###Changelog ####Version 0.1.4 * New AppManager shows installed Apps/Watchfaces (removal possible via context menu) * Allow back navigation in ActionBar (Debug and AppMananger Activities) * Make sure Intent broadcasts do not leave Gadgetbridge * Show hint in the Main Activiy (tap to connect etc) ####Version 0.1.3 * Remove the connect button, list all suported devices and connect on tap instead * Display connection status and firmware of connected devices in the device list * Remove quit button from the service notification, put a quit item in the context menu instead ####Version 0.1.2 * Added option to start Gadgetbridge and connect automatically when bluetooth is turned on * stop service if bluetooth is turned off * try to reconnect if connection was lost ####Version 0.1.1 * Fixed various bugs regarding K-9 Mail notifications. * "Generic notification support" in Setting now opens Androids "Notifcaion access" dialog. ####Version 0.1.0 * Initial release