package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.GBApplication; class RtlUtils { /** * Checks the status of right-to-left option * @return true if right-to-left option is On, and false, if Off or not exist */ public static boolean contextualSupport() { return GBApplication.getPrefs().getBoolean("contextualArabic", false); } //map with brackets chars to change there direction private static Map directionSignsMap = new HashMap(){ { put('(', ')'); put(')', '('); put('[', ']'); put(']', '['); put('{','}'); put('}','{'); } }; //list of unicode ranges of rtl chars private static ArrayList> hebrewRange = new ArrayList>() { { add(new Pair('\u0590', '\u05F4')); add(new Pair('\uFB1D', '\uFB4F')); } }; //list of unicode ranges of rtl chars private static ArrayList> arabicRange = new ArrayList>() { { add(new Pair('\u0600', '\u06FF')); add(new Pair('\u0750', '\u077F')); add(new Pair('\u08A0', '\u08FF')); add(new Pair('\uFB50', '\uFDFF')); add(new Pair('\uFE70', '\uFEFF')); } }; //list of unicode ranges of rtl chars private static ArrayList> rtlRange = new ArrayList>() { { addAll(hebrewRange); addAll(arabicRange); } }; /** * @return true if the char is in the rtl range, otherwise false */ static Boolean isHebrew(char c){ for (Pair rang: hebrewRange) { if (rang.first <= c && c <= rang.second) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return true if the char is in the rtl range, otherwise false */ static Boolean isArabic(char c){ for (Pair rang: arabicRange) { if (rang.first <= c && c <= rang.second) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return true if the char is in the rtl range, otherwise false */ static Boolean isRtl(char c){ for (Pair rang: rtlRange) { if (rang.first <= c && c <= rang.second) { return true; } } return false; } //list of unicode ranges of punctuations chars private static ArrayList > punctuationsRange = new ArrayList>() { { add(new Pair('\u0021', '\u002F')); add(new Pair('\u003A', '\u0040')); add(new Pair('\u005B', '\u0060')); add(new Pair('\u007B', '\u007E')); } }; /** * @return true if the char is in the punctuations range, otherwise false */ static Boolean isPunctuations(char c){ for (Pair rang: punctuationsRange) { if (rang.first <= c && c <= rang.second) { return true; } } return false; } //list of sign that ends a word private static ArrayList wordEndSigns = new ArrayList() { { add('\0'); add('\n'); add(' '); } }; /** * @return true if the char is in the end of word list, otherwise false */ static Boolean isWordEndSign(char c){ for (char sign: wordEndSigns){ if (c == sign){ return true; } } return false; } //list of sign that ends a word private static ArrayList endLineSigns = new ArrayList() { { add('\0'); add('\n'); } }; /** * @return true if the char is in the end of word list, otherwise false */ static Boolean isEndLineSign(char c){ for (char sign: endLineSigns){ if (c == sign){ return true; } } return false; } //map from Arabian characters to their contextual form in the beginning of the word private static Map contextualArabicIsolated = new HashMap(){ { put('ا', '\uFE8D'); put('ب', '\uFE8F'); put('ت', '\uFE95'); put('ث', '\uFE99'); put('ج', '\uFE9D'); put('ح', '\uFEA1'); put('خ', '\uFEA5'); put('د', '\uFEA9'); put('ذ', '\uFEAB'); put('ر', '\uFEAD'); put('ز', '\uFEAF'); put('س', '\uFEB1'); put('ش', '\uFEB5'); put('ص', '\uFEB9'); put('ض', '\uFEBD'); put('ط', '\uFEC1'); put('ظ', '\uFEC5'); put('ع', '\uFEC9'); put('غ', '\uFECD'); put('ف', '\uFED1'); put('ق', '\uFED5'); put('ك', '\uFED9'); put('ل', '\uFEDD'); put('م', '\uFEE1'); put('ن', '\uFEE5'); put('ه', '\uFEE9'); put('و', '\uFEED'); put('ي', '\uFEF1'); put('آ', '\uFE81'); put('ة', '\uFE93'); put('ى', '\uFEEF'); put('ئ', '\uFE89'); put('إ', '\uFE87'); put('أ', '\uFE83'); put('ء', '\uFE80'); put('ؤ', '\uFE85'); put((char)('ل' + 'آ'), '\uFEF5'); put((char)('ل' + 'أ'), '\uFEF7'); put((char)('ل' + 'إ'), '\uFEF9'); put((char)('ل' + 'ا'), '\uFEFB'); } }; //map from Arabian characters to their contextual form in the beginning of the word private static Map contextualArabicBeginning = new HashMap(){ { put('ب', '\uFE91'); put('ت', '\uFE97'); put('ث', '\uFE9B'); put('ج', '\uFE9F'); put('ح', '\uFEA3'); put('خ', '\uFEA7'); put('س', '\uFEB3'); put('ش', '\uFEB7'); put('ص', '\uFEBB'); put('ض', '\uFEBF'); put('ط', '\uFEC3'); put('ظ', '\uFEC7'); put('ع', '\uFECB'); put('غ', '\uFECF'); put('ف', '\uFED3'); put('ق', '\uFED7'); put('ك', '\uFEDB'); put('ل', '\uFEDF'); put('م', '\uFEE3'); put('ن', '\uFEE7'); put('ه', '\uFEEB'); put('ي', '\uFEF3'); put('ئ', '\uFE8B'); } }; //map from Arabian characters to their contextual