if (window.Storage){ var prefix = GBjs.getAppUUID(); GBjs.gbLog("redefining local storage with prefix: " + prefix); Storage.prototype.setItem = (function(key, value) { this.call(localStorage,prefix + key, value); }).bind(Storage.prototype.setItem); Storage.prototype.getItem = (function(key) { // console.log("I am about to return " + prefix + key); var def = null; if(key == 'clay-settings') { def = '{}'; } return this.call(localStorage,prefix + key) || def; }).bind(Storage.prototype.getItem); } function loadScript(url, callback) { // Adding the script tag to the head as suggested before var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = url; // Then bind the event to the callback function. // There are several events for cross browser compatibility. script.onreadystatechange = callback; script.onload = callback; // Fire the loading head.appendChild(script); } function getURLVariable(variable, defaultValue) { // Find all URL parameters var query = location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { var pair = vars[i].split('='); // If the query variable parameter is found, decode it to use and return it for use if (pair[0] === variable) { return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); } } return defaultValue || false; } function showStep(desiredStep) { var steps = document.getElementsByClassName("step"); var testStep = null; for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i ++) { if (steps[i].id == desiredStep) testStep = steps[i].id; } if (testStep !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i ++) { steps[i].style.display = 'none'; } document.getElementById(desiredStep).style.display="block"; } } function gbPebble() { this.configurationURL = null; this.configurationValues = null; var self = this; this.addEventListener = function(e, f) { if(e == 'ready') { self.ready = f; } if(e == 'showConfiguration') { self.showConfiguration = f; } if(e == 'webviewclosed') { self.parseconfig = f; } if(e == 'appmessage') { self.appmessage = f; } } this.removeEventListener = function(e, f) { if(e == 'ready') { self.ready = null; } if(e == 'showConfiguration') { self.showConfiguration = null; } if(e == 'webviewclosed') { self.parseconfig = null; } if(e == 'appmessage') { self.appmessage = null; } } this.actuallyOpenURL = function() { showStep("step1compat"); window.open(self.configurationURL.toString(), "config"); } this.actuallySendData = function() { GBjs.sendAppMessage(self.configurationValues); GBjs.closeActivity(); } this.savePreset = function() { GBjs.saveAppStoredPreset(self.configurationValues); } this.loadPreset = function() { showStep("step2"); var presetElements = document.getElementsByClassName("store_presets"); for (var i = 0; i < presetElements.length; i ++) { presetElements[i].style.display = 'none'; } self.configurationValues = GBjs.getAppStoredPreset(); document.getElementById("jsondata").innerHTML=self.configurationValues; } //needs to be called like this because of original Pebble function name this.openURL = function(url) { if (url.lastIndexOf("http", 0) === 0) { document.getElementById("config_url").innerHTML=url; var UUID = GBjs.getAppUUID(); self.configurationURL = new Uri(url).addQueryParam("return_to", "gadgetbridge://"+UUID+"?config=true&json="); } else { //TODO: add custom return_to location.href = url; } } this.getActiveWatchInfo = function() { return JSON.parse(GBjs.getActiveWatchInfo()); } this.sendAppMessage = function (dict, callbackAck, callbackNack){ try { self.configurationValues = JSON.stringify(dict); document.getElementById("jsondata").innerHTML=self.configurationValues; return callbackAck; } catch (e) { GBjs.gbLog("sendAppMessage failed"); return callbackNack; } } this.getAccountToken = function() { return ''; } this.getWatchToken = function() { return GBjs.getWatchToken(); } this.getTimelineToken = function() { return ''; } this.showSimpleNotificationOnPebble = function(title, body) { GBjs.gbLog("app wanted to show: " + title + " body: "+ body); } this.ready = function() { } this.showConfiguration = function() { console.error("This watchapp doesn't support configuration"); GBjs.closeActivity(); } this.parseReturnedPebbleJS = function() { var str = document.getElementById('pastereturn').value; var needle = "pebblejs://close#"; if (str.split(needle)[1] !== undefined) { var t = new Object(); t.response = unescape(str.split(needle)[1]); self.parseconfig(t); showStep("step2"); } else { console.error("No valid configuration found in the entered string."); } } } var Pebble = new gbPebble(); var jsConfigFile = GBjs.getAppConfigurationFile(); var storedPreset = GBjs.getAppStoredPreset(); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ if (jsConfigFile != null) { loadScript(jsConfigFile, function() { if (getURLVariable('config') == 'true') { showStep("step2"); var json_string = unescape(getURLVariable('json')); var t = new Object(); t.response = json_string; if (json_string != '') Pebble.parseconfig(t); } else { if (storedPreset === undefined) { var presetElements = document.getElementsByClassName("load_presets"); for (var i = 0; i < presetElements.length; i ++) { presetElements[i].style.display = 'none'; } } Pebble.ready(); Pebble.showConfiguration(); } }); } }, false);