might help on devices where firmware updates fail Steps History Current steps/min Total Steps Steps per minute history Start your activity Activity Light Sleep Deep Sleep Not Worn Not connected. All alarms disabled Keep activity data on device Incompatible firmware This firmware is not compatible with the device Alarms to reserve for upcoming events Use Heartrate Sensor to improve sleep detection Device time offset in hours (for detecting sleep of shift workers) Mi2: Date Format Time Activate display upon lift About to transfer data since %1$s waiting for reconnect About You Year of Birth Gender Height in cm Weight in kg authenticating authentication required Zzz Add widget Preferred sleep duration in hours An alarm was set for %1$02d:%2$02d HW: %1$s FW: %1$s Error creating directory for log files: %1$s "HR: " Firmware update in progress Firmware not sent Heart Rate Heart Rate Database Import Import old activity data Since Gadgetbridge 0.12.0 we use a new database format. You are able to import old activity data and associate it with the device you are connecting to (%1$s).\n \n If you do not import old activity data now, you can still do it later by tapping the "MERGE OLD ACTIVITY DATA" button in the Database Management Activity"\n \n Please note that you can import data from Mi Band, Pebble Health and Morpheuz but NOT from Pebble Misfit. Store raw record in the database If checked the data is stored \"as is\" and is available for later interpretation. NB: the database will be bigger in this case! Database Management Database Management The database operations use the following path on your device. \nThis path is accessible to other Android applications and your computer. \nExpect to find your exported database (or place the database you want to import) there: The activity data recorded with Gadgetbridge versions prior to 0.12 must be converted to a new format. \nYou can do this using the button below. Be aware that you must be connected to the device you want to associate the old activity data with! \nIf you already imported your data and are happy with the result, you may delete the old database. Legacy Database Import / Delete Cannot access export path. Please contact the developers. Exported to: %1$s "Error exporting DB: %1$s" Import Data? Really overwrite the current database? All your current activity data (if any) will be lost. Import successful. "Error importing DB: %1$s" No old activity database found, nothing to import. No connected device to associate old activity data with. Merging Activity Data Please wait while merging your activity data… Error importing old activity data into new database. Associate old Data with Device Delete Activity Data? Really delete the entire database? All your activity data and information about your devices will be lost. Data successfully deleted. Database deletion failed. Delete old Activity Database? Really delete the old activity database? Activity data that was not imported will be lost. Old activity data successfully deleted. Old Activity database deletion failed. Overwrite Cancel Delete Vibration Pebble Pairing A pairing dialog is expected to pop up on your Android device. If that does not happen, look in the notification drawer and accept the pairing request. After that accept the pairing request on your Pebble Make sure that this skin is enabled in the Weather Notification app to get weather information on your Pebble.\n\nNo configuration is needed here.\n\nYou can enable the system weather app of your Pebble from the app management.\n\nSupported watchfaces will show the weather automatically. Enable Bluetooth pairing Deactivate this if you have trouble connecting Metric Imperial 24H AM/PM