form in the middle of the word private static Map contextualArabicMiddle = new HashMap(){ { put('ب', '\uFE92'); put('ت', '\uFE98'); put('ث', '\uFE9C'); put('ج', '\uFEA0'); put('ح', '\uFEA4'); put('خ', '\uFEA8'); put('س', '\uFEB4'); put('ش', '\uFEB8'); put('ص', '\uFEBC'); put('ض', '\uFEC0'); put('ط', '\uFEC4'); put('ظ', '\uFEC8'); put('ع', '\uFECC'); put('غ', '\uFED0'); put('ف', '\uFED4'); put('ق', '\uFED8'); put('ك', '\uFEDC'); put('ل', '\uFEE0'); put('م', '\uFEE4'); put('ن', '\uFEE8'); put('ه', '\uFEEC'); put('ي', '\uFEF4'); put('ئ', '\uFE8C'); } }; //map from Arabian characters to their contextual form in the end of the word private static Map contextualArabicEnd = new HashMap(){ { put('ا', '\uFE8E'); put('ب', '\uFE90'); put('ت', '\uFE96'); put('ث', '\uFE9A'); put('ج', '\uFE9E'); put('ح', '\uFEA2'); put('خ', '\uFEA6'); put('د', '\uFEAA'); put('ذ', '\uFEAC'); put('ر', '\uFEAE'); put('ز', '\uFEB0'); put('س', '\uFEB2'); put('ش', '\uFEB6'); put('ص', '\uFEBA'); put('ض', '\uFEBE'); put('ط', '\uFEC2'); put('ظ', '\uFEC6'); put('ع', '\uFECA'); put('غ', '\uFECE'); put('ف', '\uFED2'); put('ق', '\uFED6'); put('ك', '\uFEDA'); put('ل', '\uFEDE'); put('م', '\uFEE2'); put('ن', '\uFEE6'); put('ه', '\uFEEA'); put('و', '\uFEEE'); put('ي', '\uFEF2'); put('آ', '\uFE82'); put('ة', '\uFE94'); put('ى', '\uFEF0'); put('ئ', '\uFE8A'); put('إ', '\uFE88'); put('أ', '\uFE84'); put('ؤ', '\uFE86'); put((char)('ل' + 'آ'), '\uFEF6'); put((char)('ل' + 'أ'), '\uFEF8'); put((char)('ل' + 'إ'), '\uFEFA'); put((char)('ل' + 'ا'), '\uFEFC'); } }; enum contextualState{ isolate, begin, middle, end } private static boolean exceptionAfterLam(char c){ switch (c){ case '\u0622': case '\u0623': case '\u0625': case '\u0627': return true; default: return false; } } private static char getContextualSymbol(Character c, contextualState state) { Character newChar; switch (state){ case begin: newChar = contextualArabicBeginning.get(c); break; case middle: newChar = contextualArabicMiddle.get(c); break; case end: newChar = contextualArabicEnd.get(c); break; case isolate: default: newChar = contextualArabicIsolated.get(c);; } if (newChar != null){ return newChar; } else{ return c; } } static String converToContextual(String s){ if (s == null || s.isEmpty() || s.length() == 1){ return s; } int length = s.length(); StringBuilder newWord = new StringBuilder(length); Character curChar, nextChar = s.charAt(0); contextualState prevState = contextualState.isolate; contextualState curState = contextualState.isolate; for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++){ curChar = nextChar; nextChar = s.charAt(i + 1); if (curChar == 'ل' && exceptionAfterLam(nextChar)){ i++; curChar = (char)(nextChar + curChar); if (i < length - 1) { nextChar = s.charAt(i + 1); }else{ nextChar = curChar; prevState = curState; break; } } curState = getCharContextualState(prevState, curChar, nextChar); newWord.append(getContextualSymbol(curChar, curState)); prevState = curState; } curState = getCharContextualState(prevState, nextChar, null); newWord.append(getContextualSymbol(nextChar, curState)); return newWord.toString(); } private static contextualState getCharContextualState(contextualState prevState, Character curChar, Character nextChar) { contextualState curState; if ((prevState == contextualState.isolate || prevState == contextualState.end) && contextualArabicBeginning.containsKey(curChar) && contextualArabicEnd.containsKey(nextChar)){ curState = contextualState.begin; } else if ((prevState == contextualState.begin || prevState == contextualState.middle) && contextualArabicEnd.containsKey(curChar)){ if (contextualArabicMiddle.containsKey(curChar) && contextualArabicEnd.containsKey(nextChar)){ curState = contextualState.middle; }else{ curState = contextualState.end; } }else{ curState = contextualState.isolate; } return curState; } /** * The function get a string and reverse it. * in case of end-of-word sign, it will leave it at the end. * in case of sign with direction like brackets, it will change the direction. * @param s - the string to reverse * @return reversed string */ static String reverse(String s) { int j = s.length(); int isEndLine = 0; char[] newWord = new char[j]; if (j == 0) { return s; } // remain end-of-word sign at the end if (isEndLineSign(s.charAt(s.length() - 1))){ isEndLine = 1; newWord[--j] = s.charAt(s.length() - 1); } for (int i = 0; i < s.length() - isEndLine; i++) { if (directionSignsMap.containsKey(s.charAt(i))) { newWord[--j] = directionSignsMap.get(s.charAt(i)); } else { newWord[--j] = s.charAt(i); } } return new String(newWord); } }